I Went to a Trump Rally and Here's What Happened

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

Today I attended my first ever political event. It was what is known as a "Trump Rally," although the reality is that it was more of a last push to motivate Republicans to go vote in the mid-terms on Tuesday. I am typically not a political person, but I had heard so much about American politics lately that I thought I would go see just what the fuss was all about. The following is my record of what happened. Prepare to be shocked at just what they aren't telling you.

In the days leading up to the rally we contemplated just how early we should arrive so as to be guaranteed a spot. We had tickets, but you just never know. There were reports of people camping out the night before a rally as well as thousand of people packing into events locations so we really didn't want to take our chances. This particular rally was held at the I-X Center in Cleveland, a massive venue of about 2.2 million square feet but we were still a bit concerned that there wouldn't be room for all the people who would be in attendance.

So we did what any sensible person would do and we asked google how early we should arrive.

Google said get there early.

The doors to the I-X Center were supposed to open at noon and President Trump was set to begin speaking at 3 PM. We briefly debated arriving in the wee hours of the morning, but my laziness and need for morning coffee won out. At 10 AM we were ready to go.

Then the phone rang, life intervened, and it was after noon by the time we actually walked out the door.

The image above was taken about a quarter mile from the I-X Center. As is shown, there was a police presence to deal with the impending traffic, and they were apparently doing a fabulous job. There was a little bit of a slow down on the road, but we were in the parking lot of the venue within a few minutes.

As we got closer to the parking, the cars got a wee bit closer together, but it certainly wasn't the madhouse I was expecting. Traffic moved along nicely, especially for Cleveland. Rush hour pretty much any day is slower and more stressful than the approach to the Trump Rally.

I kept an eye out for protesters. I'd heard a great deal about them, even in my hometown of Cleveland. I fully expected to see women in strange hats, and angry men throwing tomatoes at the very least. The idea of a spectacle appealed to me. I was curious and excited as to what manner of ridiculousness would greet us at the doors.

Before we even made it into the parking lot I caught a glimpse of this guy.

Insecure, Small-Penised, WHITE GUYS for Trump!!!

It was fortunate that I already had my camera out. Traffic was rolling along quite well and I wouldn't even have been able to read both of his signs had I not snapped a quick picture on the way by. I can only assume that this is a bona fide protester, but in today's climate I guess I shouldn't assume anything. If you'd like to check out their website to know for sure, feel free. I'll go ahead and pass on that one.

At 12:30, the parking lot still had plenty of space in it. Our fears of struggling to find a place to park in a crowded, narrow lot were completely unfounded. There were mounted police posted at various places throughout the lot, and several police cars hanging together near the back. There had been a bomb threat earlier in the day, so it was nice to know there were plenty of emergency personnel on hand in case things went sideways.

Despite the relatively few vehicles in the lot, many of them were trucks. In the city, it's kind of unusual to see so many trucks. Streets are narrow, parking is tight, and traffic is horrendous, so the majority of city dwellers drive smaller vehicles. Being truck owners ourselves, it was immediately noticeable that there were many more trucks in the parking lot than the urban location would normally support.

This was the crowd as we made our way to the doors of the I-X Center. There were no protesters, but there were a few volunteers still campaigning for their Ohio candidate of choice. These people had no loud speakers or fancy gimmicks, but instead simply stood in one spot and offered literature to passersby. We joined one of 5 or 6 short lines making steady progress toward the security screening at the entrance to the building.

The couple in front of us chatted amicably about just how wonderful it was to be around so many like minded individuals. This would be the first, but not the last, time I would hear that phrase during the Trump Rally. Directly after this comment, the gentlemen remarked about "all those assholes going to protest." As there was only the one protester at this rally, I assumed he was simply referring to another time. However, he could have been referring to this guy:

but I saw no protestations from him. He was not the only person in strange dress however. Later in the event I saw another gentlemen in a costume, as well as a woman dressed in what looked like a Strawberry Shortcake outfit but could have been a poorly thought out red dress.

Once inside, the dress code became quite uniform. The vast majority of attendees were wearing blue jeans, boots, and a red MAGA hat. Everyone looked like the Joe Walsh song, "Ordinary Average Guy." There were no snarling face, clenched fists, or angry sneers.

