Why I Write Under The Tags Of Spirituality/Esoteric & Truth/Conspiracy

in #esoteric6 years ago (edited)


Mind's Eye

So last night after fourteen hours at work I sat down and tried to finish the philosophy post I’m working on. Alas at about three in the morning, it became apparent that I wasn’t going to be able to finish it to my satisfaction. In terms of my writing, I’m a bit of a perfectionist so unless I feel it ready I won’t put out anything that feels rushed or unfinished. Whether anyone else likes it or thinks it's any good is a different matter lol but personally it has to meet my expectations before it see’s the light of day. That said, it’s not far off so I’ll definitely have it finished and tidied up over the weekend.

With regards to my esoteric and metaphysical philosophies; once I have written them I construct the concept (metaphysical reality) in my mind’s eye and observe how every component connects to the greater whole of the philosophy, if there is something that doesn’t flow correctly or a part that is missing I go back to the perceptual drawing board .. and that's where I currently sit :D.


The Power Of Belief

So instead I thought I ‘d take this opportunity to explain why I often write under the tags of spirituality/esoteric & conspiracy/truth, even though at times the perspectives are opposed. I have hopefully displayed that my knowledge and understanding in each of these arenas goes far beyond the realms of repetition, indeed I seek innovation over replication. You will never find me arguing over someone else's belief because I understand that perceptual reality is subjective, as such it’s the intent behind said belief that maketh the person and the character.

I have both written about and profoundly understand the validity of raising our vibratory frequency and maintaining a purity of thought. I understand that the construct of our society and the fear porn that’s regurgitated by our media platforms is akin to an anchor that keeps us intellectually and spiritually locked down, unable to access the higher states of enlightenment and wisdom that have eluded our society for too long. I am also empathic and so I don’t simply read and observe the hatred, abuse and injustice in this world, I feel it .. and it hurts. I feel it to the point that throughout my formative years I built an emotional brick wall around myself .. brick by brick, the wall is now down.

I dance the tightrope between alternating realities and when needed I can close my eyes and simply let myself go. My consciousness blowing in a beautiful kaleidoscopic breeze of vibration and energy, at one with the resonance of life. Alas it’s a transient state of being, for the insanity of this world keeps calling me back to speak my words. I hold my head in my hands at the folly of man and the madness of those which we hand the keys to our world. I feel the burden of responsibility clawing at my soul; begging me to do my part in unwinding our collectively inverted state of being and to help other’s remember who they are, to answer the call of destiny and not repeat the mistakes of the past.

I understand that our perception of what can be is limited only by our understanding of what is, what the dance of life is. Sadly until we collectively arrive at these moments of awareness we’re doomed to perpetually spin in cycles of time, frozen in the moment and a prisoner of both our minds and the world we’ve allowed to be built around us. I say this because an unbalanced world imbalances the psyche of us all, our acceptance is acquiescence and we each pay a price for the injustice that pervades our society.


In a world full of flaws
with no time to pause
we find ourselves slaves
to Newtonian laws
for every action has an equal
and a world without love
enables hate to gain
perpetually frozen in cyles
of time
until the wise step forward
and in the sand
draw a line.


Perceptual Nirvana

My spiritual understanding shows where we should be, my street wisdom and truth perspective is where I know we are. How can I disappear into my personal nirvana when people are starving, children are being abused and bombs are raining down across the planet? I can’t and I won’t, my conscience will not allow me to. I feel as though I have a responsibility to my fellow man, I feel that this is my path, correction I know that this is my path. Equally, being empathic I have to bring balance to my writing (to myself) and so each difficult post is written alongside one of beauty and wonder, well that’s the intent anyway lol.

In a world of a illusion and propagandic smoke and mirrors there comes a time when you have to look inwards and harness your powers of intuition and discernment. I have been living on instinct and intuition for the last thirty years and both I and others around me have learned to trust this inner voice. I know many people shy away from spirituality and that is absolutely fine, I have no desperate need to convince anyone of anything .. just to simply put my perspective and ideas out there for others to mull over.

