My specialty: produce and adjustment of weaving tools/機道具の製作と修正

in #creative6 years ago (edited)



Hi everyone. 皆さんこんばんは

I'm a digital archivist interested in folklore and "good contents" but also I'm keep weaving since 2001, and I do not only weaving but also making some tools and repair or adjust some equipments.


I started weaving just as a weaver, but fortunately or unfortunately, I had 2 teachers; one is weaving teacher and the other is research, making tools an doing field work as traditional way.


So I'm using very simple tools like Sashigane/Steel square, and Kiri/gimlet to drill a hole in bamboo. I sometimes use electric machine too, but still prefer to use this kind of simple equipment because it helps me to consider how ancient people tried to create these kind of weaving machines by their own hands with simple tools.

民俗学的、伝統的な技術の継承を目的とした活動であるため、使う道具もかなりシンプルで昔から使われているものです。差し金は曲尺(1寸=3.03cm)のものを使いますし、布を織る時は鯨尺(くじらじゃく)という着尺(曲尺)の1.25倍にあたる1寸=3.78cmという単位を使います。これだけでも結構こんがらかりますよね^^; また、穴を開ける時はキリを使います。たまに電動工具も使いますが、自分の手で、シンプルな道具を使う方が古(いにしえ)の先人たちがどのように物づくりと向き合っていたかということを知る、ヒントを得ることができるような気がしています。


I'm working for museum workshop twice a month at weekends, and sometimes participants break our tools with unexpected energy or strange way of using. These tools and weaving machines are what my tool making teacher produced and let me use, but I have one more weaving machine so I think it's better not to just keep it in my work space... that's why I let people use my tools even I sometimes feel nervous about it. haha...




This weaving machine is originally from Kawachi area, Osaka, but I and my teacher measured it and remake it to use. Our activity is basically protect original valuable tools as a folk cultural property, but we try to copy it... It takes long process and cost a lot, but still we're proud of what we are doing now... to pass these techniques to next generations. I mean, original one should be protected in museum without be used it anymore.


And well... what I'm expecting to steemit is support someone who is trying to protect traditional work for next generation without thinking about economic problems, and I keep trying to use steemit with small hope I would be a model case of solving this kind of matter... that's why I still wish to learn n explore about the possibility of steemit life.


スクリーンショット 2018-05-13 16.59.13.png

☘be creative☘


麻のワンピースを縫い終えていい布って本当にいいなあとおもっていたところです。小さな upvote で申し訳ないですが、応援していますよ。


大事!Olga さんの投稿とも通じるところがある気がします:



あきぽんさんのワンピース、見てきました♡ リネンならではのシャキッとした表情で素晴らしいですね。木綿ではあんな感じには仕上がらないと思います。襟元もとっても素敵でした。



ヨーロッパリネンいいですね。リトアニアに一度見に行きたいなと思っています :) 長らく使われてきただけあって自然素材っておもしろいですよね。あとは服飾という観点では随分もう昔とは変わってしまったと思いますが、イタリアのテーラーメイドの服の縫製技術も学びたいー・・・人生が足りません!

Hey @yo-yo, it's pretty cool to learn about your craft. I find it humbling that you're dedicating part of your time to learning about the ancient techniques. 🙇

Thanks @jalayn! actually this kind of work is what I really want to do for my life, but it just takes long time to do and difficult to get income from this... so... I just keep searching some possibility to find some ways...

I mean, working but no $$ means no one want to do this kind of job at all... need to think about the way not to dissapear in our era and also protect them for next generation and ;)

Hey @yo-yo! You are right, one has to make some money in order to do something more interesting that may pay less or nothing; and for you it's even more humbling since you try to preserve the old ways!
I am lucky to have a very well paid job, so I plan to soon work 4/5 days of the week and spend the other day working for myself, for other things, open source projects, whatever 😉
Maybe soon! We'll see!
Other than that there is another way to do only interesting stuff: win the lottery 😝 I wish you that!

おはようございます @jalaynさん
yeah... I think your work and my work are totally different... haha!! But I think what I'm doing here on steemit is not so stupid thing, because I can let some cool people(like you) know what is our craftman's problem or what we really need... from this small thing will help the people or me to think about what is the possibility we can explore... Better than not to do anything, right?

Oh sure... I should try lottery... My dad said once he got quite big one in his 30's so he kept buying it till late 50's... but it seems he got only 1 lucky in his whole life... ahaha. but I think he still won.
thank you so much for your warm comment... I'll post this kind of article some time 😊

ありがとうございます yo-yoさん, always a pleasure discussing with you!

You are definitely right!
We don't have the same work, but it would be a boring world if everybody was a software developer, sitting at his computer all day! I am not saying I would change my craft, but I am pretty happy see people do all kinds of other stuff. I am happily learning about your craft, and for example, about architecture (@oen posts are nice) even though I don't want to be an architect ;-)

Now, that said, where's my lottery ticket? 💸

よい一日をお過ごしください! 😊

This is spectacular! Hats off to you!

Arigato gozaimasu @prch san.
I'm glad if someone from overseas start thinking about their own cloth culture or folk culture from my articles ;)


先ほど少しお邪魔してきましたが、面白い記事を書かれていますねw 私もスパイスやハーブ好きなので、色々勉強させてもらいます^^ あとは、インド木綿に興味があって、近い将来インドへ行きたいと考えたりしていますので(安易には行きませんが結構真剣です)インドの色々も楽しみにしています。応援とフォロー、ありがとうございます^^ 最初はなかなか気づいてもらえず大変かも知れませんが、独自の記事を書けるってsteemitではとても強みだと思いますので頑張ってくださいね。宜しくお願いしますね♪


いえいえ、newbieさんが順調にスタートを切るお手伝いができればと思ってのことです^^  @cafelateさんの活躍ぶりを目を細くして見させて戴いていますよ♪ 応援ありがとうございます。

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