** Life with a Crohn's disease nr.1 - how it all started **

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hey guys, It was about 3 weeks and I didn’t post anything. It was a little bit of a hard time for me. i really didn’t want to write about this but my husband encourages me to do that.
So I will share a story about me. I was always a healthy person and I didn't think something bad can happen to me. But jeah, bad things come when you least expecting.


For about 7 years ago, I started to feel some funny feeling in my stomach. I didn't give much attention on that, but with time It was getting hard for me to eat normal food without throwing it out.
I’d still eat but just very light food, like rice and pasta without throwing out or going to the bathroom.
I thought, it's some virus or something so I wasn't concerned at all. But with time, this changed to. I started losing my weight. In 3 weeks I lost 5kg,so I decided it’s time to go to the doctor.
At the time, I was still living in Slovenia, Ljubljana because I was studying there but my doctor was in my hometown. She didn't take my blood or anything, she just said it’s some virus and maybe I will lose some more weight. She gave me pills which are stopping diarrhea and vomiting and she send me home.
I wasn't thrilled about that, but hey she is a doctor and she’s know what she’s doing. So I had back to Ljubljana because I missed some lecture.
Unfortunately, it hasn't got better. I took my pills every day but I was still getting weaker and weaker and I lost another 5 kg. I couldn't eat or drink because everything ended in toilet. It wasn't getting better but my doctor said it is just some virus and who am I to question her words.
I spent most of my time in the apartment, I didn't go out because I simply didn't have the energy to socialize. But then my stomach began to hurt differently than usual. The pain was severe, the cramps lasted a minute or two and then stopped so unexpectedly as they appeared.

Somewhere at this time I met my future husband. He was very kind and very friendly to me, and because he knew some doctors in Ljubljana, he arranged for me to be examined by a gastroenterologist.
They made a lot of test, MRI, CT, colonoscopy, gastroscopy and so one and one...In one week they come back with the diagnosis. Crohn's disease. I was in shock. How the hell is that possible. My younger brother have the same disease so it's almost impossible for me to have that too. He got sick when he was just 5 years old and I was 21 years old when I got it.
His condition is more serious, but I will not write about it.
They said this disease came from too much stress, alcohol, unhealthy food and much more. In the begging of my disease I experience a lot of stress but this is not important now.
We started treatment. The first tablets did not help, others also not and so on.
Then the doctor decided to start treatment with a biological medicine called Humira.
Fortunately, I began to feel better, so with my husband we decided to move to Austria to start a life together.
I was very happy to live in another country, have a new job, living with my boyfriend and our dog and life was perfect again.
But then reality catches me again. I started getting wounds on my body.
The entire hands, palms, and legs were covered with wounds. I needed to quit my job because I couldn't work like that.
My doctor was still in Ljubljana so I returned there.
He gave me a cream and some new tablets but we still continue my treatment with Humira. A week later, I noticed my hair started to fall out. My entire head was covered with wounds.
And then I remembered, that side effect from Humira are symptoms like that.
I cut my hair so it would not be so obvious and started to wear hats and scarves. I immediately stopped using the medicine.


Cream, which I received from my doctor, didn't help, so I started to look for some other thing. I found hemp cream and I began to use it.
Two weeks later my skin started to heal. I was insanely happy. I can use my hands again without pain.
But my hair had still falling out and the wounds on the head didn't heals.
My husband was always around me with his good mood and his positivity. He had a idea how can my head heal faster. We will shave my head. ( he shaved his head too, so I wouldn't feel so bad)
Since I didn't know what more we can do, I decided we should do it.
Of course this is not a small step. I'm gonna lose my hair. All my hair.
My husband took the shaving machine and he started to shave.


I tried to keep my tears but I failed. I was crying like a little baby. My hair! They are gone!
My husband, family and my friends, they were sooo supportive.
I don't know, how I would manage without their help.
Of course there were some people with bad comments on my new look but I had much more important things to do.

I decided to stop taking all my pills and try more of a naturals things. I started to eat healthier, didn't drink alcohol anymore, I meditated, doing yoga and I find a new job.
I was good again, without the pills.
I find doctor here in Graz and he said that my disease is in remission.This is the state when the disease is at rest. He still recommended some new pills just to be sure. But I didn't want to because I was still scared what have happened with my last treatment. I was living healthier life and the disease was resting for about 5 years.


At this time, a lot of things happened, so I stopped paying attention to this disease because some time later I was having my first epi seizure and this was priority now. This two diseases have some things in common. Too much stress will awake both of them.
And so it was. About 3 week ago I started to have headaches, my stomach hurt and I know it this is not looking good. I went to the doctor and she took my blood. She immediately send me to hospital. I was dehydrated, with no energy, with pain in my stomach and a strong headache.I stayed in the hospital for a week and they make a lot of different tests.


