Tribe Vibes Community Challenge// Community Contributions By, Eagle Spirit

in #tribevibes6 years ago (edited)

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ~Anne Frank

Ice Cream Party.png

Maybe you have seen me around groups chatting away, or my high engagement by comments in the Steemit community. One of the aspects of engagement is getting to know others with sincere interest, respect, and positivity. Having all of these three are not easy, we see a lot of group members sticking to only each other, and while that can be advantageous the best part of being on Steemit is looking at it in it's entirety.

After 10 months of being on Steemit, I'd love to share with you some of my core values, community contributions, and how I have managed to get as far as I have -- the simple answer is diving head first into the community. The not so simple answer is that I was ready for Steemit and willing to grow with a blossoming platform. The reason for this post is in response to a community challenge posted by @elamental, you can find that post right here with the following guideline:

Write a comprehensive, professional article explaining your contributions to your Steemit communities, and how that relates to bettering the platform as a whole, and forms a better world/Earth in general. You can also include things you do outside the platform that help your communities as well, be as expansive and descriptive as possible, and set no limits on the amount of points you want to cover.


Eagle Spirit's Thoughts on Community

My childhood was framed on helping others from a young age, I frequently volunteered for the March of Dimes, soup kitchen's during holidays, blanket and coat drives throughout the year,San Francisco in general was a very giving city to grow up in and at our local neighborhood houses we made arts and crafts for people who didn't have families during the holidays, brought food to the elderly, and taught younger children how to read. This was just how I was raised and second nature to what I would eventually bring to the Steemit platform.

Eventually, after I became a teen I started to teach the Bible and did a bit of missionary work, which was done with a vow of poverty and selfless in many ways. More importantly, I learned that a successful community takes one individual at a time, much like the quote I started this blog with. Anne Frank was one of my childhood heroine's and I think of her often. As a member of society it is up to each and every one of us to make Earth a better place, and I've lived my life this way since before I can remember.

My past experience brought me to where I am today and a few of the current community projects that I'm involved in are:

As a member of LifeSpark I give three months of complimentary Reiki session for those adjusting to a Cancer diagnosis and those in remission. In order to be accepted into this program the desired qualifications are to be a Reiki Master, and since I am a Reiki Master-Teacher this has helped me to give energy work in a way that most people may not have ever experienced . Assisting humans and helping those on earth in this capacity is very rewarding, if only to ease some anxiety and bring soul-peace.


While working with my local hospital as a Reiki Master-Teacher, I also joined in a program for those who have no one there during their last soul transition here on earth. Since I'm also a medicine woman in-training I figured this would be a good way to not only help those diagnosed with Cancer, but anyone who may be transitioning without a hand to hold or just having someone there for them during their last hours of life breath. While these types of assignments are not easy, for me it is of utmost importance just being there.


After quite some time helping those with Cancer and soul transitioning from death I decided to help with newborn life. Fortunately, at the same educational hospital I was able to join a great group of ladies to deliver babies to mothers who have low income, are incarcerated, or critical care. This has been an entirely new experience since assisting with birth is on a different light spectrum. Assisting those on earth has not always been easy, but certainly the joy that has come from what I've learned thus far has outweighed some of the saddness I've experienced. Especially when it comes to sharing the Light, each assignment has its’ own learning curve. Having the gift to share this with earth and community is a true blessing.


Steemit Roles & Eagle Spirit

The first thing I would love to point out for any Steemit user is engagement, and this does not mean one or two word comments, or upvote for upvote, comment for comment engagement. This means sincerity, respect, and true interest. There are many leaving the platform for many reasons but when it comes to finding your tribe, that means it will take work. Hard work. Period. Not all of us have the luxury of being picked up by a whale or getting a curie. I'm a testimony to that theory, although I've had my mentors who upvoted my posts, all of what I have came from posting a lot, and engaging the community.

Proof in the form of numbers is joining one of these fantastic groups led by @paulag or @abh12345, you can check out one of their newest initiatives by visiting @steemitcommunity here. With HF20 my score went down to second place in my category but as you can see, numbers never lie.

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Being a high engager helps Steemit, because if you follow me for instance then you know that I will always respond and drop some pennies on your comments, or encourage you in some way, shape, or form. I do not always stick to who I know, it's actually what I want to read or what topics interest me. While I love my people and my tribe, I try very hard to reach out to new people on the platform, or help those who need assistance with their account. This not only helps the Steemit community, but me too. I'm very often encouraged by real people sharing their story and that my friend is what community is all about.