Equally, it’s my deeper levels of understanding that have very much brought me to the realisation that the nature of reality is far profound than we can comprehend with our five senses. I believe that the hate and injustice the prevails within our society are in effect the outer ripples of something far deeper .. and that my friends is why I write in esoteric & spirituality and truth & conspiracy.

Thank you for joining me, as always I will leave you to decide who has the perceptualflaws.


Written by perceptualflaws
Gifs courtesy of giphy.com
Banner gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth



Im so glad you are here to do so my friend. You balance out the darkness for me, often.

I hold my head in my hands at the folly of man and the madness of those which we hand the keys to our world.

This is what I've been doing all week. Nice to read you.. some little things have been cheering me up this week and you are one of them. X

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for the kind words my friend, I really appreciate it :)

Yes it.s crazy old world eh? literally crazy .. we live on a blue ball that's spinning in a sunbeam, on the edge of a potential infinity .. and people are killing each other over pieces of paper and the colour of their skin, you couldn't make it up. That said I feel as if we're witnessing the birth of a new awareness, sure they will try to subvert it and manipulate it .. they might hold it off for a few years, they may try many things .. but the seeds have been planted and they will continue to grow and indeed outgrow the system we currently live under.

Likewise my friend :) and thank you for stopping by @riverflows Take care my friend x

There you go with something that made me smile though almost made me cry, with the reality that is (the west) that I set myself free from, my bondage be broke.

Half of the things I write are relating to what I once knew, suffered and know people still suffer.

I know you live in a more salubrious part of the UK though the creep of reality of the "whole" situation in the UK I know you grasp.

Thanks for the smile you gave me tonight, the support you always have, and rest assured, one day, my door here my friend, is open to you.

Hope you get time to visit one day, it would indeed be a mighty fine chat.

Hey my friend, I must have missed your message last night .. funny thing is the last thing I did before bed was read your post on consciousness :) I'll be back to comment today :)

Yes the creeping authoritarianism that pervades our society is beginning to gather pace .. defining the boundaries of speech and free expression. Me? I'll never change and I'll just keep doing my own thing (wherever that may be) .. even if they are just words on a screen, words have the power to change the world and now is the time for the world to find it's voice. Thanks again my friend .. I'll take you up on that visit one day ;) Thanks again @shepz1

You know bro, I think that was the ultimate compliment that I was your bedtime read, thank you kindly.
Have a superb weekend, I look forward to the comment.

What's the pebble behind those ripples?

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for taking the time to read, now that is far too large a subject to discuss in one comment .. for now I will say that (its my belief) the nature of good and evil exists both inside and outside the minds of man. Equally, I have both written about and will expand upon that concept .. so watch this space.

It took me a while to get around to this unfortunately but I finally made it...Great words here and thank you for all the wisdom you put out into the universe. A great little rhyme to boot!

No problem my friend and thank you for the kind words.

This post has been selected for curation by @msp-curation by @clayboyn and has been upvoted and will be featured in the weekly philosophy curation post. It will also be considered for the official @minnowsupport curation post and if selected will be resteemed from the main account. Feel free to join us on Discord!

Thank you @clayboyn & thank you @msp-curation .. much appreciated!

Wow, a true soul brother. Felt it, all the way through, yeh, that's me :)
my current opinion:
The anchor you speak of is real, and is amplified via architecture.
and just like a tuning fork, they capture the original frequency that the chakras were vibrating too, keeping them connected to source, and realms.
Chakra toning and chanting of the bija mantras is a great aid to retune :)

Thank you @bobaphet your words also resonate with me and I can feel that they come from an enlightened person of deep awareness, wisdom and understanding.

The anchor you speak of is real, and is amplified via architecture.

Yes that statement is veritas my friend, I have also written about about the energy grid .. where I noted:

The energy grid seems to be geometrically set up across the planet and has the increasing potential to choke the earth’s natural resonance. Utilising and suffocating the earth’s power nodules and ley lines to alter our perceptions of reality. Not randomly built but designed using occultic geometry. A geometry that creates an artificial interpretation of reality and draws, indeed empowers negative & low vibrational energetic resonances. I feel as if there is an attempt to keep us locked down and held back from realising both our potential and the profound nature of this moment in time.

