Minnow #541,753—Monthly Report: August

in #steemit6 years ago

Two-Thirds Of 2018—Gone

It's the first week of September, which means the kids are back in school, it's finally American football season again, and it's time for what I know all of you have been waiting for, my monthly report for August, 2018.

I know the anticipation has been building and is reaching fever levels, so let's just get to it, shall we?

You might want to hold onto your hats. You're in for a bumpy ride.

Minnow 541,753_4.5M.png

Quick Summary

What can I say? August started out pretty good, as I set personal records for the number of comments made in a week (516) and total character length across all comments (279,328).

Then, it pretty much fell apart, as I hit a Steemit wall and then needed to take more and more time away due to my wife's hernia surgery. As of this writing, I'm still encountering limited time, though it is easing somewhat.

Posts (no commments)—25

Another 25% drop on top of the one from July. Partly due to running out of things to say, and then finding myself on call for the needs of my wife's healing and well being. It's hard to get into any kind of rhythm when you know you can be called away at any moment.

Throw into the mix that it was hard to keep up with posting and try to increase my commenting, and it was just not going to be a good month for post quantity.

The total number of days spent posting were 16.


Overall, this represents only 11 comments less than in July, but 791 of them were made in the first 11 days, a nearly 72 comment per day clip. I even set a daily personal record of 102 comments.

Enter the wall, then the surgery. I feel fortunate to even come close to last month's totals.

Total days commenting were 25 for an average of over 47 a day.

Upvote given—267/874

Upvote spread increased over 43% but the total number of upvotes decreased by nearly 33%. For the first couple weeks of the month the fall off in the number of votes can be attributed to a conscious change in strategy implemented in July. I simply stopped upvoting every reply beyond the first. I've done this because of the lower STEEM prices which have caused any votes under 25% to drop below the $0.03 dust threshold. This allowed me to upvote a wider variety of people at the same time.

The rest of the month, though suffered from the same issues as previous categories.

Upvotes received—311/1000

Upvote spread and total number of votes were down from July, 116 and 310, respectively. A lack of posting did not help these numbers. Also, curie did not upvote a post until the very last day of the month, and then, it was only a small subset of the trail. I'm not sure why that is, but the last few times that has happened to my posts.

Regardless, had I been in the 40 post range like I was before these last two months, upvotes received would not have fallen.

SP increase—71.064

Thanks to the last minute curie upvotes, what was headed for a lackluster month turned into one that was less seven points than in July.

Everything received in the way of rewards and awards were powered up, along with the curation SP. I feel very fortunate to have increased even that, given how August went. I will feel just as fortunate if September manages to get bailed out in similar fashion.

Highest single payout—10.123 STEEM/10.133 SP

Grandpa Gotta Cook—Homemade Grilled Individual Pizzas was the curie this time around. I believe that to be the first curie received for my entries to the weekly Food Fight Friday.

Again, vote weight for the major curie trailers was 33%.


While I did manage to avoid any accidental upvotes, that didn't stop me from accidentally replying to my own reply a time or two. Maybe I need a category for that now?


As I continue to participate in @abh12345's engagement league, I also find myself still involved with @foodfightfriday and making at least one appearance with the @comedyopenmic. Both are more for fun as anything else, and the comedy (so called) is purely as the mood strikes. In addition, I have also been participating in the daily five minute freewrite, of which, to my knowledge, I have been nominated/selected as some other writer's favorite piece a few times now.

Flags given/received—0

After a flurry of activity by small accounts forming part of the Steem Defense League resulting in six flags last month, this month passed without a single bite, just like the other six months.


An increase of 39 this time. With the advent of User Authority (UA) on the horizon and a supposed wide appeal for its adoption (at least in theory), I suppose I should figure out a way to attract more followers. Or not. Until followers actually ever means something (like taking the time to read and engage on posts), I'm dubious about it being a metric for UA just as I've been dubious of it on every social media platform I've participated. Way too many content creators and not enough consumers makes for bad followers.

I'll save the rest of this mini-rant for another day.

