It's moments like these that make parenthood feel so worthwhile

in #life6 years ago


After a really fulfilling day with the girls at one of our favourite homeschooling activities - Stream school, which I'll be posting about at some point. We got home, and the weather was just perfect.

Straight to the garden because the girls felt inspired to put on a "show". They love singing and dancing (and the costume changes that come with performing!), and was happily dancing away to the classical ballet music playlist I put on.

They just kept dancing and singing for ages (especially when my youngest's favourite Can Can came on), I was actually able to just sit down, watch them and relax. And it was about then that I had a clear moment of gratitude.

Being a parent is sometimes really really tough, but it's moments like this that really make it so worthwhile. The girls don't always play well together, but when they do, it's the sweetest thing to witness.

And earlier today, with the perfect 23°C weather, setting sun and light breeze, everything was so harmonious, the girls were so full of love and joy. And it was just perfect :)

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Those perfect parenthood moments are so wonderful @redrica. So glad you paused you long enough to notice it. 😍

The brilliant thing is they never stop. I still have them. I'll be watching my family with the kids all grown up, laughing together or discussing something in earnest and it just washes over me . . .

Wow. How did I get to be so lucky? To be a part in creating this? There have been so many times when it just feels so magical as to be unreal. 💙

I can only imagine how it must feel for you, having gone through the whole parenting process and now watching your children have children.. I'd be honoured to earn those stripes one day!

And I'm glad to hear you feel that way about your family, seeing how so many families nowadays have become so disconnected, that in itself already deserves so much gratitude!

What a sweet and beautiful moment! Glad you were also relaxing and enjoying the sun!!

Thanks Rea! I definitely made the most of it :)

It is very nice moment @rea with this we can be happy too if we are is parent

I love those moments! And you captured it beautifully in that photo. You're right, being a parent can be so tough, but the low points are balanced by the joyful ones. Thanks for sharing this, and reminding me to focus on the wonder instead of the fact that it just took over an hour to get my boys to sleep. lol!

I've been trying to be more present, to notice all these perfect little moments, because parenting hasn't been easy lately, and it's definitely helping me feel more connected with my girls again :)

And ohh boy.. I remember those days, doesn't happen very often anymore, now that my youngest is 3ish. But yea, it was a great excuse for Netflix time at least. Perfect time for some Steemit browsing too? Lots of respect for you, lovely!!

Yes there is nothing better than watching your children having the freedom to just play and be themselves, thanks @redrica parenting is all about moments like this xx

Thanks @trucklife-family! It really is one of the best things ever :)

It can be really really tough indeed. I have twin boys , just had a double tantrum in the supermarket.
Gka first you had some gratitude time to relax:)

Oh wow, twin boys.. Hats off to you @dmilliz! Tantrums are so testing, one of the best zen training for a parent. Hope you and the little ones got through that one without too much damage ;)

We did , got them some apple juice , something to hold on to, but the fussing continued until bath time :)
Please check out my papa-ratsi diary on my blog. I want to hear your thoughts on the “ discussion”

Hahah yes I did see that discussion, but was trying to discreetly avoid it :P Will get to it properly later :)

Ahhhhh such beautiful souls


Thanks for sharing this little intimate moment

It is heart-warming!

Awww thanks lovely, I had to share because it meant so much to me <3

<3 Perfect life to have your kid full time with you ...

We create our own perfect, for sure! And I'm really grateful to be able to live the way we do, as you know <3

Haha @roxane, I love that you loved this so much, you had to comment it 11 times :P Lots of Love to you too, lovely lady!!

Oh nooo my god!
Some problems from my side.......... :-/ Sorry sorry for the spammy love I sent you :p

hahah I love it so no worries ;)

This is a very good moment every parent because with this moment we can know how to children can be happy

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