My final Donald Marshall post, inspired by #goldendawne I guess.

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)


I do not want to get "labelled" with @donaldmarshall, as I feel I have lot more to say than just that topic.

In the near future I would like to cover free energy products I have been working on and using, and give guides on how you can also, so we can break free of the oil cycle and dependence on "the grid"
With this in mind, allow me to make my final statement tied to this topic.


Yesterday I started my first post about Sumerians here. It is part 1 of 5. Relevance? The tablets found in Iraq, have a very large amount devoted to the fact people were being cloned 20, 000 - yes 20,000 years ago, so this shows we are on "topic" and not way out weird as some folk on here seem to like to point out (names not mentioned) as I have some class. (humour me)
They also point out a "higher consciousness" lives amongst us, no matter the term they use, whether it be Anunnaki or George Bush! (they never mentioned him honestly) The fact is though someone is playing us all, no matter who you are, or how you think you are above it all, I can assure you "they" are above you.

In a way this is a warning to real Jewish people, that I have zero problem with, you are being conned by a select group of nomads.

We & you have been conned by a few, that have no country and no set abode, they infiltrated the Jewish religion eons ago, and I do believe Israel will be hung out to dry and soon.
The Zionists in Israel including the crime minister "fact" are not even born in or near Israel, many people have traced these Zionists, people of no religion, no faith and no empathy like "George Soros" back generations, to the Ashkenazi Jews, who settled in Rome and played the victim whilst trying to infiltrate the upper echelons of Rome via deception.
You may ask why I say George Soros has no empathy right? Well allow me to show you a video, where this so called Jewish man, took belongings off other Jewish people in ww2, stating "if it was not me, it would be someone else doing it, and saying it with a smile." Is that really as good as we are?

Now allow me to show you a scientific study done in Israel.

Top Israeli scientist says Ashkenazi Jews came from Khazaria, not Palestine

An Israeli geneticist challenges the “Zionist” hypothesis that all Jews belong to one race and are intimately related, thus giving them a common ancestor in the Holy Land and a Biblical claim to Palestine.
Scientists usually don’t call each other “liars” and “frauds.”
But that’s how Johns Hopkins University post-doctoral researcher Eran Elhaik describes a group of widely respected geneticists, including Harry Ostrer, professor of pathology and genetics at Yeshiva University’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine and author of the 2012 book “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People.”
For years now, the findings of Ostrer and several other scientists have stood virtually unchallenged on the genetics of Jews and the story they tell of the common Middle East origins shared by many Jewish populations worldwide. Jews — and Ashkenazim in particular — are indeed one people, Ostrer’s research finds.
It’s a theory that more or less affirms the understanding that many Jews themselves hold of who they are in the world: a people who, though scattered, share an ethnic-racial bond rooted in their common ancestral descent from the indigenous Jews of ancient Judea or Palestine, as the Romans called it after they conquered the Jewish homeland.
But now, Elhaik, an Israeli molecular geneticist, has published research that he says debunks this claim. And that has set off a predictable clash.
“He’s just wrong,” said Marcus Feldman of Stanford University, a leading researcher in Jewish genetics, referring to Elhaik.
The sometimes strong emotions generated by this scientific dispute stem from a politically loaded question that scientists and others have pondered for decades: Where in the world did Ashkenazi Jews come from?

As usual full source link for your reference.


I can and will drop links to studies the Ashkenazi people (note the Nazi in the name, ironic? much) came from a small group of 350 or so people.

Where am I going with this?

Back to the beginning

People tend to like to blame The Jews, or blame the blacks, or group blame whites etc, this in no way works, throwing a blanket statement blaming a whole group of people has never; And will never work, I can prove from the studies above, that the few that control the western media, and they are a few indeed, and the few that have close ties with the federal reserve (normally Chair of the Board of Governors) and fiat (funny) money worldwide (Rothschild's), claim to be Jewish to give them cover, they will gladly let 10 million die ( Jewish ) so they can then claim again "persecution" As they are a few, the 1% club, and they can go anywhere they want.

These select few from (do not forget it was only 330 people or so) Ashkenazi Jews. Via liberalism are pushing for the normalization of paedophilia, inter sex relations, and I think (my opinion) they would be happy if the rest of us were dead, or never born.