Reputation Rating—57

No visible increase in my rating this month, though the curie vote did push it closer to a change than it would have been otherwise.

Investment—575.053 STEEM

After four months of refraining from buying STEEM, I finally bought more in the first few days of August (after once again figuring out the labyrinth of rules and the need for multiple attempts before succeeding that has become Coinbase in my case).

Remember, back when STEEM was still a little over $1 USD? That's when I bought it. I have yet to buy any more since the prices fell below $1 USD, but it has been on my mind a lot. I've been wanting to see if it would fall nearer to $0.50 USD, but so far, $0.75 USD is about all it's done, which I missed anyway.

I'm not sure how I'm going to determine when to do so, but I hope to buy more before September is over.

Playing into this, I'm sure is the knowledge that had I waited until now to invest, I'd be pretty close to a Dolphin, with more to spend to get me there. Live and learn.


I'm hoping to get back into the groove by the third Monday in September. While my wife is still convalescing at home, I don't want to get too involved in Steemit posts or commenting and then be called away or neglect something I should have been doing.

I would like to say I've been working on something big for my full return, but so far, I haven't figured out what that might be. At this rate, I'm just hoping not to lose everyone who has been so kindly upvoting my work. I feel like that may have already happened and I'd hate to lose more.

I have been reading posts here and there to keep up to speed with changes and developments. I just haven't been doing a whole lot more than that. As I said, I hope to be back to full speed the week after next.

Note to @pjau. You know the drill.


Some of the categories aren't as high as they've been in the past, but you're still putting up pretty good numbers. Also, things can't stay the same forever. It's good that you're helping your wife, and if you've hit a wall anyways, then it's a good time for you to be away so you can recharge.

that didn't stop me from accidentally replying to my own reply a time or two.

I've had that happen a few times too. Maybe it's just that we're too old to perfectly use this technology. Oh, to be 18 again! Ha ha.

I was curious if you were thinking about buying more Steem. I guess that's something we'll have to look out for. :D

If one looks, they can always find the silver lining, right @themanwithnoname?

I suppose taking time off instead of pushing through is for the best as far as hitting walls go. Still trying to recover from my distant third after my best ever performance with the engagement league. Not a fan of my best not being good enough dang it. I'm glad to say that age has nothing to do with it, given the lead competition.

re: replying to myself

The problem is, I don't remember what I said the first time, so I go back to see that, and then instead of replying to the reply, I reply to myself. In some cases, that's actually more enlightening, but I'm happy to say more often than not, I'd rather be holding a conversation with someone else.

I can't say I was really all that happy at 18, but I might take another try at 25-35. :) At any rate, I like tormenting the youngin's and I'm still here to give them all a run for their money. Just got to keep working on it. Need to have others quit telling me to give up, too. :)

Yeah, you can find silver linings if you look hard enough. Sometimes it would be nice not to have to look though. Like things would just be good and the silver would be right there. Silver-lined silver, not silver-lined garbage in a flaming can.

Not a fan of my best not being good enough dang it.

I feel you there. I've been dealing with that a lot. It's not a good feeling, so I hope you're able to get past it. I've been finding that it's important to focus on the areas where your best (or even not your best) is still good enough. That's where a good wife is nice, because she'll tell you that she loves you for who you are... and then maybe you'll respond with something like "yeah, but I want you to love me at least partially because of the amazing things I've done" but inside you'll have been reminded that you're special and important to her... so it doesn't matter what the rest of the world thinks.

I've done that whole "replying to your reply to yourself" thing. It's something like, "pay attention to where you're writing, old man." heh

Fair enough. I guess 18 wasn't so great for me either, but I wouldn't mind giving 25 another go.

Don't give up! Never give up.... unless you read this article that I read in my feed earlier today about a poker coach who coaches people how to give up. Ha ha.

Hey @glenalbrethsen. Didn't see the mention, must of got lost in the mail. 😂

I think considering the reduction in posting you have done pretty well on the SP gain. As for paying for crypto it's always the wrong time.. haha

Generally everything is quiet right now, 2 weeks until the hard fork is supposed to happen though, wonder how that will go assuming it happens.

