100 reasons why...

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

I have always been somewhat of a square peg in a round hole.

I never fitted in. Not as a young kid, not as an adolescent, not as a teen and in many respects, still now – as an adult. I am 38 tomorrow and to be quite honest, I still feel like a kid… completely bloody clueless!!!! Except now, I am a clueless kid – with a kid of their own - that is starting to see their own strength, capability and worth.

I have suffered from mild depression my entire life… or have I?

To be honest, I don’t know if what I have “lived” growing up was depression or just lack of self-belief and insecurity… but whichever way the pendulum swings, there is one thing I do know… I have repeatedly managed to ”swing” myself through it all. Not to say there were not people there to support me, but rather that I generally tend to internalise my pain to a large degree and have very seldom expressed my GREATEST struggles… that is of course, until the last couple of years.

Everything within me changed in the last couple of years. My tireless enthusiasm became tired. My endless ability for absorption became completely saturated – I was tired, drained, depleted and frankly… completely desperate!!!! I cannot count how many times I have thought about how to kill myself… no really – it was that many!!!

This is going to sound enormously selfish and disrespectful to all the other people in my life that afford me their love, but I am being completely transparent here. The ONLY thing that has TRULY stopped me from doing that over the last few years is my son Jude. No matter WHAT I am going through – or have been through… he did NOT ask to be here! He is the greatest love of my life, and there would and could be nothing more selfish than leaving him without a mother… despite how much he may loathe me some days haha!

I know that I still have a LOT to learn in this life, and I am eternally grateful for my 8 year old guide. He is not tainted like I am and he is my greatest test and teacher.

This post was sparked, through a share from @dunstuff on my #trackoftheday post the other day, which I gave 1st prize and if you are interested you can listen to it HERE. It also spoke strongly to me right now in my life because we have just finished watching the second season of 13 Reasons Why - a series which, if you have not watched yet, I would HIGHLY recommend - ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE KIDS… NO MATTER THEIR AGE! It is probably one of the most “real” series I have ever watched… and a SERIOUS eye opener to the realities of life in our society today… not only for kids and teens, but for adults as well.

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Many people, walk around with blinkers or rose tinted glasses on a lot of the time… either completely oblivious to what is ACTUALLY going on around them, or… they don’t actually want to acknowledge it and have to DEAL with it!

This particular series spoke to me on SO many levels. There were a myriad of ways in which I could identify with all the stuff the characters were faced with…. And I was a teen in the 1990’s. I shudder to think what the teens are subjected to these days.

I have learnt time and time again that we are built differently - Each completely beautiful and 100% unique. There are many things I am not at all capable of. I have plenty a weakness – and will openly admit these. I SUCK at math, I am useless with geography and direction. I hate history (it literally bores me to death), I cannot follow illustrated directions, I forget sequential numbers in like 0.0000001 second. I am insecure beyond the belief of many that know me well and I have many days when I simply do not even want to get out of bed.

However, having said all of the above – for whatever reason… a few of the things I was gifted with were resilience, determination and an almost ”bull like” intensity. These attributes to my character have pretty much sailed my ship my entire life. The things I am passionate about… I am VERY passionate about – and I give them my ALL! They may not be conventional passions and many will probably NEVER understand them, but they are mine and they are there for ME to understand…

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But my point for raising this, was that I have realised that much like I have plenty of weaknesses, there are many others that do not have the resilience which I do… and I see this often in daily life. People try something for a little bit, it doesn’t pan out the way they had anticipated and they give up - This being applicable in MANY of life’s facets and this is precisely the reason why we all need to learn how to be more attentive to those around us.

Don’t be SO consumed with your own world that you miss the signals that something is wrong given to you (no matter how discreet) by those that you care about – be it family, friends, kids, colleagues – whoever! We may not always understand the hurts, pains and stresses of another – but that does not render them irrelevant! And the fact of the matter is, if that person truly matters to you – you will MAKE the time, you will listen and you will give of yourself to help them.

Life is fleeting people…. EVERYTHING can change in a second and there may come a time when you will crave support or understanding. Don’t let that be your driving force for giving it… that should be born naturally, but DO let that statement offer perspective if nothing else.

I said it recently and I will say it again…. ”I can think of 100 reasons why parents of kids today would & could learn 1000 valuable lessons, from watching 13 reasons why.”


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Steemit Bloggers

oh... and have you met my little man? @judethedude



Happy Birthday sweetie! The years will keep getting better, I promise.

Your post sent me on a very long and unexpected journey down memory lane... to be honest, dysthymia is a beotch! I'm often reminded of a scene from a little known indie movie called "Off The Map" in which one of the protagonists is having a conversation with a visitor... they are sitting on the back porch under the New Mexico sky; Charley is suffering from severe depression:

Charley: Excuse the crying. I'm a damn crying machine. That's why I drink so much water. Won't have any fluids left in me. You ever been depressed?

William: I've never not been depressed.

Charley: Never not been depressed?

William: Never not.

Charley: You've always been depressed?

William: Yes, sir.

I saw that movie some 14-15 years ago, and there was something stunningly familiar about that brief exchange.

