I never lose, either I win or I learn | or | STEEM after Haejin would the bid-bots win?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

This is a reply to Asher on this well though post: The haejin effect which you should read!

And if you want to upset him send a bidbot to it, it is content that actually deserves it, but your organic vote is also welcome

I strongly recommend to enjoy Metallica's Nothing else matters while reading it.

He encouraged me to post it as a post so he could resteem it, and to be honest I feel it deserves it.

Man you brought a tear to my eye and if I could resteem this comment it would have happened already! Please just throw this out as a post and let me know.

I feel your pain, i'm not quite out the other side yet, but it sounds like you hold no baggage, and have some good memories to keep. Peace!

Thanks @abh12345, i will do it! I actually wanted to... (I'm doing it if you are reading this)

I still spend most of my days and nights building the Atreides dream...

We might end up bringing water to Arrakis... Who knows.

The real problem is to contain the water and not lose it to the desert

But enough of introductions, here is the actual reply:

When i first joined I didn't understood much, but definitively the rules where different, selling a vote was a mortal sin, there where higher standards and a zealous community about quality content and post frequency and the such.

I loved the place as it promised meritocracy and excellency.

Soon i discovered that all that didn't really matter, what mattered was the kind of network you had.

I used to explain that Steem was a technological tool to build human networks.

I believed strongly in the economics of generosity, in that in here; giving was what made you received.

Hell I even met a bunch of people i now dare to call friends that shared these views, and we used to dream together of how this was a game changer, and that we were part of the shaping of a new financial and economical paradigm based on principles (You know that stuff that makes you unable to make real money in the real world).

I refused to use bid-bots for a really long while, I kept building my small projects based on dreams.

Slowly the poles shifted, I was stuck on 48 REP while people with just one or two months was hitting the 60's already.

The organic votes stopped coming, I never made much before but i would hit the odd 30$'s once in a while and I found that normal, but then that also stopped.

One day I realized in our language there was a flood of spam... Being a witness I saw the chain double its size in a matter of weeks...

I lifted my head from the project i was working in and realized Memes had arrived, apps to bring instagram into steemit, I learnt about comment miners doing forensics for Patrice, I saw meme miners... Then the serious break of the peg... All this while there was this Haejin chatter around.

I think we have been manipulated with it as a smoke screen to hide the real problem this blockchain has.

Poor management and poor decisions made by the big stake holders who support blindly anyone able to make a webpage, without any consideration of its potential implications or with out proper follow up or guidance on the responsible use of the block-chain as a ressource and keep forgetting the MySpace effect: where Poor social management of a social network leads to its doom.

  • What are we doing to improve user retention?
  • What are we doing as a collective to remove the burden and responsability from steemit inc to maintain and provide an interface, a better UX/UI and proper API nodes that warranty the scalability of the chain.
  • What capital is supporting efforts for user education and guidance?
  • Who can really say they care and support?

    Today I have lost most of the high hopes I had when I found this place, what i can say...

But what I'll never loose is the great experience I had finding people that thinks like me...

My post rewards are rarely huge!

But my personal rewards are priceless...

As i have had proof I am not a misfit, that there are others that share my views and we get to have rich discussions...

That in the end ...Is what really matters!


Dune and Metallica, we could have been school buddies :)

Yeah I love this comment turned post.

Today I have lost most of the high hopes I had when I found this place, what i can say...

But my personal rewards are priceless...

As i have had proof I am not a misfit, that there are others that share my views and we get to have rich discussions...

Stick around man, you never know!

We are STEEM buddies, the next best thing.

You both ARE steem to me guys. I ain't seen no Dan and no Ned around anymore, those are to far up their asses. And give or take whatever this platforms brings next, I'm really happy to be able to learn through your experiences and actual thoughts on everything. You are indomitable beasts, make sure you don't forget your followers, we're right here!

Hope you're having a great week. We're always conquering our current battles, at least tring to not get caught unprepared for the next one. But there's no way in hell or financial struggle that will keep me off reading you guys. Sick moves you two have lol. Peace out!

Thanks man !

You both ARE steem to me guys

I don't know about that, but i think we try to remind everyone of the original spirit of this block-chain.

It is an honor to hear that, honestly i felt hope upon reading it.

Regarding Ned and Dan, they are both still building and working on their own levels, I don't know much about the details, but we got to keep one of them and i am sure he has done all he can do.

One choose to stay and board this one, while the other one decided to leave and build what he sees as an improved one.

