The Deadpost Initiative - Week 29 - Finding payout and readers for expired posts (All fluid rewards go to participants)

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Join us at The Steemit Zombies and Deadpost Initiative chat in the Steemit Community Catalyst discord channel

What is the Deadpost Intitiative?

The Deadpost Initiative is an attempt to give love to some posts that were overlooked during their short 7 day life span, a chance to bring your old posts back to life and maybe make some friends in the process. The goal is not only to share some love with SBD but also by engagement to generate discussion.

Last week

Engagement is coming back to the Deadpost Initiative. This week I expect we may see higher rewards coming back. I think we have a bright future ahead for the Deadpost Initiative :-) . Last week we had one user tear it up, she won hands down according to comments and upvotes, so it was an easy week for me to judge.

Last Week's Winners

@prydefoltz - $1.5 SBD prize

@prydefoltz wins hands down this week with her naughty poem about coffee. Apparently caffeinated poetry is really popular and I can see why. I see this becoming a new genre. Great post!

Where's the Cream, A Spoiled Princess Rant, Poetry


Week 29


Share your best Deadpost in the comments!
The best posts will be rewarded with the fluid payout from this post (split between winners) and will be featured in a future post.


•Please only submit 1 post.
•Posts must have a payout of less than $5.
•Posts must be at least one month old.
•I recommend you don't enter the same post twice in the same month if you didn't win the first time.
•Vote for 1-3 post by others. Please share WHY you liked their posts. If you don't vote for someone else's post by commenting you will not be eligible to win.
•Winners will be chosen based on how original, creative, informative and well written their posts are, as well as how well received they are in the comments. I will use the quality of comments as the main factor in judging who wins.
•There will be a slight bias towards smaller accounts but large accounts are welcome to join and compete or join just for fun and to share their old work.
•There may also be prizes for stellar comments and engagement.
•There will be 2 or more winners depending on how big the payout for this post is and depending on how many quality posts are entered into the contest.

Please upvote generously on your favorite post in the comments below, we'd like to generate a sense much support as possible for all participants and the prize pool is still growing.

Upvote and resteem to help us raise our reward pool! And remember to comment and upvote on comments in this post please to show support for deadposts! :-)
The prize pool will be the fluid rewards from the post plus any donation to the initiative.
I'm still looking for SP delegation to offer larger upvotes on all submissions. If you can help, please let me know :-)

This is not merely a contest, this is an opportunity to have your material read and an opportunity for us to really discuss each other's posts.

The Steemit Zombies and Deadpost Initiative discord channel

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Confessions of the Damaged - a collection of short stories


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by @skyleap


removing my old box meaning sometimes "community" like to mark us
as something we are not. on all my blog my formatting is not the best its work in progress can we say. :)

Really like this post about the boxes we live in, how they define us and how others define us. But when we are ready, we start making changes and often it's necessary to take drastic measures like a big move to a totally different box, in order to grow into our new selves.

We all have the opportunity to grow like this. Thank you for putting the journey into words!

I have a post from my first month on Steemit. It got a couple of comments, but fell waaay below the $10 threshold. ($10 below.)
It's by a stuffy, cantakerous old college professor going on a rant about segregation in the produce section:
Prof Geoffrey Bananington190x210.png

The Banana Collective.png
@bananamemos that was some absurd humorous writing, I had some fun
and thought I would do my part for the cause...

note on the artwork, it's by Shih Yung Lin that I modified,
check him out he does some strange things with banana people!

OHMIGOSH! We had no idea there was a banana-people artist out there! The more time we spend on Steemit, the more awesome banana-related things are brought to our attention.

I, in particular, appreciate you taking up the Call of bananas everywhere ~ "We will unite, and we will win!" Consider yourself part of the Bunch, @satorid!

I am honored =D

a love it super fun reading. and on a side note its just as in real life but am pretty sure it was Ur intention. the bananas are compatibly isolating in my house to but my broccoli and apples have some social time atm.

Well, @norwegianbikeman, it was the premise of my treatise that all fruit should be free to mingle, à la a fruitbowl, but bananas ~ as long as they're in a bunch ~ don't mind being set apart a little bit. It is truly good news that the broccoli and apples in your house are able to have some Social Time. We now consider you an honorary member of the Banana Collective. 🍌

This is my first ever post on Steemit, also showcasing one of the things I'm very fond of: poetry!

"I still have the handwritten letter, you sent me. I know I shouldn't keep such things, but I can't let go of your handwritten note. It restores me and it kills me. It will be the death of me."
(this is a series of shorts am working on called paper bums)

Very interesting use of words and concepts, @satorid. And lovely images. Are they yours?

thanks! yes the images are mines, except the animated gif, that is borrowed =D

They really fit in well with the story.

The main thing in the universe is nameless. The Infinite that can be named is not the eternal nameless, the seamless everything. So I’ll call it beauty—the King and Lord of the cosmos, a perfect being who sits on a throne made of vanishing ink.

Some great penning, Daniel:)

Yea i stole it from Allen Ginsberg and Laozi, mash them together, to get the main satori for the bliss and ecstasy that SD wants to hold on too. =D

It is the Way:)

What a nice intertwined collective of textual and visual imagery :)

Moving words evoking emotions here. I hope to pen down something like this someday but i am hopeless at poetry or anything close to that.

Long time sense I've been to the deadpost initiative! I'll give you a post of me rambling about crypto, visions of my future, world and the environment, everything nice and neat under single post:

The Hype Is Dead: Back To The Ground, Which We Are Ruining Despite Knowing We Shouldn't

ye true this no lambos. or like the the some of the youtube community at x-mas. manipulate me to think is was lambos all a round but its relay not noting is free, a was in the sky a week or 2 then. yes not going to happen the sad truth on the "lambo" u ned a big start up capital. if I am realistic, we come to and feel happy with a lamb in our lives a dont think so. we just ned a bit more $$ then we have now.
a few year back a startind my ned live as a minimalist lifestyle over a few months I sold 80% of all my assets. and a most say its super nice. all a have now has a purpose.
as a gold in my life is to get estates to live on rent and live life free, it's more than a big house and lamb out of the ears

o boy long comment there but...yes yes a like the post. if we are killing all the trees to get stuffe we dont ned to be happy ve are not going to be happy.

o boy long comment there

Haha, no problem @norwegianbikeman. I also tend to be on the minimalistic side of things so I don't think I'm gonna go get a lambo even if I was a crypto millionare. Thanks for reading!

"She said to Sam, slide me some ham
I may be blue, but I am true
Into my heart, dear Seuss, you will get
In trade for a green egg omelette"

in classic seuss fashion nice, you know one of my favorite things
in school that happen, when I was a kid, was that we read green eggs and ham
and then made green eggs and ham, just put green dye in the eggs but
I thought it was the greatest thing ever, I think we did it in 3rd grade, still to this day
everytime I eat ham and eggs, I have flashbacks to that day =D

Seuss was just an amazing poet:) He is thought more of a author but he was also a true poet:)

White chocolate linguini? Yes please! :-)

Great creation. I think I am falling in love with poetry. I love the story told through your words.

the perfect and creative contest is different from the others, I am going to participate in this contest, but I need time in selecting my post back and looking for 3 other posts that are fun for me!
successful greetings for meeting organizers @whatamidoing
good luck!!


Finally, a decent amount of attention and thus, decent payout.
At least it didn't last as long as a pregnancy ;>)

hahaha ALMOST as long, but that's how these things are. Pregnant ideas.

I am glad i found this. Here is a post from my early days on steemit. It was inspired by the bad behaviour a few ladies showed that got me upset.

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