One thing is for certain, they are clever, they know how to manipulate society, they are masters of divide and conquer, they rewrote religions over and over again to insert perversions in some, and hatred in most, they have been playing us for millennia, and the Sumerians also noted this on the tablets, that most of them, the higher creations, disliked us, apart from 1 of them, that manipulated our DNA to give us empathy, unlike them.
I will be going into that in part 2 of my Sumerian tablet posts tomorrow.
If you think I am coming off as a slightly crazy guy for believing the Sumerian tablets, then you also think all Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Jews etc are all equally as crazy, as those religions are all based on those tablets, and being in that crazy group puts me in a category of over 4 billion people.



Another reason why I want this to be my last post on Donald Marshall is two fold, 1 is I have a belief that if the world wants to be changed, me telling everyone else, and doing nothing about it solves nothing, nor does complaining, and to this end, I am growing over 3 acres of food and giving it away to the local community, for nothing in return, so yes, it starts with me, I am looking at the man in the mirror as the late and I still think great Michael Jackson sang, and I agree with his song that stated "all I really know is that they don't really care about us" Who is the they? I think we all know that already.
And the second reason why is I would like to do guides on how people can "set themselves free" from the system, to empower themselves, to have free electric, to have time for family; Also guides how to grow food, how to home school, how to repair cars and motorbikes, where to research life skills, how to be king in their own environment, and how to be FREE.
I also had this crazy thought today, hear me out on this, what if? We are writing a future guide on here? What if even in the event of a nuclear war, and everything is gone but a few people, and the server that steemit sits on at Amazon, is in a bunker, and in years to come they work out how to switch it on, and we are the guide to life? What if eh? I know crazy and deluded, but (what if).

As always, I wish you the best week of your life, be lucky, be happy and make loved ones smile.


Any questions or comments always welcome, my door is always open to you all.

Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates


Images courtesy of pixabay.


First: I agree, it's time to move on because you have more to share. The energy band of donaldmarshall is pretty negative. You have positive things to do.

Second: You have solved a great mystery for many Millenials: white privilege = responsibility. Not only are you your own master but you are willing and able to share with others. You have a sense of self responsibility but also a drive to serve, which can be seen as a moral responsibility. Your own morality.

Third: As regards Steemit and guides being a repository for wisdom and practical knowledge. Indeed, we live in such a crazy world anything can and probably will, happen. I think it is incumbent upon us who can, to share what we've learned so those who pick up the torch of freedom and responsibility, and ...well there's an entire list of characteristics and behaviors we hope to see advanced in the New Era.

Fourth: God I hate looking at David Rockefeller any more. He looks like a goof ball. Hard to conceive he was so evil. So maybe if you move on we'll be free... oh no! You'll have to pull him into the discussion on Ashkenazi wont you? Well it was a nice thought. Maybe you can digitalize his face so at least his two eyes will be covered! Just kidding of course, but still it would be nice to see that creep in the rear view mirror.

I guess what I'm saying is I agree with your decision to bring balance into your efforts here. Blessings.

Fantastic comment as per usual, and yes onwards and upwards we go my friend. (Can they take Soros at the same time as Rockefeller?)

We'll see ya again, wherever the road leads you @deliberator..."may the wind be always at your back, and the sun upon your face..." I think the statement goes...???

I am not going anywhere my friend, just ending the D Marshall posts with a bang so to speak. Have a great week.

Thank you for another great write up. Years ago I had researched the Ashkenazi jews, as I couldn't make sense why they were as white as me. I was arguing with one at the time, and he called me an antisemitic because I was angry over some of the atrocities they were committing in the middle east. The look on his face when I said I would be antisemitic if I condoned what was taking place, as the oppressed people were actually Semitic. He didn't know what to say, lol.

From my research (this might have changed, has been many years) they were saying that the ashkenazi were remnants of the Vikings, and they were trapped between the Muslims and the Christians. To avoid being under the control of the Imams or Church, they converted to Judaism. But like I said, that theory may have been discarded for all I know.

I would like to do guides on how people can "set themselves free" from the system,

Just something to think about. You could make these guides as ebooks, with extended information here at Steemit. You can set the ebooks free on most ebook stores through an aggregator such as D2D or Smashwords. Not only could you reach more people with your knowledge, but it could act as a funnel to Steemit and to your doings here.

You know the first part you said, about them being trapped is 100% true, they found a way to trade with both, even though"both" sides did not like each other, they also found that by deception, they could tell both "secrets" about each other, and get away with favour from "both" sides, hence mosad. They wrote this into the Talmud I do believe, deception and hatred, I digress, regards the latter and my guides I want to share, that is a fantastic idea, that I will research. I set myself free, I have no passport and live 6 countries over, I pay nothing to the man of tax, I work for no man, I have done it in many countries, I want everyone to have the same "free" as me I guess. Thanks as always for a superb comment my friend.

that is a fantastic idea, that I will research.

