❤ Time to get back on track... Lifestyle, Messages of Motivation & Being comfortable in your own skin ❤

in #food5 years ago

Lifestyle, Messages of Motivation and Being comfortable in your own skin....png

​I was feeling a little disappointed in myself recently with regards to my eating habits. Developing positive habits and kicking bad ones is normally not the easiest thing in the world to do. I have never had an issue with a sweet tooth, but man oh man carbs are my weak spot! You can keep all the sweets in the world, but don’t take away my carbs!

Well, age and a slowing metabolism eventually forced me to take them away from myself lol as I have always been naturally very slim and I was carrying an amount of weight that was starting to make me feel uncomfortable in my own skin. Initially attempted full on banting, but after three months of doing that, I was actually beginning to feel ill at the thought of food and the limits in terms of what I could eat. It did however, teach me an enormous amount about the levels of sugars in everything we consume so I am particularly conscious about that now.

After some time, I adapted my own sort of eating lifestyle which was not carb free, but very low carb. As an example, I would eat very little during the day – and completely carb free, such as two boiled eggs, some cheese and perhaps a tomato or two. (Tomatoes are miracle fruit I tell you… they do AMAZING things for your body!) Then in the evenings I would eat whatever I want (within reason) – but when I say that, what I select to eat for dinners is relatively healthy most of the time. There is generally a meat on the plate, at least one veg, a carb and small salad. I continued to eat like this for 3 years… but I completely cut out traditional potato and replaced it with sweet potato and I ate absolutely no pasta or bread at all.

I lost all the weight that was making me feel uncomfortable and the eating habits became a natural lifestyle for me. When my lifestyle in terms of work changed I returned to working from home – I completely fell off the wagon. Being at home and being able to walk to the fridge at any point during the day has not done me any favours… and also the fact that there are almost always leftovers in the fridge – so it became like eating dinner twice a day. I know we all make excuses for ourselves in as much as “oh its just one slice of bread” etc. but eventually all of that begins to add up.

But when I tried to wear a top which I bought less than a month prior, and it didn’t fit… that was the last straw! Hehehe! I do realise that I am not as young as I used to be, and in many respects I have learnt to embrace my curves… but I have now reached the point where if I carry on this way, I won’t be curvy… I will be completely overweight – and that, I do not want!

I have always been an advocate for this meme, but there is still a relative degree of balance required. I no longer want to look like a little girl or some kind of anorexic model, but I do want to be happy with myself.


I have heard that Sofia Loren did not actually "say that" but was rather quoted saying this...


But it is irrelevant really lol as the message is ultimately the same. So I decided to start making an effort to get back to my previous eating habits as well as to be more rigid with the intermittent fasting than I have been the last little while lol so that I can actually fit into my clothes… hehehe! Kicking off with my midday snack... a boiled egg and a large glass of water... not quite as appealing as a fried egg on toast, but when I peeled the egg I was presented with a little visual message about making the decision to show myself a little more love...


Even my boiled eggs are trying to motivate me with messages of love and both my chins agree! hehehe :) So, I am going to do my best to get back on track because I remember how good it felt to be comfortable in my own skin. I know many people look at me and say "you are far from fat" but the fact remains, that it is all relative and is very much an individual thing...

I may never get back to precisely where I was, and as I say - I have become comfortable carrying a little more weight than I did previously which was also a challenging process of acceptance, but it is all about balance and that is what I need to find again :) Besides - I would far rather cut down on the carbs than sacrifice my wine! hehehe!!! So cheers to that!


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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I've heard that we Europeans eat for a week what people in South Africa would eat for a year...but I thought it only referred to the tribes in the Kalahari.

Joking aside, I hope that in the next couple of years I will be able to reach the levels of healthy eating that you feel slightly bad about. I am still destroying my youth pretty fast. And that's still slower than most others. Since I am conscious about it and I take action...occasionally.

What you are able to do is way above average, so continue being our role model and keep up your good habits!

hahahaha!!! Well now it includes me to I guess lol - just not at dinner time, then I will make up for it :D

As for being young and completely reckless with your body - hey... been there done that so don't beat yourself up lol

I think that when we stop feeling comfortable with our body, is when things start to get ugly, because although some of us are fatter than others, that does not imply that you should feel bad, for example, my metabolism is mega slow, and all my life I have had some good kilos of more, something I have not felt bad, however there comes a point where we say that something is wrong and that we must get going to fix it, good decision without a doubt!

yes absolutely! It is all relative and all a very personal thing... only WE know when that time comes lol

I think you've got the right mindset there lovely lady. :) I'm obviously all for remaining as youthful as possible through treating your body well and being healthy, but too many women I know fight age with a fervor in which they totally miss out on some of the joys in life! We often spend so much time worrying about what we LOOK like that we totally forget how to FEEL good. Now of course I'm of the mind that if you are doing the things (exercise, eating well, resting properly) that make you feel good, most likely you're going to look pretty darn good, too. So that's ultimately my point on this little ramble of a comment, haha. Keep that focus on finding balance and feeling darn good in your own skin, and you'll be doing just fine. :)

We often spend so much time worrying about what we LOOK like that we totally forget how to FEEL good.

The pivotal problem of today's society!

You’ve been visited by @trucklife-family on behalf of Natural Medicine!

No one can tell you how to feel comfortable in your own skin, only you can do that. As long as you are looking after yourself and your body is getting everything it needs then it is up to you what your diet is. Our bodies have a wonderful way of telling us what we need, we just have to listen.

This fortnight, we're having a challenge, sponsored by Curie! You can win over 40 Steem in prizes by sharing the books that have inspired or continue to inspire a healthy life for mind, body and spirit! Check out the details by clicking here!

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I kept reading the sentence, "cut down on vodka wine" but no matter how many times I tried, I just can't figure out what it means... LOL!

Seriously, good on you for trying to find the balance between strictly healthy eating, and realistic day to day habits. I've been trying something similar for months now, with varying degrees of success. I've never been skinny, but I've definitely been more in shape, and that's something I'm working on getting back to.

And I love the love messages the Universe is dropping in your path! 😊 ❤️

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