It's ironic, really. I've lived with this shit since I was 14... longer than you have been alive. I look in the mirror sometimes, and I'm not sure if the person looking back is 17 or 57... and maybe it doesn't matter. The irony is that people turn to me as "the stable one" and "the one who has life together." And yet? I'm still fumbling through the dark. But, like you, I have always been resilient as hell. Reminds me... I once started on a book with the working title "1000 Reasons to Wake Up Tomorrow," based on the reality that I must have used a thousand different reasons to not make this might my last...

It's hard... to see so much; to feel so much; to experience a world in 3D cinemascope on an IMAX screen when it seems like everyone else is viewing it in black-and-white through a pinhole camera. It's exhausting.

Kids give us good reasons to keep breathing. Keep breathing @jaynie...

Love & hugs from afar.

This has got to be one of the bravest and sincere posts I have ever seen on Steemit.

And I feel fortunate to have read it. Thanks.

I truly believe you are a Warrior of the Light. And as such, you have many wonderful gifts yet given, reserves of stalwart resiliency yet untapped, and unparalleled joy yet to be experienced.

RE: Beautiful Reasons to Live

Although this could be a long story, I will make this brief.

My health record documents how I have "died" a few times in my life.

For me, there was no "glorious light leading to wherever" that I could see; simply the delicious absence of physical pain. Notice I said "physical" pain, not psychological pain.

While the medical staff were doing their thing, I appeared unresponsive to all stimuli.

But on the inside, I distinctly remember experiencing an immense angst; an overwhelming anxiety over the possibility of abandoning my children - should I decide to stay in "No Pain" Land.

Well, since I'm still here, I'm sure you can figure out which choice I made every time.

May you and yours be well and love life today...

Namaste, Jaichai

@jaichai An excellent choice indeed ❤️

Firstly, from your post, it doesnt look like you are a kid. The post is very mature and thought provoking so kudos for that.

Secondly, whether you had a mild form of depression or not, you should have a professional tell you that. I come from a country where speaking about mental health is a taboo and depression is quite literally a rich man's disease.

I have seen 13 reasons why and I agree that the show is awsome. In fact, when i first checked it on netflix, i wasnt going to see as i thought it was a teen drama. However, the show will speak to people of all ages and is actually a very complex drama done very weel. It just is so real that is transcends generations, specially season 1.

Lastly, your post is brave and should be read by all. Its difficult to admit what you have and hats off to you for that.

@karamyog thank you so much for your input, and yes I agree wholeheartedly re. the series. 👍

Jaynie, we are extremely different people from different sides of the planet, totally different upbringings, cultures and belief systems (I am quite certain), and yet, I always see strength in you (and creativity and inner beauty, etc.,etc.) In other words, you are an amazing person with many gifts.

Have you ever seriously considered the claims of Jesus Christ on your life? Personally, I am 100% convinced He is who He said He was. Please read my thread about the Shroud of Turin (which I had always cast aside until this year as just some old Roman Catholic relic.) I believe that our knowledge has increased about it to the point NOW... RIGHT NOW ....before TSHsTF...that Jesus is revealing, scientifically, and to the logical mind (which you possess for sure) that he was and is REAL, and the REAL Son of God.

Give it a quick read:


If it doesn't convince you, that's Okay. I'm just sharing that I believe He may very well be the answer for whatever you haven't been able to overcome on your own, AND YOU'VE ALREADY done an amazing job overcoming so much.

No sweat. Not preaching. Just asking you to consider the claims He made and the claim he has on you as your Creator's Son. If not, no sweat. Just had to share this with you...No sure why...just HAD to...

@mepatriot thank you for your very kind words and I appreciate your advice and input. I am more "generically spiritual" if you will... but I appreciate what you have shared with me nonetheless, so thank you. 😍

Thanks for your consideration and forbearance, Jaynie. You're truly special.

Very relatable, thanks for sharing ❤ Am just finishing up season 2 myself and it speaks volumes, definitely inspired me to post. A must see for all!

Lots of resonating comments here. I will have to check it out.

@positiveninja thanks appreciate the input 😍

I was raised as a Baptist preacher's kid and I never fit in anywhere either. I was thought of as the goody-goody kid and I never was and I am not now either. People would shut up when I came around. I learned to live my life as I wanted to and never give them a second thought.

@basicstoliving I like the way you think!!! ❤️

Happy Birthday, birthday girl. :)

I'm so glad you decided to stick around and that I did too. Hopefully, we can keep on helping each other on our way. I have a lot strength that I would love to lend you, but I get so weak sometimes as well.

Goonies never say die. :)

@inalittlewhile well... sharing is caring they say 😎 so yeah, we all have each other to support one another in our little fam bam, so ever grateful for that too... especially on those weak days. Thank you for the lovely comment and for wanting me around hehe 😍

Happy Birthday Jaynie! You are the definition of awesomeness!

@rwedegis MWAH!!! Thank you for the wishes 😍

Don't feel like you are alone in all this. For a minute there I thought I was reading my autobiography but then I like math and history, so. Happy Birthday!!!..
Life is. (period) Live it, and live it well. Grow and give thanks, you're on the right path with gratefulness and grace. Have a truly blessed day.

@spozone hahahahahahaha - re. the autobiography lol!! And thank you for such a beautiful comment ❤️

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