Musings XXVII

in #photography6 years ago

I don’t feel pretty.  

I admit that it’s a little different when I view myself through the camera but the fact of the matter is that I’m not entirely comfortable in my own skin on a day-to-day basis. It hit me close to home when I had to spend those days in New York without makeup to cover up my blemishes. It was all bad timing and I did not foresee myself falling into such a vulnerable state of mind. I continued to blame myself because I knew that it was my fault for not sleeping well and taking care of my body. My skin has cleared up since then but those insecurities continue to lingering at the back of my mind.  

The first time I doubted my beauty was when I was fifteen years old. Back then, grunge makeup was the trend and natural skin was in. My makeup routine was simple; black liner which was smoked out on occasion and tinted brow gel. I’d pick up tips and tricks from my peers who had learned from their siblings or magazines. I also had a handful of older girlfriends who would invite me along for a ride to the local drugstore. We’d take our time browsing through eyeshadows and leave with colored tinted mascara.

On one particular occasion, we were in MAC looking for lipstick. Leaving our comfort zone of eye makeup and transitioning into lipsticks were a huge milestone, especially for girls who are coming of age. A beauty expert approached me asking what I was looking for and it was apparent that it was lipsticks but she quickly shot that down, leading me to a high chair and proceeded to test foundations on my skin. I was a little confused but followed her lead. She proceeded to vocalize all the things that were wrong with my skin and what products I needed to correct it. Each sentence cut me deep and I began to shrink back into my shell. It was in that moment that my rose colored glasses were removed and I saw a different side of myself.

Through the years, I carried a light veil of makeup with me and relied on it more that I should. Then I’d reminding myself that I should look presentable in from of others and thought back to what that beauty expert had said about my skin. I know now that it has become my security blanket. To this day, I can recall an old flame telling me that I didn’t need all the face paint because I looked the same without makeup. I knew that without him telling me but covering my skin had already become second nature to me. Long story short, it didn’t work out with us because he said he preferred ‘fresh faces’ among other things and I honestly felt like he was full of shit, which he was. He’s currently dating the queen of glam right now, what a hypocrite.

I’ve told myself time and time again that I need to take care of myself. Then I can feel good and I can truly love every part of me. The list is easy but remaining consistent is another issue because life is unpredictable and unless I’m strict on myself, nothing will change. I get so caught up with traveling, spending time creating art that I devote less time to my overall mental and physical health...that is until I crack under pressure. I need to sleep more, eat better, go on a run to energize my body and take the time to pamper myself.  

Thanks for reading.🦊 

Musings XXVI 

Musings XXV 

Musings XXIV 

Musings XXIII 

Musings XXII 

Musings XXI 

Musings XX 


She proceeded to vocalize all the things that were wrong with my skin and what products I needed to correct it.

An endless money pit kinda trap XD

It’s crazy how much it bugged me when I was a kid and how I now understand that she was probably only focused on making her sales goal. 🙄

I tend to go heavy on the eyes and try to let the rest of my face breath. Just one coat of cover-up and my face goes mental. I have this giant blemish on my lower cheek right now that looks like leprasy, had a bad batch of the backnee too. Been doing teatree oil treatments and things are clearing. Like we tell ourselves these ugly stories about ourselves. It's just the skin telling us how the body is doing. There is beauty in imperfection as it's just clearing out and up the unwanted things in our bodies. Cocoons often don't look as lovely as the butterfly inside.

I feel so much better after reading this. Thank you. My skin is pretty dry so I can get away with covering it up when I do get a breakout. I need to do what you do and let it breathe or just sleep. I’ve also heard good things about teatree oil so I’m not surprised that you’ve used it. I have yet to tried it but I’m working on stocking up on a small bottle when I get home. :)

Just don't get it anywhere near your eyes...and for the love of God don't forget you used it and start masterbating, cause take it from me, teatree oil is not meant for the sensitive areas of the body lol.😬😭True story.

I think it is best to learn to accept our body with or without imperfections to not create that state of mind so to speak, that we do what we do or use countless things to see us better keep thinking that is the opposite! You look great in the pictures :)

I agree with you. It’s funny because I love a lot of my imperfections but there are some that I’m clearly not a fan of. I’m working on it. :) It makes me happy that you like my pictures.

It's a strange thing, that for many years annoyed me, that beautiful women said they couldn't see their own beauty - my wife for one - she always was really gorgeous (I am being completely objective here :). We have discussed this for many years all through our relationship and one of her theories are that it can be hard to get to terms with your own beauty because it gives you power and opportunity you didn't ask for. A person who learns something valuable like data science can say: "I deserve this." But being a pretty girl is not something you thrived for. Make up is at least a bit of effort and it can be a substitute.