They send me home and three days later I came back that we did some new tests.
It was confirmed. My Crohn was active again and it was worse than before.
We will make some new test this month and then we will decide which medicine should we try. In this time I’m taking CBD oil and I'm getting little better but still, the problem is, I have ulcers on the colon and it's spreading further on. I know, I need to try some new medicine but I'm scared like hell because I remember how my last treatment has ended.
But yeah on the other side my life is still awesome. Great husband and friends, my lovely dog, job that I like and the winter is finally coming 🙂


And for the end;
I still don't know how I can be that person who deserves a husband like is mine. He is always besides me and he supports me no matter what. You are my world !

Thanks guys for reading this and if you have any questions just ask. 😉
with love, @tinabrezpike ❤️


Greetings @tinabrezpike,

Here's hoping you are feeling better today.

Thank you for posting this tender story of pain, courage and love.

After reading your personal story and wondering what could one bring to you that would be uplifting and of comfort. What came to mind was the verses.....Casting all your cares upon Him...Christ Jesus....for He careth for you. And the verse.....Come unto Me all of You who are heavy laden, for My yoke is easy and My burden light.

When we accept the gift of salvation through belief in Christ Jesus, we become His children under His care.

...For God loved the world (mankind) so much that He gave His uniquely born Son (Jesus Christ) so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Accept Him or Reject Him.....is each person's choice.

It is faith alone in Christ alone for salvation.

Here's wishing you God's best for you and your husband. ^__^

Kind Regards,


@bluejay thank you for your nice wishes ❤️

Thinking of you..... ^__^

Thank you for sharing this, as hard as it must have been. Hearing stories like this can be so helpful to others and it gives us all a better understanding of what these diseases can be like to live with.

It's amazing how much of a toll stress can take on our bodies, triggering things like this. We often assume it's just a mental state and shouldn't affect us so much physically. I hope you can find ways to send these diseases into remission again.

Thank you ❤️ I wasn’t think I have some much stress in life but my body is telling me I need to calm down and take a time for me . Meditation and yoga are very helpful to find my peace :) I am working on that :)

I'm not going to give you any tips as I simply don't want to do something I'm not qualified for. I know that there are many people on Steemit looking at the natural treatments ..

I'm so sorry for all the troubles that you've been through. I'm so lucky that they didn't confirm the Crohn when they were doing my tests. I suffered from similar symptoms for years but got used to that at the end as they didn't know how to help me and I refused to take medicine. Later when I could do it anymore, I have changed my lifestyle drastically and tried to avoid stress as much as I can and I feel much better. Yes, it took me a year to get where I am now but I can eat at the street and don't worry about where is the toilet.. and this is what I call a big achievement.

They say that stress is killing us slowly and it is so true. I hope you will find your balance and start feeling better. You went through horrible things already and deserve some better treatment that will actually help you and won't have these side effects. I'm glad that you have a loving and supporting husband on your side. It's always easy to go through these things with somebody else :)

My prayers are with you and I hope you'll get better! Take care!

@delishtreats thank u very much for your comment and support . So you know how it is when you are outside and you can't eat or drink because you don't know what will happen...I was very disappointed with our doctors, they just give you pills without taking any test or something... But I’m glad that her in Austria is a little bit different with doctors, they take time for patients. I’m not sure, if I will take medicine in the future because I am still scared what will happen, that’s why I’m looking for some others alternatives to heal . Naturals ways... I just need to hold on and stop being so stressful person. I wish you all the best and I hope you don't have to go through this experience anymore !

Yes, I do. I was always so stressed to go somewhere with my friends because sometimes even a drink could cause me troubles..

Healthcare system in some countries is not ideal and I'm glad that you feel better in Austria with your doctors.

I would also try to look for some alternatives as the pills help with one issue but may cause another one...

You can't really change yourself. You might try some breathing exercises but something lie 'stop being so stressful' is not possible in my opinion. I'm the same and I gave up already :)

Have a lovely weekend!

You are right... changing now it’s hard, but I hope I’ll change that into something positiv... stress can be positive thing too ;) I really hope you are okay now ! I wish you a lovely weekend too ❤️🐶

Hope you're okay now Tina. Are you?
Anyways, thanks for sharing your story.

I guess all are born imperfect. Anybody born perfect?
In my own thinking, we already have disease the moment we're born.
Why is it? Our parents have it already and ever since the beginning diseases are already there even before chemicals were created.
These are all my speculations.

When technology came, combination of natural resources were created and these formed the science of chemistry. Chemicals were born to cure as a choice preferable than its side effects.
Now we're seeing any kinds and forms of chemicals out there.
Drinks that they say would make our hearts healthy like red wines and many others mostly with alcohol content. The manufactured products or processed foods that they say the're all good for the human body.
The food industry slogan that says "breakfast is the most important meal of the day". Our stomach are so much tired already digesting these foods from eating 3 meals a day with snacks, and we're doing these things since childhood.
The people of old live longer than the people of this generation.

I guess if we could not escape this contaminated world, we don't need to worry.
We gotta face this world whether we like it or not and we're grateful that we're given a chance to live and exist even in a short period of time.
And sharing our lives with others is already a fulfillment that give us peace.
When the end of everything will come, we're ready to face it.