Some of the roles I play include the following:

This server has now been turned over to me, but initially I was the General to @underground who became one of my mentors. He is now a Steemit witness so has taken some time off to build his following. The mentorship he has provided me with is unsurmountable, there are no words to describe his kindness and patience towards me. As a new person we all need someone like him to take us under their wing and that is in the form of @minnowbootcamp. I'm still figuring out how I'd like to shape this group with new enhancements, but it will always remain a group that planktons and new minnows can come to learn the ropes and obtain guidance on how to make it through the first few months on the Steemit community. Come learn under the wing of Eagle Spirit, not a bad idea methinks.


As a helpienaut as we call ourselves my roles is to help seek out new talent as a Helpie Scout. This is a person that assists with finding good people to join the group. Every week we "shill" others posts to not only think of self but to promote others. An engagement component was recently added to the group so the importance of community engagement is emphasized. We have a great lead with @meno and his lovely better half @ankapolo. With @helpie just becoming a Steemit witness this too speaks volumes about the fantastic job this group is doing. Helpie really helps so many in the community, many that include those from the music community, and my small part of encouraging members has been an honor.


As an Alliance member my role is an Officer in The Frat House, and this is where people come to learn how to write a post properly; proper sourcing, imaging, formatting, phrasing, etc. This can be subjective for some, but The Alliance has a criteria so this helps everyone involved. I've been a member for little bit now and even though I was hesitant to join, many of the people I came into Steemit with were in this group. My decision to join was a wise one and many projects have come out of this group including my new radio show with co-host Steemit witness @Enginewitty, also the creator of The Alliance.


If you know me, then you know I love real people and the Steam Speak group takes the cake. It gets pretty brutal and not many can take the honesty, but my role in this group is a Show Producer, and at some point I will be discussing my success and failures on Steemit. This will in turn help those new to the platform grow their account and get the real dealio on building an account from scratch. My mentors have been @fyrstikken and @whatsup and I could never thank them enough for their support.


Projects de Eagle Spirit

Honestly, I have quite a bit going on and I stay busy on Steemit. Some projects fade and I lose interest fast, but others are just meant to be as they say. After braving it up with small comments I made on radio shows such as Talk Of The Line, Pimp Your Post Thursdays, and Creative Corner a few radio show opportunities came my way.

This was something I had never done before either, just like blogging but it found me and it's totally groovy. Yes, I said the word.

Since a few of the pilot shows @Enginewitty and I had were a success we were encouraged to continue, so I opened up a server called

RED. RED stands for RAW Entertainment Dammit (maybe Decentralized) and two shows are currently being offered. One show features LIVE entertainment that includes fresh forms of music, comedy, poetry, poetry slams that will all showcase gritty talent. Additionally, we are featuring a Steemit Witness interview every week called The Informal Witness, wherein questions are asked in a chill environment with hosts and the audience. Everyone is welcome, and this encourages those on the Steemit platform to use our witness votes wisely as well as personally get to know who we are voting for. (Showtimes: Wed. 11 UTC, Fri. 9 UTC).


Another initiative I've created is #MedicineCardMonday, my positive intention to pull a card of healing or medicine for the community. This is different than tarot in that the cards I use are on the medicinal aspect of humanity other than the most common cards found in a tarot deck. The cards will assist in helping those interested, find comfort in things going on in our community and the world we are now dealing with. Namely, issues around the world, astronomical, or overcoming health issues of all sorts, etc., maybe just something out of balance that we are feeling on any particular day that needs guidance. By pulling a card for Steemit this will in turn assist with my Medicine training, give back to the community, and help those seeking answers. I will take some of the reading from guidebooks provided with the cards, but primarily give intuitive and medicinal words to help our community. We all have days when we need encouragement, inspiration, and comfort. A Reiki Master-Teacher or Native American blessing is sent out to all those that read the #MedicineCardMonday blog.