Not quite sure this is what you are talking about (I kind of implicitly goes with the fact that you are beautiful (because you are)), but it reminded me of these discussions, so I thought that maybe it could be interesting to mention.

P.S. A charming personality was always the highlight of any kind of human beauty.

Your wife was definitely onto something. How you view yourself can be really empowering. I would like to hold onto that power and genuinely embrace it rather than to fake it. I know a lot of women and men who struggle with their self confidence like I do. I can’t speak for them but I know that with me, I have to feel comfortable with myself to thrive. It’s not entirely how others see me but how I view myself through their eyes. It’s similar to how I view my art. Some days I love it but overall, I know I’ve got a long way to go. Searching for validation for yourself can be ridiculous in certain situations but then there is a flip side where it opens the door to much deeper issues.

I'm sorry the NY trip was so rough on you :( Hopefully next time Theresa and I can catch you and Lars + Bryan.

For what it's worth, I think you're a beautiful woman, and I totally relate to the frustration of the evil "stress = acne, but then acne makes you stressed, rinse and repeat" cycle.

Travel always takes its toll overtime. 🙃 We should definitely stay in contact and plan something further out in advance. It would be my first time meeting Bryan also! :D

Oh and thanks for your kind words. If my skin didn’t freak out from the stresses of life and if I didn’t ever need sleep then I’d probably be up late making stuff.

We definitely will! I'm friends with lars on discord now, even though i don't check it very often haha.

To be honest, my skin is still freaking out since we last talked, haha. Stay strong!

perfection is boring , everyone is beautiful in different ways , and no one is perfect in reality , <3

You’re absolutely right! 😊

I don't think I ever knew girl with brains that is satisfied with her look totally. It's always something missing, even shape of the feet or her toes..We all go trough different phases in our lives, and from 46 year point of view all I can say, I am sorry I don;t have this brain when I was 30 :) But even than I know something will be missing :) So, it's normal and it's woman staff and totally ok to feel that way from time to time @vermillionfox :)
And yes, I stopped using make up for ten years now and it feels liberating :) I have spots and freckles and pale skin but that's me and it's mine :)

As my body slowly evolves each year, I find good and bad things about myself. The good definitely outweighs the bad. I’m taking small steps to cut certain things out of my beauty routine and add in healthier practices.

I absolutely agree that we go through different phases in our lives. One example: I stopped jumping on a scale to view my weight after my teen years because I realized that it didn’t matter. I could grow muscle mass and it could add more to my weight so those numbers were pointless. I also stopped blow drying my hair and wearing mascar because those things also felt unnecessary. It’s oddly satisfying to shorten your daily grooming routines.

I love how proud you are of your skin! I have had days where I’ll skip makeup entirely so I understand your feelings of liberation but it will take more time for me to be confident enough to share that side of myself with the entire world.

I had same problem last year, started driving rollerblades and my weight just went up..and than my sweet heart explained to me that my muscle grown and pop up my weight :)
And skin..well I was working job for a long time where I had to be with full make up during the day and moment I quit it stopped using it. During winter since I am pale as ghost :) I use light foundation and some blush and that's it. I realized with growing old having to much on my skin makes me even older :)
Girl you have your inner light and you shine with it :))

It's quite cool for me to see many more people with no make up ^^ Also they look very nice and often unique especially from artist's point of view :D
Right now at the beaches I haven't seen anyone who I'd think they need any makup (maybe they're wearing waterproof stuff xD)
There are some people that I've seen online who do incredible makup tutorials and I see how it's worth for them to do it. So I do appreciate good make up, but it's cool for everyone to decide for themselves and we the more variety the better ^^
(Also, I don't wear makeup.)

This is a grandma speaking: don't worry about your looks. Just try to enjoy to the fullest as many instants of your life as you can. There will always be prettier girls to make us feel insecure, but they too are insecure because there are pretty girls around. And age works against all of us. So how to be happy? By loving life and what it can give you: smells, tastes, beautiful things to see, touch, hear. Worrying about your looks is a burden that does not enhance your looks or your life. Make-up and clothes should just be for the fun of dressing up.

It can always be a struggle for self and beauty, but particularly so for we gals. The entire industry that Sephora exists in means they WANT us to not feel beautiful so we NEED them. Every supermarket check out and stand of magazines as well as endless pop up ads online are constantly telling us how we should look.

Also you seem such a beautiful person on the inside based on just my following your posts, I am sure the world sees you in a better light then you allow yourself to see :)

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