Each of them have their fan boys, I am a strong believer that when one is not in agreement with the rule set it is one's duty to work towards driving change.

I still have hope because I chose to work in my language, in the Spanish side, where it is easier for me to educate and share my views and my stake has a much more important impact than in the English side.

make sure you don't forget your followers
We're always conquering our current battles

I think that is what we both try to do, to share our views and thoughts on how things can improve, and how we all can help make this place better.

Yo seguiré apostando a la cordura, al sentido común, y con el deseo de que el bien se imponga sobre el mal. Los planteamientos que entendí cuando recién llegué son los mismos con los cuales me manejo, tratar de crear contenido de calidad que pueda interesar a quienes como yo ven a Steemit como una forma de ganarse la vida.
Es impresionante todo lo que ha cambiado mi vida y la de mi familia desde que estamos aquí, siempre nos gustó leer y escribir y llegamos a nuestro lugar ideal y el ejercicio diario de producir textos ha sido muy agradable.
Nos despertamos y lo primero que hacemos es revisar cómo nos va, la preguntas obligadas cuando nos vemos son ¿escribiste?, ¿me leíste?, después viene el buenos días y lo demás. Los temas de conversación diarios giran en torno a esta plataforma y los tantos proyectos que se pueden realizar en la misma. Ojalá no caigamos como incautos y perdamos la posibilidad de seguir interactuando, para seguir conociendo personas valiosas, volar a otras partes del mundo y evadirnos de la realidad circundante. Es una necesidad. Saludos.

El juego esta en disfrutar jugarlo y jugarlo responsablemente.
Hay una parte de nosotros que cree firmemente en que que aqui se recibe mas mientras mas se da.

Y dar no es solo votos y dinero, es amor esfuerzo y dedicacion!

Y eso lo tienes!

Igualmente en la vida, dijimos que vinimos fue a jugar, hagámoslo. Gracias, ese es mi hacer y el norte que trato de transmitir: estudiar, aprender y hacer lo que haya que hacer, pero hacerlo bien. Saludos.

I wish I would have found this place much sooner so I could have been a bigger contributor, but the imbalance here makes it hard to catch up. I think that there is an underlying meritocracy that exists because so many people want it to, and in a decentralized system it's the will of the people that keeps something going, but it requires ignoring the much more visible popularity contest and the people who are really gaming the system because they feel entitled to do it since they got here first and took the chance to invest their time and money into the platform. I wrote a comment on Asher's post earlier about how I think that the imbalance is hard to break down because the big stakeholders would be working against their own interests to do what's right for the longevity of the platform. Or maybe they're deluded enough to believe that what they're doing is sustainable because wishful thinking is one hell of a drug. It's funny how quickly people adopt beliefs in "survival of the fittest" as soon as they find themselves at the top of the pack, though they'd complain about unfairness in the system before they found themselves there. Sometimes I think that Steemit is an interesting experiment in what happens when communities build themselves. It's actually turned out WAY better than I would have thought, because there are people like you and Asher who maintain and act on your idealism--in a good way.

You know, sometimes I like to imagine Ned and Dan in their dorm in college in front of their laptops, having fun and betting on what would prevail when they release the code...

A Ying and Yang battle... Would the too-big-too-fail will invade this brave new world and reproduce what its wrong outside the matrix, or would the dreamers manage to unite and build at least a stronghold from where they can resist and prevail?

If you look at what is around as projects, there are some outside world institutions being reproduced, on other levels sometimes it reminds me of the film: Gangs of New York.

This block-chain is addictive because it is a huge social experiment, it is the most advanced MOMRPG and can be played at so many different levels...

When you understand the game, and the different ways to play the game it is sometimes fun to play.

What is important is to never forget that there are people out there for whom this is not a game but a way to make their living. (nothing stops us from playing, but we all gotta be responsible and sometimes careful)

Can't say I wouldn't do this as my only source of income if I had the opportunity! A girl can dream.

Not in europe or the states... That's for sure. (Unless having a brilliant project idea that attracts a development delegation)

But it is so much fun... Hehehe

Let's keep working in to making the dream come true.

Both the original post as well as this reply to post are very good!

Again I wonder if it won't be possible to solve these issues? For example by starting all over again.

Although there are quite some things that need to be solved. There are also quite some things that are really lovely about Steemit. So I guess I hang around and make the best of it.