Hey, @pjau.

I agree. I fared far better than I probably should have. I need to get back into the swing of things and see if I can't start hitting my 100 SP a month goal.

re: hardfork

With the testnet up, I would hope they'd find the snags in time to fix them so the hard fork can happen. My main concern is downtime when it happens. This will be my first experience with a Hard Fork and I understand that they haven't always gone so smoothly.

100 would be cool. ✔

I have no idea how long it would take. I'm ok with hours, but if it's like days. It will be kinda annoying. 🤔

I've been feeling so out of sorts, and now I know why ... the anticipation of your monthly report had me in a real fervor ;)

You won't ever lose me Glen :) Whenever you make it back, I'll be here!

I'd love to invest to get me nearer to Dolphin-hood, but it's just not in the cards, so organic growth it is for me. "Live and learn" ... I'm guessing there's many more here who have done the same!

I'm sorry to hear about you feeling out of sorts. Don't need that. I would have definitely made the report sooner had I known it was the cure. :)

Well, thank you. It's good to hear. I'm hoping by no later than the following Monday. It will definitely be my first full week back, regardless.

You've got enough going on without needing to throw in money for a STEEM investment into the mix. However, I do have to say that being able to tell people, "I live in Cancun," kind of trumps a lot of things. :)

I'm feeling out of sorts, but I live in Cancun.

I'm feeling out of sorts, but I live in Cancun.

haha that's awesome!

"No, I unfortunately cannot invest in STEEM, but I do live in Cancun." hahah LOVE it!

Regardless of the why's, hasn't it been nice to take a bit of time off from here? I too have done the same, last week and part of this one, and I must admit, I've enjoyed not having steemit on my mind all of the time!

Like now, I'm shutting this off and going to read my book. Normally Saturday night, I'd be typing like crazy trying to catch up to janton and his damn chair haha

Enjoy your weekend Glen, and all the best to your wife too :)

I mean, you could be more specific—...but I live in Playa del Carmen. Most people know Cancun, though. :)

I guess it's been okay. I'd rather be on vacation somewhere.

Thank you for the well-wishes.

You're welcome :) Looking forward tohaving you back; it's really not the same around here without you Glen!

sir Glen! it was so good to see your post today as I really miss talking to you
but I know you'll come back strong when you can!

Well, I kind of felt the need to get this report out, since I haven't missed one since I started. I've been around, just not very vocal.

Glad to see you poking your head in again, and hope your wife is making a good recovery.

I too have my doubts on the whole UA rep thing. Yet another "provider" that wants me to log into their thing I will say no to. I know the rep here can be gamed, but it is easy to know quick if that is what happened or not. I don't really go by rep anyway. I go by whether I connect with the person which has nothing to do with some stupid metric. I don't need a metric to tell me if I want to engage with someone, lol.

They say you have to be on Discord to move ahead. Never touched it and here I am moving ahead. Said you need to subsidize others dust votes to move ahead. No thank you, and still moving ahead, lol. If someone wants me to subsidize their vote for them we probably shouldn't be engaging, lol.

Hope all else has been well with you.

Thank you for the kind words and well-wishes, @practicalthought.

I believe she is. At least the amount of "honey-dos" have increased, as opposed to just helping her. That's a sign of recovery right? :)

I'm not sure what's the point of rep or UA. I don't think either will really serve any purpose. Follower and witness metrics did it for me. The engagement metric came too late (as an afterthought, so obviously, they're not wanting to measure anything meaningful or substantive).

Basing your metrics on two broken protocols and then adding a third when people start voicing their opinions—I don't know. I'm just cynical, man. Too darn cynical.

Problem is, I don't have the solution. And that's what I want. I don't want to be the guy joining the chorus of that won't work, or that doesn't make sense. I want to get to what will make sense, what will work. The rest is worthless and unnecessary.

re: Discord and subsidizing dust, etc.

But just think of all the earnings you're leaving on the table for not bootlicking on Discord and it's obvious you're not a man of the people since you're so unwilling to help others help themselves to your hard earned rewards. Shame, shame, shame. :)

I really enjoyed reading that.