If you have any questions, just ask. I was going to write a series on self publishing but the only eyes I was getting were bot eyes (yes, when I first got here I used them after my initial posts went unseen. Part of why I am not a big fan of them now). Being I could sell the info as a how to book (and will at some point) I didn't follow up on the series, and to my surprise the bot votes didn't mind, lmao. Anyway, to avoid disrupting any of our posts as this would be off topic, if you have questions just ask them here in the comments. It is out of date so no one will go back and look leaving everything newer to their natural flow.

I will not take no for an answer on this, do the series, and I will help promote it, I am not even going to read that link unless you agree, I insist you grow along side me, or else. :-)

Uhgg, you are as stubborn as I am. Honestly, I have to much going on to write the series right now. How about I promise down the road to write it and if you have any questions before this please ask? My word is good, and will explain. The first non selfish reason is things are kind of hard at the moment as I prepare for my move. Life hit me and my other half really hard last fall and it has been a scramble to keep things afloat as I liquidate many of my belongings (I sold my truck a few hours ago and will be without transportation till the beginning of July as an example).

Then (here is the selfish reason) I have stumbled across something in all this Donald Marshall business that may or may not be tied to that. Like yourself, I am meticulous and nightly I am spending hours trying to find answers. I never gave up my gift of intuiting as most do, and may be onto something here. I could be publishing on what I have found so far (and will in small ways that are only small glimpses of what I am seeing) but I have some ideas to test. I need to get some equipment (sorry for sounding so vague, but it is necessary) and I am figuring maybe by late summer early fall I will have everything I need to put something cogent together so I don't look like a lunatic for those with eyes to see. I believe what I am trying to figure out is a lot more important than putting together a series on self publishing that most could care less about here.

And, if you agree it will keep you here at least until this fall when I can publish the series as promised. 😁

LOL if you need any help just shout out, caring is sharing, and I ain't afraid of it.

Thanks for the offer. I need to find out so much more first, but once I get moved and some equipment maybe you can help me figure out some of the results I hope to find mean given your background in mechanics. Of course, I may end up appearing as crazy as Donald Marshall before it is all said and done. lol

Nothing crazy in trying something different, to break a mould one must first look outside the mould so to speak, and if Tesla would never have reached the level of excellence he did, by not breaking the "known" scientific so called "norms" of the time.

the lol was you trying to keep me here by the way.

Actually of geniuses and crazy people we all have a little haha ​​Also I think just like they only manipulate the masses at their whim and convenience. All are the same whatever the religion. only a few are venefician for the sacrifice of millions

I think you may be right, though I may be slightly mad or insane. :-) I have some class

One of the classiest. 😎

Some delicate subjects, in this post, that were nicely presented in my opinion.

I was trying my up-most to be subtle, I guess you gave me a pass then. :-)

Very good read, kidding aside. 😎

Glad to read to your projects mate, your energy and tenacity are really valuable, I would also like to see what you think about steemit itself and your thoughts on how it can be improved (decentralization, rewards, whales, bots, witnesses...) it's hard to find non-aligned content in this aspect.
I hope we can build something great in here or anywhere, transcendent to the world. Keep the deliberations going!

Thanks my friend, my thoughts on steemit hmmm, I will cover that in a post if you like, though not at the moment, as I have 7 posts already to post, and want to keep my posting down to 1 or two a day, so as to not overload people with information.

I would love it and I know what you mean, right now it seems that there are just two positions around the whole blockchain, the best thing ever created or the biggest scam, and I'd say those positions are intensified in steemit, as also there are a lot who don't give a fuck, they're just making money while they can, I hope to see what you have been able to extract from your journey, Thanks!

I just did a post with a shout out to you in it, check it out bro.

Congratulation deliberator! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 126min with 58 votes.

Marvellous, I guess.

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.

When I saw you comment last week on my post about not writing specifically about Donald Marshall I understood your reasoning and knowing your following is so supportive of you and your writing about other occultism and freemasons topics I am applauding you.

I read every post you write and this one I am slow to reply on as I was pre-occupied over the weekend- I look forward to you continued diligent work at the exposure of these societies and their ill-will towards us.

Many thanks good lady, I also read all of your posts, though sometimes have little time to comment, and sometimes I do not comment as I have no vote power left, and for me I like to vote before I comment if possible, strange I know though it is the way I roll. You too keep up the fantastic work as it is of the highest calibre.

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