We dont need to start over away, we just need more commitment and to have an opportunity to try at least a little Our way to show some results and get the ball rolling... We have the user base, the token has value and we already have the people and the ideas...

Some support, a chance to pilot test is all it takes...

But if you don't start all over again, there is no possibility to get the financial wealth divided over more users. Right now basically less than 1% of the users has close to 99% of the financial value. That doesn't seem healthy. Or do you think it is?

It is not about redistribution of stake, it is about fair use of the rewards pool for what is was meant to.

Remember STEEM is market driven and the market forces will always govern the platform.

I don't understand your last sentence? What does it mean?

That this is not a social handout block-chain, stake will be always controlled by those able to buy it.

What we need as a solution is that those holding the stake, support those working to make the social network part of the block-chain into a sustainable great user experience and encourage growth and user education, reinvestment and quality.

Investing in STEEM is part of a business, as an investor i need the token to hold and store value.

As an user I need to be rewarded proportionally to my effort towards creating content that brings value (proof of brain)

As a witness shitposting and comment farming and general spam increase the operational costs of providing infrastructure.

The problems are different from where one stands... I happen to stand in those three points of view, so i can appreciate the difficulties of matching them into a common goal/way.

Yo sigo estando muy confundido, en esa pelea interna entre mi Yo Soñador y mi Otro Yo Pragmático; y al final, no termino de definir ¿Qué es lo que realmente importa?

Al parecer no puedo lograr controlarme a mi mismo, entonces: ¿Tengo Moral, Ética y RECURSOS para luchar y enseñar con la finalidad de provocar un cambio positivo? Que sea lo que Dios Quiera... EQUIDAD...

I enjoy #nobidbot tag every time I stumble upon it.

hehehe its an old post from when i still slightly beleived in the future of steem, but i was already shutting down shop, i got bored of the populist lies and stopped wasting money and time providing servers communities and shit.

now with #newsteem i see how whales are just reverting back to initial tactics and only the new comers who dont know we have already been there in HF16 or so beleive the manual curation bullshit.

oh, in this terms I am noob... I jumped in at the time of HF21, so... i added your post to memories to enquire it closely, later. I cant do what I want instead of my job in the office ! (well, I can, just in small quantaties, hehe).
and I kinda believe in manual quration... no, the faith/believe is not the appropriate word: I believe it is better then other features. and ofc I'm having a lot of whales BS labelled 'manual curation'.. and ofc it is not what it is labelled. maybe I'll come back to discuss it later :P

hola soy fanatico de tu trabajo desde aqui de charallave venezuela te apoyo

Beep!Beep! @shadow3scalpel & listkeeper @chairborne have your six new veterans, retirees and military members on STEEM. We’ll be patrolling by to upvote your posts (because you are on the list) and we'll answer any questions you leave us. Comment by @shadowspub. This is a opt-in bot.

Thanks @nnnarvaez

I've only been here since late December 2017 and it's easy to grow disillusioned with the state of affairs.

Like you, I've met some really wonderful people here and for that I'm grateful. I've also met quite a few tossers who are gaming the system, exploiting people and the rewards pool.

Like most here, I came to gain an audience for my writing and arty-farty stuff. At first, it seemed as though people were genuinely interested. I was young and foolish.

Now, 5 months later, I see that we're mostly content creators (rather than passive consumers with a tasty upvote) and circle-jerkers, paying for popularity with our time, our dignity or bidbots.

It's an interesting play to watch, but probably safer from the sidelines.

Best wishes


That's quite the journey you've had here on Steemit. In having the society and community before and feeling like you've lost it, my experience is similar, only in reverse. Didn't much have the society or community to start with, but have since found it.

I've noticed though that several people I associated with to start are no longer here, and others who popped away for several weeks then came back. It can be fluid, I suppose.

Those of us who find our why, the why we stay, tend to keep going. Those who can't, tend not to stick around. In some ways it's a shame, in other ways, inevitable, I suppose. Not everyone is going to find what they want or need, even in more ideal situations.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't create them, though. I think that is, as you say, more or less our station here. While we're toiling away on our own projects, reach over to help someone along the way. I know there are all kinds of initiatives around, particularly for the newer people, but how fast they're finding these folks and how well they're being informed and retained, I don't know. I just know that there are people putting in effort to do it. Given the numbers they must integrate, it might not be enough.

I guess we keep plugging away. If Steemit improves and becomes more than it is now, we will see the better days. If it doesn't, then I guess we'll look elsewhere, just as we did to get here. :)

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