Like all good ideas I'll think I'll copy yer idea and do my own monthly version starting at the end of this month!

A few suggestions -

Add a ps to all your comments saying 'if you want my 5% upvote in yer comment to pay get @dustsweeper - you must have exactly the same active SP as me as it currently takes me a 25% upvote to get beyond dust.

Also - record yer rep increase using steemworld.org - it shows 0.001 increments.

As to the payouts - steempress is working well for a couple of my posts a week but you do need a WP blog!

UA is also a useful upvote - best return for delegation, but I'm a little disappointed with my UA score/ rank. The 'get more followers' advice is NOT helpful.

Great efforts - I'll buy you a couple of SBI shares for giving me a good read and a good idea!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey @revisesociology.

Copy away. I'm surprised and not surprised that more people don't do this. Even for themselves, which is basically what I'm doing. I used to be in business, and you kind of need number comparisons to keep you on track. I've found that it's helpful for me. In talking with others, they'd rather just have fun, which I can't blame them really.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll take them under advisement. I do actually use steemworld.org regularly, but since the rep rating shows up on Steemit as a two digit whole number, I just report it as such.

I appreciate the sentiment regarding SBI, but I'd rather you didn't. I'm sure there's many who would love to have it, but I'd just rather not. Someone else has done it (again) and I will need to get rid of it (again). Thanks anyway.

Personally I'm a little bit obsessed (oxymoron alert!) with self tracking.

So I'll track away using yr post as a guidelinem

What have you got against SBI? I understand that it's basically self voting but you are 'buying in' others.

The guy who runs it's got a lot of integrity.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm just not a believer in basic income, be it universal or steem or some other kind. I don't even know who runs it, so nothing against them. I'm sure they're doing it out of the best of intentions, too, just like everyone else who has been trying to help people with whatever workaround they've come up with.

I know I'm the odd man out here. I am quite frequently, so I'm starting to get used to it. :)

It's not a bad thing to be contrary.

Steem brings together people who agree strongly on some things, but not others*!

Then we have to find the consensus!

That's life!

I've found that a lot as part of the green movement in the UK - fascists, anarchists, conservatives, socialists, christians and aetheists - there's 'green' in all of them, but often uncomfortable.

Posted using Partiko Android

I wonder if I would be able to do a where I am at now post on a regular basis? I am not real good at keeping track of things, and things get lost, but there are times I would like to know what my numbers were back then so to speak. I need to develop more consistency in order to keep track. I do a pretty good job of taking Asher's numbers for me and putting them on my own spreadsheet, may I need to add a couple of columns and put my where I'm at numbers on there. Thanks, this thinking while typing helped me.

I hope the wife is doing better, if she is adding to the honey do list that is a good sign that she wants the "hovering' to begin going away. I thinks its women's way of telling us to get out of their hair and that they are doing fine.

hey, @bashadow.

I think anyone can do this, so you certainly could. The first couple posts are the hardest, and that's because you're getting used to the template and keeping track of the data. After that, it's just a matter of following last month's post.

I believe she is doing better. I think she's mainly tired of not being able to do much. She's definitely the kind of person who likes to be up and about. We'll no more Wednesday, but for right now, I think she's been doing a decent job of doing what she should and avoiding what she shouldn't.

That is good for her, it takes a little while for a full heal, but really not to long before you feel yourself.

Yes I am going to try, on every sunday I will after adding my Asher scores, add my steemworld scores. I made a second page on my spreadsheet. I may need to paulag to help me do auto formulas but just adding the numbers should not be to hard.

It looks like you've done really well to me @glenalbrethsen given how much enforced time away you've had.

Until followers actually ever means something (like taking the time to read and engage on posts), I'm dubious about it being a metric for UA

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's dubious about UA. As far as I can see it is another metric that favours those who got in early.

Hope you've got a nice weekend lined up to enjoy! 😊

hey, @gillianpearce.