Instead, the room was occupied by the blue collar worker. Most of the audience was white, with slightly more males than females. Children were pretty scarce, but that is to be expected at an event that takes place during the school day. Minorities were also scarce - so scarce in fact that at one point I watched a black man become something of a celebrity for a moment. An older white couple were holding a large banner praising President Trump as a somewhat disheveled black man wearing a "Blacks for Trump" sweatshirt over a hoodie walked by preoccupied on his cell phone. The couple approached the man and asked if they could take his picture with their banner. He must have agreed, as he stood with the couple in front of the banner and the woman snapped a quick selfie. The man walked off, still intent on his phone, and the woman gave her partner a sort of silent victory cheer.

While the crowd was mostly white, there were a members of a few minorities in attendance. I saw an Amish family walk into the auditorium, as well as several black men and women, a couple men who appeared to be Hispanic, and a few other people of assorted ethnicity. For a city as remarkable diverse as Cleveland, I was quite surprised at the overwhelming homogeneity of the crowd.

At approximately 1:30, a local politician took the stage. He first reminded the crowd of how they should vote in the mid-terms, then invited everyone to pray with him and passed the microphone to a pastor. With heads bowed, the pastor prayed that God would "give our opponents strength." He continued by pointing out that there are "only two sides, the right side and the wrong side." The crowd howled in agreement and shook their MAGA posters high in the air. The next speaker, another local politician, without a trace or irony began by saying, "We are a party that kneels in prayer, not in protest" despite the fact that not a single person had kneeled for the prayer moments before. The National Anthem was performed, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the politicians continued to take the stage to remind their constituents to vote for them. By about 2:15 the locals were finished and the waiting began in earnest.

The room had filled a little more by this point, but despite a steady stream of people filing in, there was still plenty of space available for more attendees.

At 2:57, The President of the United States of America was announced over the loud-speaker. The music swelled as the crowd erupted in cheers and sign shaking. Every cell phone video camera in the room was held high over head to catch every moment as President Trump made his way to the podium. I am particular about punctuality so was quite surprised that they were starting 3 minutes early. The music continued, the cheering continued, and I obsessively checked my clock to see just how early they would in fact begin.

2:58 and the crowd is still going wild. I've seen no sign of the President.

2:59 and the song is almost over. As the minute drags on I finally catch my fist glimpse as he climbs the few steps up to the podium.

3:00 on the dot. My clock clicks over to the new hour and Donald Trump begins his rally at that. exact. moment. It was clockwork. It was robotic. It was so perfectly on time as to be extraordinary. "How did he do it," I wondered.

The rest of the event is available in it's entirety here if you are interested.

Ultimately, it was quite uneventful. Perhaps Cleveland is the anomaly. Perhaps everyone was on their best behavior. Perhaps the protesters all switched sides. Regardless, I was glad to have seen it for myself. Sometimes, that's really the only way to know the truth.

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Not sure what "truth" you're referring to lol,
I can appreciate you're trying to be neutral if it's for journalistic integrity or something, but I don't need to go to one of his rallies to know what his policies are, and what he's done to USA in these 2 years, and what will probably happen in the remaining 2 years if he's free to do as he wants.
You're trying to not be political? Ok, fine, but I guess a lot of people said that in Germany 1937 as well.
Otherwise, good writing, interesting to get a better look inside one of these things.

The truth I was referring to was simply the inside look at the rally. I hear so much conflicting information about how violent the protesters are and how peaceful the attendees are. I hear that the crowd is full of hate or that the protesters are lining the streets with vulgarity. I've heard that people camp out in droves in order to get in. I've heard that people are turned away by the thousands outside because there simply isn't enough room for all the folks who want to attend. During the speech itself on Monday, Trump implied that there were "thousands of people outside," who had been unable to get in, yet the 'truth' was that there were fewer than 100 milling about.

I don't trust the media to accurately report what happens there. They are going to go with whichever story will get the biggest headlines and most reaction from their audience.

I don't trust the government (Trump included) to accurately report what happens either. They are going to say whatever makes them look the best in the eyes of their base, regardless of reality.

So I went to see it for myself. I certainly expected the 'truth' to include more than one token protester. :-)

Thanks for reading. I appreciate thoughtful comments like yours.

I appreciate getting a view from an uninvolved spectator, myself. Thank you for sharing. I realize that there is always so much hype about each thing, but I never know where the truth lies. I've heard very similar stories such as yours from friends who have done this same thing for the same reason across the country. It seems the "hype" and the angry mobs and all that are blown out of proportion by the media more than anything else. Not at all surprising, but there you have it.

I'm just glad there are platforms (like this one) that allow us to share the real stories of what's going on. Some countries are not as fortunate.