In future posts I will expand upon this idea and offer a metaphysical interpretation behind the increasing duality of technology.

Chakra toning and chanting of the bija mantras is a great aid to retune :)

Thank you for this, I become so focused upon my research and work that I can often forget about myself .. hence I really appreciate this sage advice. Thanks again @bobaphet

I love to read your beautiful words of awareness and truth, I feel so similar to you and I believe we hold very similar views. We really do need to feel in order to experience all that is around us, but that feeling of connection that is what we treasure, that to me is what keeps me in balance and in flow. Thank you for this my friend xxx

Thank you @trucklife-family I really appreciate that, yes certainly I feel that you are a kindred spirit .. that you understand the importance of connection and finding balance within self and life. I am a free spirit blowing (not drifting) in the breeze, and I don't like my life to be too planned and structured .. that way everyday is both mystery and opportunity . There is much magic in my life, it's everyone else I worry about.

I thank you for connection that we have made on here .. your wisdom and understanding gives me great hope for a brighter future .. thank you for sharing it :)

I always enjoy your posts, they sum up the feelings I have as well. I find myself more and more spiritual as I get older but by far not the mainstream organized religion spiritual but the kind you refer to often. We don’t need an organization to falsely tell us what spirituality is; Christianity is a hypocrisy in all honesty. Jesus himself (or at least whoever interpreted the supposed talkings of him for the 50th time, if one named Jesus ever existed in the first place) says that the only way to pray and be spiritual that is accepted is to stay in your home with the door closed and pray silently in your mind. I laugh at the people who exclaim their religiosity in big public churches and think that matches what they are supposed to do, it doesn’t!
I believe in my own spiritual form; it’s nothing tangible or named but I know it’s there in some form of existence. More people need to have their own spiritual compass instead of relying on being told what that is or is supposed to be. This isn’t a popular notion though because it requires self thought and understanding rather than obeying and following others.
Always appreciate your posts, they certainly help me raise and understand vibrational and spiritual levels! Cheers

Hey my friend, thank you for taking the time to read and leave a great comment .. as always it's much appreciated. As you probably gathered I'm certainly spiritual :) .. although, I prefer to follow my own path and so don't align myself with any particular belief system. Yes if you're talking about Jesus he was more akin to an anarchist than a statist .. this is in direct opposition with the church. The early Christians also practiced a direct communion with god that is more akin to the oneness of eastern religion. In many ways I’ve come to understand that with the creation of a hierarchical structure, religion has become perhaps one of the greatest barriers between us and the Great Spirit/God. Enlightenment is not achieved through climbing up the church hierarchy, it exists as a potential and a possibility within all of us. It is a fire waiting for a spark. Thanks again @cmplxty

Beautifully written, your words are gifted!
I'd like to know what you did to take those
bricks down. I can phase shift through the
wall but it takes a lot of alcohol. Then when
it wears off snap back to reality like the tail
end of an astral projection. Even that I've
only been able to accomplish once or twice.

Hey, thank you for stopping by and sharing your words my friend .. as always it's greatly appreciated. In terms of the bricks, that is a difficult one to give justice to in one comment .. I'll have to write a post at some point. In relation to letting myself go, when I was born (and my parents have corroborated certain events I recalled) I can remember being conscious as a baby, I can remember looking up from my crib and having complex and intelligent thought patterns .. I feel as though I was born as a consciousness that slowly devolved to accomodate the constraints of the neo-cortex, somehow I was more intelligent as a baby than I was as a toddler .. as I grew up I began to recall those memories and that's kind of what inspired my interest in such subjects.

I know some people will think that certifiably nuts .. but that's fine because I felt it and I know it.
My life can be a bit like a waking dream (no I'm not a stoner lol) and equally in the right setting I can close my eyes and pretty quickly enter a lucid dream state. I was forever coming round at school with teachers shouting about me daydreaming. :D Thanks again my friend.

Damn, that's mind blowing to say the least.
If I could remember such things and or be
able to lucid dream on tap I'd never stop.

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