Scientific Studies into The Cancer Causing Effects of Eating Meat.

in #health6 years ago

Despite unscientific denials from those attached to eating dead animals, a wealth of studies exist that demonstrate that the risk of developing cancer is increased significantly among those who eat an animal based diet - whereas it is lowered significantly by those who eat a vegan diet. Here we look at some of the details...

Only 3 years ago, the World Health Organisation declared that meat can be carcinogenic:

Twenty-two experts from 10 countries reviewed more than 800 studies to reach their conclusions. They found that eating 50 grams of processed meat every day increased the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%. That’s the equivalent of about 4 strips of bacon or 1 hot dog. For red meat, there was evidence of increased risk of colorectal, pancreatic, and prostate cancer.

Overall, the lifetime risk of someone developing colon cancer is 5%. To put the numbers into perspective, the increased risk from eating the amount of processed meat in the study would raise average lifetime risk to almost 6%.


This was no surprise to those of us who have studied this topic using information in an unbiased way, instead of blindly trusting in the advice from 'experts' who may or may not be being directed by vested interests or by their own bias. There are many examples from lived experience of people who have developed cancer on a meat focused diet and who have reversed the cancer after naturally detoxing and switching to veganism - without surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. Some of these people have gone on to become teachers and it is largely only their lack of academic 'accreditation' that has meant that they are not more widely heard and understood.

Cancer is a metabolic and energetic imbalance in the self, so holistic healers understand that we must address ALL sources and forms of imbalance within the person if we are to resolve the disease - it is not simply enough to drink a few green smoothies and stop smoking. That said, green smoothies and stopping smoking will certainly help!

Eating dead animals, while being widely socially accepted for a long time, is NOT balanced on ANY level. Aside from the obvious overpowering and suffering of the animals involved - the eater will be ingesting stress hormones from the animal and to my understanding, the material itself is not really ideal for the human digestive system. The simpler compounds found in plant foods and the absence of parasites and other toxins make plants, generally, a wiser choice for health.

Scientific Studies

I appreciate that many people will reject any kind of information on such topics unless it has been 'peer reviewed' (ignoring that even members of peer review boards have gone on record stating that peer review processes cannot be trusted and also that meta studies of the quality of scientitic papers in general has shown that the vast majority of them turn out to be wrong). So, with that in mind, here are a couple of interesting new videos from Dr. Michael Greger at on the topic of carcinogens and meat.

The first video covers studies relating to the topic in general (children's exposure to eating meat should be hugely limited):

The second video addresses the question of whether organic meat is less of a risk than non organic meat (hint: no, organic meat is not safer than non-organic meat):

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul

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Serious question for you mate. First, great article and the reason I always listen to what you have to say, even if I don't always necessarily agree with you is because you put forward balanced, level-headed arguments without histronics and blame.
So, my question is this.
Plants grow in the ground, the ground is composed of space dust, decayed matter and no doubt animal waste. How is it even possible to have a plant based diet that contains no trace of animal DNA, or is it simply a case of best case scenario ? Do you believe it is possible to remove animal DNA completely from the food chain ?
Also, as a side issue, are 'organically' grown plants really tangibly healthier than any other plants?
Genuine questions without agenda :-)

Thankyou, yes - balance and non judgemental assessment is always needed. :)

I had not really thought about the issue of eating animal DNA since, as far as I am aware, it has little or no effect on living beings if we eat it. I do recall hearing of some talking about the idea that eating DNA can have an effect on the eater - but I don't know for sure either way.

The plants can use nutrients that originate from dead animals, but the micro life in the soil will have transformed and broken it down into its sub components first. The plants don't tend to have drinking straws that suck up blood from roadkill, for example. :)

All Protein is made by plants:

Organically grown plants (where 'organic' means ACTUALLY free from pollutants and synthetic crap, rather than the 75% free from pollutants threshold that is part of the current organic standards) - will include a higher percentage of minerals (on average) and so will help the body grow stronger. Additionally, the absence of toxins in them means that the body doesn't have to work to clear out the crap. Win win!

Thanks for that great answer. Sorry, last question. Vegans don't eat eggs or drink milk. If these are produced ethically...if thats possible in your opinion....why not ?

