I Feel Stupid & Defeated

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

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Today is one of those days when I just want to quit. Today more than ever, I just want to give up and go Steemit full time. Its that or running far away into the highlands and starting my very own coffee plantation. It's one of those days that I feel a mixture of being defeated and dumb (intellectually).

A Bit Of A Background

So, a little bit of a background, I have been working on an article to be published in a prestigious journal. After some drafting and even paying a service to help proofread my work, the results were less than stellar. My work was returned to me and I was asked to make a lot of major amendments.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind doing the amendments. To better describe how I feel at the moment, I feel defeated because after much work, I did not get the results I want. This has led me to feeling rather stressed out because a lot hangs in the balance. As part of my graduation requirement, I need to publish one paper in one of these prestigious journals. Doing so would qualify me for the next level, which is defending my work in front of a panel.

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To be really honest, I think part of feeling stupid stems from my past experience. You see, the paper that I am doing has always been my forte and I have been working on the subject for the last few years. Having someone else tell you that all that you know is wrong can be rather demoralizing.

So here I am, after being on Steemit for 9 months, I am writing my first depressing post. Its not to say that nothing bad has happened throughout the last few months, its just that I can't write anything else but this at the moment.

The Lessons Learnt

I am still in the midst of this experience, that being said, I have a choice. I could run to the corner of my house and give up and wallow in my defeat. Or, I could get off my butt and power through it. As much as I only have a week to edit four months worth of work, it is definitely better than admitting defeat. If I do fail, I fail, but at least I go down fighting.

So, with that in mind, I went swimming. I did a few laps to clear my mind and I learnt that I am feeling what I feel because I am stressed and a few good laps of swimming does help clear my mind. This has brought me to realize that as much as I have spent time on a field of study, it does not in any way make me an expert. Even if I do become an expert in my field, I still have much to learn and learning is always painful. It is funny to preach it to the students but when you are really in it, you may not act the same way as how you would preach it.

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The next few days is going to be painful and difficult. But that's what learning is all about, it can be painful, it takes time but if you persevere, victory tastes sweeter. I remember my Taekwondo instructor's words:

I could give you your black belt, but I want you to earn it, so you are going to fight my best student. You will bruise, you will bleed but then, your black belt will mean more than just a cloth.


I thank you for hearing me vent. I need some way of blowing off some Steem . Ahem, I mean, steam. I think it is always healthy to vent the frustration somewhere instead of just keeping it all pent up. As much as I could spend the night playing Halo 5, I think Steeming is much healthier.

Also, I know I mentioned that this was going to be a depressing post. Well, the lessons learnt part is meant for me. It is to remind me to persevere and to shift my focus. It can be very easy to just focus on the negative and the problems. However, I do think that it is all about perspective and turning to another perspective will always help me persevere. That being said, I do hope that this indirectly helps others who are in the midst of a similar situation as I am.



Maybe this will cheer you up. I just put you auto vote my friend :) We've all been there at one time or another. Keep you chin up, all will work out I'm sure.
From Tampa Florida - Dan "World Travel Pro!"

Really nice jester man👊🏾

When one is down sometimes we need a little positivity in our lives.

So your world class traveler huh? Whenever you in Europe or in Switzerland we should meet up!

Sounds good! Thank you!

Your welcome!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, I'm still in the midst of things despite still posting and all but one thing that is really awesome is knowing that there's such a wonderful support from the community here. Thanks for making my day

So happy I could lift your spirits buddy! Have a great day!

You chose the best place to vent your beloved friend. in life we ​​have defeats that will make us feel that we have failed, but they are simple defeats to learn and make us more diligent in everything we do. Sometimes life closes the doors because it is time to move on. What is good, because often we do not move without circumstances do not force us. In difficult times remind yourself that pain does not come without a purpose. Every achievement requires a worthy fight to get there. Good things take time. Be patient and positive. Everything has a solution, perhaps not immediately, but with the passage of time it will be like that.

I am glad you have here to vent and let off steem, I hope things can fall into place and you can get revitalized for your project


Thanks so much for the tip! Its getting better, my project would be over by tuesday and by that time, things should be much better

Well hoping it all improves for you

But that's what learning is all about, it can be painful, it takes time but if you persevere, victory tastes sweeter.

Despite your feeling that this is a 'depressing' post, I find it to be the opposite. You can't have all the rewarding success without the uphill battle. And it will feel great once you're there. Good luck with getting your article published, I wish you only the best!

Thanks! Yeah, the uphill battle has become a little too uphill, thus the post, that being said, thank you so much for your support, appreciate it completely!

actually not a depressing post it is. i just read it and you help me by that way!thanks

Very interesting post. I actually find myself leaning more the other way. Trying to decide if I should quite Steemit. I get pretty excited about the stuff I am putting out, then when I tell people about it, they tend to laugh. You spent all that time working on that post for $.40? "Doesn't seem worth it to me" they say. We all need to vent every now and then!

That's right! It also serves as a good way to look back after a few years to reflect on our own personal growth, at times, steemit is like this online journal in a way.

For a depressing post this certainly isn't so depressing! You're processing through a bit of a difficult time, and it sounds like you are doing the right things in order to persevere. I think being a teacher, and being an academic can be extremely taxing considering part of the job is to critique and be critiqued.
Good luck! Sending good vibes from Canada!

The good vibes have been received well! Thanks! Yup, I wish at times I could just stick to teaching, but the requirements of my profession has changed and after a while, I am required to do more than just teach, thus the project... I hope things are not like that over at canada?

Chin up and power on, chief!

It is funny to preach it to the students but when you are really in it, you may not act the same way as how you would preach it.

This part showed that you have amazing self-reflection, really. Often as the educator, we may say things that we ourselves do not practice. It's good to have self-reflection to check on ourselves constantly.

That's right, and that lesson does translate over to other teaching opportunities for others. Thanks so much for stopping by bro

Awww BIG Hugs, power through brother!! power through!! you got this ... tho f/t steemit and coffee plantation sound awesome too.

I know right! Steeming while having a coffee plantation...

scrolling through classifieds for a land to grow coffee

YES!! now that IS the way to go!! :)

Good on you for analyzing and reflecting and picking a more productive method of dealing with it. Somethig about life being 90% of how you react. Never easy to hear that you're not good enough after giving it your all. All the best with the ammendments.

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