The last in my lineup is one of the projects closest to my heart, and that is #FreedomFriday. This all began when I saw another young innocent life taken from our world for standing up for her truth and was wiped out by the Chinese government. The success of this initiative has blown me away, with the help of @freedomtribe and its' leaders @RichardCrill and @LindseyLambz. Their group has stood by me and each post is a small miracle. The writing depth and creativity is astounding, I find myself wanting to read more. Each week the Steemit community is given a Freedom topic and a blog is created, not easy topics either. The newest topic due this week is "Freedom of Personal Power" so if you'd like to try your writing skills on a deep subject then take a look at different ways all of us can express pur freedom. If you are interested the please join in and earn a chance to win @SteemBasicIncome, check it out


In closing, as @elamental eloquently worded his call to action in this challenge:

In a professional format, to shine some serious light on the good all of us are doing on Steemit, for this wonderful world we call Mother Earth, and for the freedom, peace, and wellness of humanity. It is our responsibility to inspire others in this way, and this contest will make us all muses ...

With a hope that I inspire and encourage all the new Steemians, including my tribes this post is dedicated to you.

Much love,


Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a Certified Indian Blood member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Reiki Master-Teacher, Medicine woman in-training, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, and energy work. Additionally, I'm the creator of #MedicineCardMonday and #FreedomFriday, so if you are interested in receiving Native American Medicine stop by my blog every Monday to say hello!

A'OO, Eagle Spirit


A special thanks to @flauwy for the introduction of the #tribevibes monster created by @kayrex! I had to show this badass artwork because this is off the hook creative. I'm blessed to be a part of an amazing tribe and thankful for the day all three tribes came into my life. Love to you all!


Congratulations! Your post was selected by the @dropahead Curation Team (dCT)
Wow! You do engage a lot. It is the first time I read about many communities you are already deeply interacting with. I will go and get in touch with some of them. Which you recommend me to go first? (I'm already part of the alliance, so that doesn't count.

@dropahead - Supporting your STEEM adventure

Quality review by the dropahead Curation Team

According to our quality standards(1), your publication has reached an score of 89%.

Well said Gabriel García Marquez: "One learns to write by writing" Keep trying, you will soon achieve excellence!

(1) @dropahead's quality standards:

- Graphic relation to the text (Choice of images according to the text)
- Order and coherence
- Style and uniqueness (Personal touch, logic, complexity, what makes it interesting and easy to understand for the reader)
- Images source and their usage license

Yay thank you so much! This is awesome :)
ahahah "alliance doesn't count" that is too funny.
well to each his own i kind of say. it depends what you like. i didn't list all of the groups i help support or help. just some. hehe

FOR TSE: Just reading this wore me out. I couldn't have kept up this pace even when I was younger. I'm coming back as you in my next life.

You are so cute and funny! im wondering if you really did feel wore out? LOL
dont come back here ... meet me in the universal realm ... on your “planet” 😬 as long as you arent a fish there 😂

You are so busy doing all of these wonderful things, where do you find the time?

you are my sweetheart and so kind, thank you so much my TBN ... hoping you are healthy, wealthy and keep on with the wisdom. much love, eagle spirit

This is so impressive - I don't know how you find the time, but maybe it's just good organisation and time management, and lots of enthusiasm! Like @bigtom13, I'm also incredibly impressed by the "no one dies alone" involvement. I think that must be so difficult, yet so important.
Funnily enough, I was planning to do a Freedom Friday post, and the idea I had in my head fits perfectly with the @freedomtribe challenge, so I'll need to try and get that organised in time for Friday (I'll be out all day tomorrow on a BIG mountain walk).

Thank you natubat, and the challenge is #freedomfriday tag ... please make sure to use that. The initiative is mine, freedomtribe is encouraging by supporting my initiative in their group. It's been mostly people in the group supporting the initiative. The topics generated weekly are from me and I come up with it by talking to one or more members of the tribe. Thank you for reading and your support. This was a challenge post and not for me to really send out what i do into the universe ... not an easy thing to do since i don't advertise it. but steemit has had me do things i would never normally do, so why not go with it right? LOL
much appreciated, just remember to use the tag #freedomfriday if you enter ...

eagle spirit

I will definitely use that tag! Actually I knew you'd started the #freedomfriday initiative, and it's a very good one! So I'm looking forward to participating :)

since you had mentioned @ freedomtribe challenge in your comment i wanted to make sure you did not get it confused. :)
i'm so glad you will be joining us ... woot woot


This post has been granted a 100% upvote, courtesy to @steemitqa, from BlissFish!
Enjoy the Bliss!