Veganism isn't really a diet, it is an intention to not exploit living beings.

If a bird approaches you and drops an egg for you or a cow sprays some milk into a bowl for you of it's own volition - then it can be said there is no overpowering involved. I think this kind of access to milk and eggs represents <0.000001% of the total access humans have been having ;)

I see that there are a few simultaneous issues here - one is that of human health and one is that of respect for animals and life in general. From the perspective of human health, I have come to understand that I am best suited to not eating eggs and milk anyway. From the position of respect for living beings, I don't really see any way of showing that animals are in favour of us interfering with their reproductive systems. To turn things around, would we be fine with cows and pigs taking the milk from pregnant humans? Or stealing the output of a woman's monthly ovulation cycle (which is what eggs are)?

A third issue, then, is that of pure sanity.. Who was the first person to decide that sucking a cow's teat was a good idea? Would you think they were sane if it wasn't called 'normal' and you had never seen it before? - Ingrained programming is really holding us away from balance currently.

Thanks again, lots to think about while I'm trying to sleep! I understand veganism is a way of living, but I need to give the milk and egg issue further thought though I understand now your reasoning.
For me, its about the ethics of eating animal products I fight with myself about, health issues are a side issue.
Truly appreciate the time and effort you've devoted to me this evening and I wish you a fantastic weekend mate....the questions will keep coming I'm afraid ;-)

Nathen check out Dr Morse on you tube look for his protocol vid to begin with. You'll understand loads if you make to the end.

You are welcome. I wish you an exciting now moment too! ;)

Yes, most of the conscious community knows that we shouldn't be eating flesh and we should be coming together to continue spreading the knowledge that meat is toxic. This incorporates directly into a form of economic warfare where poor groups of people cannot afford to eat naturally grown, healthy food. Whole Foods market is called "whole paycheck" for that very reason, it takes an entire paycheck to shop there! Lol
Especially in America, the people have been conditioned to eat meat for every meal since birth,every diner in America has heard of the "blue plate special." How do we go about changing the eating habits of a culture that is so ingrained and indoctrinated?

Absolutely, the word 'conscious' is key here, since it is unconsciousness of the details on some level that allows the disparity to exist. Whether it be a lack of understanding about spiritual balance, the process of growing plants, the biochemistry involved or some other related issue - a lack of understanding is involved, all the same. I generally encounter people who speak from a position that assume I must be wrong and that they don't even need to look at the details of what is being said - whereas I, through necessity, have put in considerable time to looking in to the messages of all those who have spoken to me - regardless of their position.

This is part of a disconnection from the Earth and also the feminine aspect of self (the mother aspect) - so we can start there. Increasing understanding, for example, that we are emotional beings and that we typically deny ourselves and weaken ourselves through denial of our feminine energy is a starting point that anyone can grasp - regardless of their position on diet. Increased connectivity and openness to receive new understandings is needed now - yet it must also come with the presence of heart, which balances and does not pressure/ over power.

The more the benefits of 'right eating' can be seen and measured, the more acceptance it will gain.

Well said. It is balance that needs to be restored to the cycle. The current controllers are working hard to merge the two into one, thus destroying the polarity

Great comment @minszai about the cost of organic healthy food in general. It annoys me when the food nazis start up about eating 'clean' food, its always from western perspectives without a thought for people in the world who can barely afford to eat anything and it does nothing for their cause, in fact it turns me away. Hence, I always pop into this fellas blog for non hysterical measured debate and information.

I certainly agree that less meat and more plants need to be in our diets. However, there are a few people who cannot thrive on a plant only diet (think inuit and those races from the far north where little plant life grows). For years I was vegetarian and wanted to go vegan, but I spent those years continually sick. I later discovered that my digestive system is unable to process plant foods well enough to gain all that I need from them. It wasnt until I put some red meat back into my diet that I was able to go for more than a few weeks without sickness.

This wasn't an easy decision for me. I would dearly love to be vegan, so I feel pained that I am probably viewed with disgust by many vegans. However, for me the choice is living my life to the full, but ingesting meat, or barely being capable of looking after myself, nevermind my family.