Absolutely! I couldn't agree more.

There is a huge range in the media, varying from largely factual to extremely biased. That's outside of the opinion pieces that are clearly marked as such in more reputable sources. The Media Bias Chart is one source of ratings, but there are others to cross check that against. I get most of my news from the least biased sources. I avoid right and left leaning sources unless I want to see the spin they are putting on stories so that I can better understand how people who in those camps think. We really need visible rating systems of sources and articles; otherwise, we are doomed as a democracy. We also need more Americans to actually spend time researching current issues from neutral sources.

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I try to consume unbiased news as much as possible. I'm fortunate that I am well-versed in how to spot bias. I also try to keep up with the more biased sources. It's good to be able to see an issue from different perspectives. I often find myself amazed and wondering if people really believe some of the things they say.

A visible rating system may be helpful, but I think education on how to recognize bias would be more helpful. Otherwise, we'll still just end up taking someone's word for it regarding the degree of bias in reporting. And yes, if we could get folks to actually do research before forming and spouting an opinion that would be great!

I wouldn't see Cleveland as a hot bed of tRump supporters from what I have read and know about that area. Glad that is wasn't a hectic day and big crowds to fight.

I'm actually rather surprised by how many people here support him. I think it's normal for people to believe that their friends share their political beliefs, at least until real conversation is had, and I was no exception. Going into the election, I assumed the people around me were equally appalled by the lack of good options in 2016, but it turns out I was wrong. Quite a few of the people near and dear to me were actually supporters, and not just in a "never Hillary" kind of way. As time passes, I find more and more folk who really are fans. Of course, I know plenty of people who find the man and his policies quite distasteful too. The RNC was held here, so I'm sure there is a stronger base than the urban setting would suggest.

And yes, I am also glad it was mellow and uncrowded.

Would you mind explaining, briefly, to a non-US citizen what the mid-terms are exactly, please? Can he get voted out at this juncture, or is this more of a checkup to see how the American public view him as President? I thought that he was 'locked in' for 4 years before he could be voted out.

Excellent questions! I'll do the best I can in explaining it, but I'm not great at political things, so I may get a couple things wrong. Steemit community, please chime in and correct me if I do.

To address the first point - no, the president cannot be voted out during a mid-term election. You are correct in that he is locked in for 4 years (barring impeachment or resignation).

The mid-term election happens midway through the presidential term and is a chance for citizens to vote for other representatives at the state and local level. For example, in Ohio we voted on a few Ohio Supreme Court Justices (judges), County Auditor (if you are in Cuyahoga County), and representatives to our House of Congress and Senate.

By having mid-term elections, we eliminate having ALL of our representatives change at the same time. It just staggers the process. It's also important for political power reasons. The 'party' (historically Republican or Democratic) with more people in it in the House or Senate respectively has more power in that institution.

So yesterday, the Republicans controlled both the House and Senate (I think.... I'm not well-versed in politics). After the mid-term election, it is predicted that the Republicans will still control Senate but that the Democrats will control the House. This would make our politics a little more balanced (in theory), but it also makes it much hard to get any new legislation passed.

Our government doesn't work very well with itself. For some reason they are always bickering over party lines.

Was that helpful at all?

Yes, it does. From what I understand from the reporting here in Australia, the Democrats took control of the house, but the Republicans gained a few more 'seats' in the Senate, or vice versa!! Either way, Trump seems happy about the outcome.

Your's isn't the only country that has political problems - hell, look at Aussie politics in the last ten years! We vote in one Prime Minister, and then they're ousted by their own party, and we get another that we didn't even vote in!! At least in the US, they'd be hung for treason for something like that!!

Oh boy, that sounds like a mess and a half over there. What did your PM do that he or she was ousted for?

In other news, US voters in Nevada elected a man who has been deceased for several weeks rather than vote for his Democratic rival. So now the Republican party in that state will pick someone to serve in his place.

It's no wonder so may people feel like their vote doesn't matter.

That's funny - as far as I'm aware, we've never voted in a dead person. although, some of our former leaders may as well have been dead for all they've done!!

Twice now, a PM has been ousted, and I think it's due to a loss of confidence by the other party members. I tend to believe that it's more because someone more ambitious has wanted the top job and has stabbed someone in the back. Although, the current PM got into power through one of these processes, and I actually quite respect his beliefs and leadership.