Yay! Thank you guys!

Looks like you won the bliss from a fish! congrads! on the upvote! :) lol

Yay I didn't get Blow'd after all ... toot toot hay beep beep ....

Bidddity , boop , boop! you didn't get Blow'd off! after all! <3

Ahhhh. I am seriously impressed. I am deeply impressed especially with 'no one dies alone'. I know how hard that is. Dying is part of the process as certainly as birth, but that doesn't make it easy. I'm guessing we'd be scared spitless at birth if we actually knew what's going on.

It's remarkable how alike and different our Steemit journey has been. I've known from day one that engagement is the absolute key. I push that just as hard as I can.

We've taken different venues, you and I. But the today is pretty similar. I do know that it is my absolute pleasure to have rammed into you and to be able to comment back and forth. Thank you.

is it difficult to impress you? you said it twice ... wow! does that mean i get to hug sam one day then? LOL
no it is not easy ... the death part.
yeah pretty much scared spitless ...
i'm enjoying our convos too and thank you for the great comments, visits and sharing.

I don't visit your blog as often as I'd like, but there is always a pleasure to read your posts. You are a busy bee from what I see in here. I have ran across you on many communities but I was not aware of your level of engagement/involvement. I am in awe!

hey lyme!! nice to see you! how are you?
oh thank you so much and i'm much appreciative of you stopping by. hope you are well and keeping active. very nice to see you.
much love,
eagle spirit

Amazing entry article @eaglespirit, I am absolutely blown away by the spirit work you do for humanity, and this platform in general. The Alliance keeps popping up in all my groups. I have been wondering, would you say that The Alliance aligns with our #TribeVibes values? I have been considering joining that community as well but do not know enough about it yet.

why thank you brother!
i would say not really re TA LOL
i'm not sure if the tribes are thinking of expanding? i kind of feel like the starseed thing is what drew me to the tribes and i never knew that was was a large part of the initial crew, that and anarchy. imo there aren't a lot of us ... its not a common thing that i've seen around steemit town.

but then again you know how ssg is not exactly like the tribes but its another avenue of people. i have not met anyone like the tribes, and now that i'm in there i'm slightly protective. i guess i shouldn't be. ultimately, it would be up to you to decide. :)

If I could acquire more info on The Alliance, then I could figure out if they align, but every time i ask someone involved, they do not seem to know exactly, which is confusing on my end. Check out the winner post for the TV contest i just posted... I think you will like the results :-)

Also I include SSG with our tribal grouping as an affiliate. They are extremely generous with their raffles and giveaways, and provide a means to cash out Steem earnings into Silver (even Steemit silver and Steem silver rounds), through their various silversmiths. This is an essential utility in our communities that I am raising awareness about. I have sooooo much silver that I paid for in STEEM because of them. I do agree that they are structured much differently than the rest of our conscious groups, but without them, this platform would be missing a very valuable element. Plus promoting the use of precious metals over standard fiat currency is vital in itself, not everything on here is about crypto, diversification into physically solid forms of investment is also key.

yes i totally agree about silver and silver in of itself is a good thing. as you know im a stacker and my story. most people in there are all about stackin and like i mentioned not really the starseed or anarchy types. many from my convos are more aligned with main stream media. not all but many. this is what ive observed and ive been in for approx 8 months. if youve found a way to incorporate ssg into the tribes then that was what i meant about “ultimately up to you.” i’m sure if you felt there is a way to align then you will do so. personally my bond with TA has been with the creator bc he is native american as i am, its a bond that many may not understand just as the starseed aspect i have with many in the tribes.

Hi @eaglespirit, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @lindzeylambz and @steembasicinincome don't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @lindseylambz and @steembasicincome ?

If you found this comment useful, consider upvoting it to help keep this bot running. You can see a list of all available commands by replying with !help.

got it thanks! so happy HF20 didn't fork you into oblivion! Steem On ...

It nearly did ! Due to the new RC system and the ~100 comments @checky makes everyday, I had to delegate 500SP to @checky for it to keep commenting (before the HF it only required 10SP). Hopefully RC delegation comes soon, thanks for the support and Steem on ! :D

so sorry and here are some pennies for your sorrows. dang checky zaps mucho rc/manna.

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