@ronel thank for your comment. I’m better now...I need to take some more test to be sure which part is the most damage and then we will see what kind of therapy will be good for me. I know we are all born with the diseases but some are never active. Unfortunately mine is but I can still live with that... I just need to find a way how. I have a whole life to discover what is good for me and what’s not. Time will tell :)

Just keep searching and keep reading. A lot of information online.
Not all diseases can be cured through medication.

A doctor knows a lot of medication but I guess we know ourselves much more than any doctor.
Its about our whole being not the disease itself only.
Don't let diseases bring us down.
There's more to look into.

@ronel that’s why I shared my story... So much information from you guys and I can see I’m not alone .
Thank u for your comment ❤️

You're very much welcome!
I wish you all the best!
God bless!

That sucks, sorry to hear that.

You could try some alternative energy healers that work with the Zdenko Domančić method. The method doesn't require you to break any treatment that you have with your doctor.

It can either help or it wouldn't but it would not worsen the condition. Of course it's your choice, I'm just putting some ideas out there.

I would also recommend getting any tests (there are many: even dna based) what food is optimal for your body.

@direwolf I’m always looking for some alternative methods to heal, so any advice is helpful :) It’s very hard to find out what kind of food it’s good for me, so what kind of test do you mean? I didn’t hear about this ... thanks again ⭐️


Oj. Fellow countryman ti zeli vse najbols in da bi drzala bolezen v sahu in ne obratno! Bodi mocna se naprej! :)

O hei ful ti hvala za te besede ☺️ Je lepo srecat sonarodnjake na steemitu ☺️ Bodi lepo !;)

sm reku d ti morm pridt tole stisnt.. ne mors verjet kaksn clovk, razisc ozadje sama, besedil, opis pod videom... :O

Hei ☺️ O fak to je borec ! Tvoje zivljenje je omejeno na stolec in komuniciras lahko samo z ocmi pa se vedno zivis zivljenje na polno , vsaka cast ! Besedilo pa pove vse res ❤️ Zivis zivljenje kot si ga ustvaris ne kot ti drugi pravijo oziroma ti napovejo da se bo tako tvoje zivljenje zdaj odvijalo ker si bolan ... kjer je volja tam je moc, se vedno velja ta izrek ☺️Hvala ti za ta video 😊🦋

Thanks for sharing your story. Great that you have so much support. All the best for your future!

Thank you ❤️ I’m really happy I’m surrounded with such amazing people 😊

Sounds like a horrible time really hope the cannabis oil helps. sending you reiki vibes 💯🐒

Thank you for the good vibes 😉 I can eat and sleep because of oil, so jeah, it helps ;) 🐶

Great to hear shame this big pharm rule it out. But it will only become common practice if people use it and report the success 💯🐒

Hi, how are you? Did marjanko shoot the pictures? They are very beautiful. Your husband makes great pictures. I often have a tummy ache, but I do not have Crohn's disease nr.1. I drink a lot of water or tea, it's good for the tummy. Spices like turmeric or cumin also have a healing effect. But would only take Bio tea and Bio spices. The important thing is that you do not always think about the disease, so do and think just as if you were perfectly healthy. An optimistic lifestyle is very important and that you can not be emotionally pulled down. Do not always stay in it, go out into the beautiful nature. Even if the hair is gone does not matter, you're beautiful. You can try for example to sing at home songs with lyrics in Youtube or dance to music. That relaxes well. Your husband is very nice to you, he can give you a lot of strength. Get well soon :D

Thank u for your comment and advice ❤️ i am better now :) In the moment I don’t feel any pain and that’s important now . I stop drinking coffe ( I’m a big fan of coffee) and I’m drinking just tee now... herbal tee is the best :) some pictures I have taken myself and some my husband:) and again , thank you for your positive wishes ❤️ I wish u a nice weekend 🐶🐶

I am glad that you are feeling better. I think that 1 to 2 cups of coffee in the morning are healthy. I wish you, your husband and your dog also a nice weekend : D

@tinabrezpike, hope you are better now. Thank you for sharing your story. I knew it need a lot of courage for one person to share what you been through. You have a caring and supporting husband, he is so lovely and caring. God bless him. This is what we need when we in difficult time. They will be our supporter either emotionally or physically. I knew how hard it is to fight this stubborn disease, it is not easy. You need to take care of your dietary and a stress free environment. I just want to let you know that, you are not alone, I will keep you in my prayers.
You have a positive mind, which is good. People with positive mind always able to keep all the disease away. I hope, in your next post. You share with us that you managed to fight off this disease. Please do take care.

@oliviackl I'm really thankful for your comment ! I just need to learn how to live with this disease and with epilepsy. But jeah, staying positive that is very important :) Thank you for your prayers! ❤️❤️

@tinabrezpike, staying positive, happy and enjoy your life to the fullness would be the best medicine in the world. Lots of love and hug from me.

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