The body is an adaptable creation and highly intelligent/efficient - so, yes, if many generations live in an environment without plants and with only fish/animals to eat, then it is understandable that they would adapt towards that situation. My understanding is that it is digestive enzymes that largely participate in the process of breaking down foods into sub components that can be absorbed - do you know if your issue is due to a lack of specific enzymes or for some other reason?

do you know if your issue is due to a lack of specific enzymes or for some other reason?

Good question. It's something that I'd be interested to find out if I ever find the money and time. I could, however, look into that more.

You've reminded me of some research I was hearing about pancreatic enzymes which help break down protein and how they can also protect the body from cancer. The research showed that a high protein (high meat) diet depletes those enzymes leaving the body without that protection. That could be another link between cancer and meat.

I see ok, I'm not sure I have read about that before. There is so much research and theorising in the world of anatomical science that it can be a challenge to keep up, even for those in the field directly.

interesting story

Hey @ura-soul, this is the first time we met. First of all, I was shocked after reading this. I sat out there for about 2 minutes wondering - is it really a serious concern?

Then I moved my ass and searched over the internet to confirm what you said. And hell yeah, it turns out to be so true. It's damn true that W.H.O classified processed meats such as ham, bacon, and frankfurts as a Group 1 carcinogen which literally means that it can, later on, turn out to be a serious thing called cancer.

However, I want to add something here that I researched on my own.

Cancer council recommend us to eat 700 grams of red meat in a single week to stay on the safe side. Moreover, some research also showed that charred and burnt meat can increase the risk of cancer. How? Well, there will be the formation of heterocyclic chemicals which directly leads to an adverse impact. By the way, I love your post man. Now I am following you for more such great content. Keep the good work up! See you soon ♥

Greetings - If you watch the videos linked in the post here, you will see the advice regarding 'harm minimisation' - however, since there isn't generally speaking a need for most people to eat meat anyway - I see no reason to eat it in any amounts. Some say that it is not possible to obtain Vitamin B12 without eating dead animals - however, that is a position that denies numerous things, such as that modern farming practices cause both depletion of B12 from plant foods and also kill off B12 in animals too. Additionally, the issue is not so much the amounts of B12 involved anyway - rather it is the ability to absorb it that is the issue.. This can be improved through correct protocols.

I agree with your statement brother. There's no point in eating meat. However, for some people like this

it's just about taste where they can't resist. It's good that for such people, there's some line that they shouldn't cross. An indication that can help them to survive more on this earth ☻

Well, karma always has us moving towards balance. Those who refuse its lessons will eventually go beyond their ability to participate in life.

I wonder what would happen if I posted the hundreds of scientific studies (if not thousands) which point to the probability that human free will is an illusion?
This isn't to say that I disagree with the topic and content in this post per se.

You can do so, but your act would be one of free will. ;)
Will can be controlled, denied, blocked, twisted and desecrated - making the will no longer free. This has been the case for the majority of people, in so many ways that to the mind that defines reality through a cloud of judgments it can appear that there is no alternative. This, though, is not proof that free will cannot exist and does not exist.

It would be pointless to try and discuss this with you as you would deny most of the science.
So carry on and we will agree on the topics where agreement is possible.

You are judging me here, which is itself a denial. Unless you present the information, you will not know the outcome.

The research on free will is out in the public domain. I don't need to regurgitate it here. But my speculation on your view of freewill is based on the likely fact that it's the foundation of your spiritual worldview. A worldview which is wrong, IMO...And science would argue in my favour on this issue.
But, if there is a point to be made it's this: please don't be upset with those who deny the science of diet when you will most likely do the same thing on other issues.
And it's not my intention to be antagonistic towards seem like a decent enough fellow. We simply disagree on the issue of spiritual freewill.

You are requesting me to behave in a particular way based only on what you freely admit is speculation on your part. There is a disconnect between your psychology here and your will, that which draws you to act. The disconnect involves a lack of conscious awareness of the need to find balance between these aspects that feels good to those involved. You mention probability, speculation and likelihood and then act as if this is a sound foundation to proceed with. I do not value these at all any more as I comprehend that they mislead me more than help me.

I have specifically aimed and been guided not to deny anything - as you will see if you read some of the books that I recommend regularly here on the topic of free will - with book two being specifically called 'the unseen role of denial'.

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