I know a few people who simply 'donkey vote' - not sure if that's a term in the US - basically, just throwing their vote be doing something stupid, or purposely voting wrong (for Jedi's or something similar!!), because they really think the process is a fraud.

The Jedi religion was an option people wrote down on our census in 2001. I have no idea why, but I did find it hilarious.

Are you talking the Australian census? I remember it being on there at one point too, but I'm pretty sure it's since been removed. Quite a few people did put it as their religion.

Yes, I remember at the time that enough people choose it as their religion for it to meet the legal requirements to become a registered religion, but our Prime minister at the time said fun's over and it never happened.

@mattifer so interesting! I really enjoyed your recount of the rally - I think it's these kinds of things that don't get reported in the news.

I'm not living in the US but I heard that Trump's victory in the last Presidential elections is due to his ability to reach out to the commonfolk (average white person). The homogeneity you mentioned just made me think of that.

With love from a fellow #steemitbloggers

Thanks! I agree that what I saw is not getting any media attention. I wish that were otherwise. I miss the days when reporters simply stated what they heard and saw. I know there will always be bias, but our media has given up on even trying to pretend they are not biased.

And yes, I agree that a lot of 'commonfolk' like Trump. That was evident at the rally for sure! From the big trucks in the parking lot to the ball caps, jeans, and boots... It's interesting though, because I really didn't see any of the diversity that makes our country great. So I'm curious to see how the perspective of the conservative 'everyday Joe' will impact the policies of urban dwellers and those who are more willing to be different or were just "born this way" as Lady Gaga puts it. :-)

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I actually respect Trump more for being punctual. 🤣. So the rallys aren't rough , homophopic white supremacists? Really interesting read

Me too. Punctuality is important to me. And nope, not anything like what social media and mainstream media led me to believe. Also not anything like what Fox news and Trump led me to believe. ;-)

So will I go far and say that the media are gone a bit too far ?? Is he as bad as they say?

The media are definitely showing a version of reality that fits what they want us to see. As for the second question... that's hard to say. There's no denying some of the things he has said and done. I guess it's up to each person to decide how they prioritize traits in others. Some people think it's not a big deal that he mocks others; other folk think it's important to show respect to everyone you meet. He's definitely not a person that gets along with everyone.

Thank you for taking one for the team and bringing us this report :)

You're welcome! Somebody had to do it. I figured it might as well be me.

Fun fact: while I had free tickets to the event, there was zero need for them. No one was asked to show tickets at the door. I thought it odd that tickets were available (and by implication required) for an event that didn't need them.

It sounded like an all-around eye opener. So much going on right now and we almost really need to see things with our own eyes - but then, even that might not be enough. Like cursing (maybe too strong of a word) the protesters that weren't there...

It was enlightening for sure. I am saddened by the fact that I can't trust the media around me to just give me unbiased news. Perhaps one day soon we will get back to that.

You might be interested to read stories from these news networks. Civil is a new blockchain project that wants to fund journalism on the blockchain and put the news into the hands of dedicated journalists instead of owner dependent networks...


Yes please and thank you! I'll definitely spend some time exploring those articles.

White people are really quite staid.

I've never had a desire to attend a political rally. I don't like rallies. And I rather like to be challenged in my thinking. I've found that if I surround myself with people who think like me, that doesn't happen. Bravo to you for being so brave. I hope you came out of it a better person and not some insecure small-penised white guy.

Rallies really aren't my thing either. I don't like to be surrounded by tons of people. Fortunately for me, Trump got this one wrong and attendance was paltry at best.

I'm 100% with you on surrounding myself with people who don't think like me. It's too easy to fall into the echo chamber of social media, so I make a point to read the articles and opinions that differ from those that I agree with. It helps me stay informed AND gives me a better idea of perspective. As it turns out, mine isn't the only one! Shocker! ;-)

I hate to disappoint, but I did not become an insecure small-penised white guy while at the rally either. That would have been quite the trick...and I don't think Trump or his fans are ok with the whole transgender thing, so I'm sure the experience would have been quite different.

Thanks for dropping by! I appreciate comments!

Wow hahaha sharing this to my sis. She watches youtube stuff on rallys and stuff.
Personally I'd rather trump than Hillary 😒

Thanks for sharing! I wasn't a fan of either party, so cast my vote for a 3rd party candidate. I understand that many people see that as 'throwing my vote away,' but I just can't bring myself to lend my voice in support for a candidate that I don't believe is a good choice - even if that person is a better choice than the other.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and sharing!

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