I'm probably going to be watching Oregon Duck football in a couple of hours. That's about all I have planned, which I think should be enough. Oh, and grilling steaks. I guess I'm doing that, too. :)

I've wanted to see if I couldn't get up to 100 SP a month on average somehow, but I keep having some kind of setback. I suppose that just may be the way it is and expectations are too high.

re: UA

I keep finding myself on the opposite end of a lot of things.

I've probably got a post brewing about UA (sad thing is, I want to believe in it), but the first two metrics—followers and now witnesses—it sounds like the fix is it. The last metric, engagement, is somewhat redemptive, if it's weighted properly.

And I agree. It's pretty simple math that if you got here early and stuck with it that you're going to have more followers who did the same than those who came in after. And maybe that's the point. It becomes a measure of longevity (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) rather than one of authority, like it's supposed to be.

The witness one is pretty hinky. If we're supposed to be using it to measure authority, I'm not sure how we can do that when essentially everyone who is in the Top 20-30 (if not more), have heavy hitting SP backing them. Normally, that wouldn't bother me, but we don't know who this heavy-hitting SP, aside from a few, are. We don't have anyway of knowing who they are.

I didn't know that witnesses were a measure too @glenalbrethsen. That makes it even worse in my opinion. The whole top 20 witness thing is one big voting ring from what I've read.

Ah well. Another nail in the steemit coffin for me. 😂

I think there may be some other good stuff coming on the Steem Block Chain though some I'm looking forward to that. I'm hoping someone will come up with an SMT that I'm interested in and can get my teeth into.

I'm currently exploring Steem Monsters but, watching the first video I'm fast losing the will to live. 😂 😂 😂

UA is currently based on three metrics—followers, witness and engagement. The latter was after people started recommending it—it wasn't the first thing they thought of when trying to determine user authority. I find that odd, but oh well.

It could very well be a voting ring. However, the witnesses themselves don't have enough SP to put them in the Top 20 without some heavier hitters voting for them. There's not enough SP among all of the rest of us if only a few of the true whales get together.

So, in my mind, the witnesses voting for one another, if that's your meaning, is troublesome, as a lot of things are here, especially if it's leading to some kind of collusion, but when it already appears they're actions or inactions are bought and paid for by big SP, it's a lesser of evils game. I don't know. I'm not a big SP hater. But I am used to a Constitutional Republic where at least I have some semblance of a say. Here, I feel like I don't even have that, unless I'm willing to do things that I'm not willing to do, or think others should either.

I'm not sure I'm as dire as sircork was in his estimation of Steem Monsters, but I do agree with him in that it's not really a minnow savior, and that those behind it ought to be doing quite well, and that eventually it will fade like most things like this do. But I suppose that's why you strike while the getting is good, and then move on to the next gold rush.

I do have to say though, Steem Monsters does have a few things going for it that cryptokitties didn't. :)

I do have to say though, Steem Monsters does have a few things going for it that cryptokitties didn't.

After doing a bit of research this morning that's my view too @glenalbrethsen.

Part of my interest in Steem Monsters is my lack of knowledge about anything like this, i.e it's something new. 😁

Ultimately I suspect I will be looking at it as an investor rather than a player. the characters and story lines do nothing for me. I'm also not a strategic thinker which, apparently is what it's all about.

I quite like the idea of the collecting aspect too but, if I get anymore cards I will have to pay Fiat for them, which is a whole 'nother ball game compared to using SBD that I earned here.

Even if the numbers weren't up standard, for obvious reasons, the detail of your report certainly is.

I'm happy to see friends gained this year steadily advancing towards the 1% club - I think 5000 SP could well put you in the 0.1% club, crazy isn't it?

Here's to a more fruitful September, and a swift recovery for your wife.

Cheers Glen.

Well, I appreciate all of this. As long as something bad does not show up on Wednesday when my wife goes to her appointment, she'll be visiting family for a couple weeks, so I should have more time during that period to get back in the swing of things.

I wonder why the 1% feels like the other 99? :)

Fingers crossed for you both this week.

An early night tonight, a certain league post is due tomorrow.

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