My earnings and expenses on Steem Monsters / Steem Monsters での収支steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemmonsters5 years ago


I started playing Steem Monsters intensively around three weeks ago. Initially I didn't know how to sell a card, misunderstood positioning of monsters, what does their ability icons mean ... I lost a lot of battles and now get used to it finally.

Sometimes I buy or sell cards. I didn't feel I'm using money as I use STEEM/SBD I got by writing on Steemit but I manage my expense (and income!) on a small Excel sheet. According to the sheet, my expense of the last weeks was $20 and my income was $0.2 ;) I bought seven booster packs and 18 cards. I sold four cards. I don't know what to sell ... I just keep most of the cards in case I need them.

So when I consider the amount of time I spend on Steem Monsters, it's not profitable at all. Not yet? But I enjoy playing it with my Steemit friends and consider it as a kind of daily exercise for my brain.

Somehow I'm happy with the result that I managed to get in Gold III with low budget ... not sure it's low budget though. I'm curious how much others spend on cards and earn by selling cards.

Current season ends the day after tomorrow. I look forward to see the reward cards :)

1月の後半からSteem Monstersをもりもりプレーし始めてはや3週間が過ぎました。カードの売り方はわからないわ、モンスターのポジションや能力もきちんと把握していないままプレーして負けるわでしたが、だいぶん慣れてきました。


使った額はドル換算にして$20ほど。ブースターパックを7つと単体のカードを18枚買いました。カードを売って得たのは$0.2ほど。何を売っていいのかわからず4枚しか売らなかったのもあるかもしれません。いいカードほとんどないですけど w 費やした時間を考えると恐ろしい赤字ですが、楽しいのと頭の体操になるのとでよしとしましょう。

こんなですがGold IIIまで来れたので上々かな。Gold IIまで行けないかな、無理かな。みなさんがどれだけカードを売り買いしているかも気になります。Gold IIIではみなさん強くて、どうやってこんなにカード集めるんだーーー と思うことがあり。


写真: 仕事もあるのにGold IIに上がれないか気になって、今日は無駄にプレーしまくってしまい、お昼は手抜き、バゲットブートキャンプの成果物に冷蔵庫にあったものをはさんでホットサンドにしました。母一人怠け飯です。


Nice to hear I still do not play steem monster :) Maybe I will try

I was saying that it's not my thing but now I'm quite into it after I tried it for three times. See you on Steem Monsters :D

It sounds fun and, as you say, it is exercising your brain! Enjoy!

Do you like to play games?
There is a new game called drugwars which is build on steemit. The game let's you earn rewards in steem.
You can check it out here:!/ref/@niel96

Congratulations @akipponn! Your post received a small up-vote from @wod-game as little gift.
We are a small group of people who want to create the next big Video game for Steem.
Want to know more about us?
Steem: @wod-game
Discord: Click here!

Have a nice Day!



今の自分の状況を楽しんでゲームするのがいちばんかもしれません。またシーズンが終わったら、akipponn さんにカードをギフトで送りますよ~ (^^)v

サリーさんのゴールドカードコレクションにはびっくりでしたよ www そういう流れだったんですね。うちもお父ちゃんプレーし始めないかな。あまり向いていなさそうですが・・・。あと、トップレベルのプレーヤーたちはやっぱり買うんですね。でも投下した以上に売れていたりもするのかなとも。おもしろいお話ありがとうございます :)

I don't have such bookkeepin but since I mostly buy + sell via Peakmonsters I can see my purchases there. The last 90 days I spent 23 $, I bought my first card there Sep 29th and in October + November spent most of my STEEM/SBD there instead of powering up. Right now I buy a booster pack each Friday - that's how I start my weekend ;) But buying booster packs is gambling - if you want to build your deck buy on the market.

I set myself a limit: I won't level my summoners beyond 4, perhaps 5. That lets me play well in Gold without having to spend enormous sums.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.29
TRX 0.12
JST 0.034
BTC 63658.84
ETH 3310.62
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.92