Knitting shrug and thinking about life / 編み物と人生

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago

My shrug was almost done ... and I got to know the arm holes were too tight with a sleeve inside ;) So I removed arm and body ribs to increased some rows for the body.



That’s knitting and crocheting or making things in general. Sometimes I have to go back to make my piece better. It’s also similar to our life. I'm frustrated from my mistake initially, calm down after a while, think about what's wrong and slowly slowly improve the situation.


The body part was done again. I wanted to make ribs around arm holes and body but I couldn’t as I run out of the cotton string. I go to buy the string with my daughter tomorrow. Seems she like to be in fabric stores.

気を取り直して編み直し、あとはゴム編みすれば OK というところまで戻って来ました。糸が足りなくなってしまったので明日マーケットのついでに子どもと買いに行ってきます。


After I ran out of the string for the shrug, I started crocheting my market bag with a hemp string (yes, finally crocheting!) I was working on the bag in a park yesterday and was nice that some people asked me what was I working on.



I liked "outdoor needlework" :) I will try sometimes in this season.



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#NeedleWorkMonday is initiated by @crosheille. Thank you for hosting a wonderful & fun weekly tag!

針仕事の月曜日こと #NeedleWorkMonday@crosheille さんがホストしているタグで、毎週月曜日に和気あいあい洋裁、和裁、編み物、ビーズワークなどなど針仕事にまつわる投稿を読んだり書いたりするコミュニティーです。 #japanese からも一緒に参加しましょう!英語のテキストがあるとよいようです。わからないことなどあったらお手伝いします :)


I like how the shrug is coming along @akipponn and also the market bag with hemp string. I like the "rawness" of the hemp string. Is it hard to work with? I know what you mean about frustration from mistakes made. We just have to take a deep breath, take a step or two back, reflect and work to fix it. We must never give up. Ganbatte! 😉

This hemp string is produced for knitting/crocheting so it's not hard to work with it. But when I used Raffia to make a hat, I noticed I hurt my right hand ... I just worked too intensively several hours a day or more.

And talking about the calming down process, a deep breath is one of the most important steps ;)

Yes, we all have been in that situation - we lived through it and learnt from it. For a long time one point for me in chosing a yarn was "can it be unravelled easily?" ;)

Once I heard from my grandma that she had a school class just to remove tangled strings ... Needlework Zen ;)

綺麗な網目〜こんなの編めるなんてそんけーです( ̄▽ ̄)

ありがとうございます。実は途中で一度ブロッキングしていてちょっときれいに見えるのは内緒です ;) 日本では麻紐使われるようですね。探したものの見つからず、高いなあと思いつつ毛糸屋さんに並んでいたのを衝動買いしてしまいました。

Your shrug seems to be coming together really nicely!
I really feel for you that you had to go back and correct mistakes - in knitting and crochet it's such a time-consuming and frustrating thing to happen!

Thank you vliet. I overcame the process saying "that's life that's life" to myself for a while ;)

Sometimes that's the only way to overcome the hurdles... :D

Your shrug will look great when finished @akipponn - good finishing takes time... I was wondering whether you find crocheting the hemp hard on your hands.
Also, I do like that crossed stitch (?) case in the first photo 😊

That's right good finishing takes time while I wish I could wear it this summer :D Talking about the hemp, it's not as smooth as regular yarn but it works as it's made for crocheting/knitting. I have to be careful not to crochet 7-8 hours continuously though.

The pen case is not my work but done by a group of women in Afghanistan. I like it too and I use it more than 10 years. It came from Afghanistan, accompanied me from Japan to Austria, India, Germany ... Good to write about it. I'm now motivated to cross stitch something in the future. Cross stitch was one of the first needleworks I did when I was 6 years old in the US.

Thank you very much for your reply @akipponn. I would certainly be interested to hear more about that cross-stitched pencil case 🌸

Wonderful daughter you have :-D She shows potential (wait some years and you will live in wool )
Just kidding...
The pattern of the shrug is still lovely and better to change the fit now than being angry later (like me, who is too stubborn to admit I made the wrong size)
I have never worked with hemp, is it hard on the hands?

Needlework Monday 2nd generation ;)

I use Rico creative nature. Seems they care about knitter/crocheters' hands. It works fine as long as I keep myself crochet only 2-3 hours a day :D

When I used Raffia to crochet a hat, I had pain on my hand and the project is hibernating for 2 years ...

hola amiga, como estas, me encanta el crochet, te feicto por tu trabajo, gracias por compartir, salludos desde steemitmamas y from Venezuela.

Gracias de Alemania a Venezuela @carolinacardoza!

Your shrug is coming along just fine, you could use a different colour wool that complements this colour but hopefully the store would have the exact one you need. I see the colour red in the closure . The outdoor needlework looks like a hat to me :)

Hola @akipponn. Saludos desde Caracas-Venezuela. Bonito trabajo, y el color suave. Soy amante del crochet y de todas sus expresiones. Y como dices, es un reflejo también de la vida, tienes altos y bajos. Un gran saludo

Oooooh I like the way your shrug is coming along! Yes that’s the joy of crocheting/knitting...sometimes it takes more than the first try to get the result we are looking for. Numerous times I have ran out of supplies while working on a project.

Your bag is coming along nicely too! I would love to work outside like that but those insects always “bug” me lol! 😅 Your stitch work is lovely ~ 💜

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