What gets your goat?

in #funny5 years ago

Q: What does the phrase "'Get your goat"mean?

(Answer: Makes you angry, annoyed, pissed off.)


Although common, "gets your goat" has mysterious origins.


The two most common theories are:


1. Goats were kept with racehorses to keep them calm and running well. Whenever a competitor made off with the racehorse owner's calming strategy, he "got his goat".


2. There was an old belief that keeping a goat in the barn with the cows kept them calm and producing more milk. Thus if an enemy (a jilted lover?) "got one's goat", the farmer's cows would produce less milk.


But those are just old theories based on old superstitions


And it really gets my goat that no one has come up with a modern theory of the origin of that phrase!



So I've decided to give big upvotes to the most interesting modern new theories of how the phrase "to get one's goat" came into use. Put your creativity to work and put your shiny new theory in a comment below.




ouzo and out,

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Hmmm I think @onceuponatime that we can use the 'modern' explanation of this phrase with the common parlance used for the game played with babies, "Whose got your nose?"..."I've got your nose" Whilst holding one's thumb between index and middle finger.

Well, in today's self obsessed, selfie, snap chat, online profile-aroma world, many people have such large ego's that getting one's 'goat' is taking pot shots at peoples social media, as some may have goat sized noses that can get 'out of joint' (boy I'm mixing all kinds of old phrases up in this).

Par example:
Sally: " What's wrong Gally?"
Gally: " This Troll totes got my goat!"
Sally: "WHAA?... Never, not you, you are so special and individual and unique amongst millions"
Gally: sniffle "Yes! Can you believe it! I had just posted my morning make up routine, which is only like 3 hours long to do, with the super supportive hastag #beautydoesntmatter #whatsinside #bereal and this troll negged me!... I need a hug...He totally GOT MY GOAT! *Cries hysterically, whilst still taking selfie of moment hashtaging it #realmoments #genuinelife

So...How 'bout that one? If you are even still reading at this point ;)

I do read all my commenter's musings. But by the end of yours I had the distinct suspicion and feeling that you have been doing more with your pot then taking shots with it. "...taking pot shots at peoples social media..."
And I feel the need for a selfie right now.

Optimized-Ireland24IMG_0521 (1).JPG

Good shot! :D

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Hahahahahaha! That's so funny!

Good one! :D

The bible talks about the shepherd separating the sheep from the goats Math 25: 31-46. Obviously the sheep are good and goats are not. So if they got his goat...then his bad evil sinful side is coming out. Perhaps not a creative enough answer but may be a truthful one as to the origin.

I like that explanation! And the Bible also talks about "scapegoat", but that's a little too deep for me.

You get the first big upvote!

I'm coming up empty on shiny new modern meanings for that phrase, but as someone who spends her life with goats, I have things to add to some of the comments!

I have had both sheep and goats, and the Bible thing about separating sheep from goats makes total sense. Goats are not "bad," but they have their own minds and will go their own way more often than not. Sheep will stay in a group and follow the shepherd, which makes it an apt analogy. However, I found sheep to be mind-numbingly boring, while goats are endlessly entertaining. Just saying.

I have never met a mean goat. They can be loud, but it's mostly because they are trying to get your attention. I think most of the bad press probably comes from people dealing with the males. They get really stinky and obnoxious during breeding season, so nobody wants to hang out with them. They get lonely and bored and act out because of it. Even stinky boys want to be loved!

If somebody got my goats, I would be very sad! Although I worry more about coyotes and cougars than people.

Thank you very much for the lesson in goatherding... :D

I found it very, very interesting. ;)



Thank you! I can talk about goats until everyone else has fallen asleep!

Posted using Partiko Android

Cool. I've often thought it would be a good idea to have some goats for milk and meat, but have never taken the trouble!

Following you now... Hope to see you around. :D

Best milk in the world! You should try it!

Posted using Partiko Android

I have tried it, and I like it. ;)

"If somebody got my goats, I would be very sad!"

If somebody get your goats, don't be sad! Get angry! Get mad! Get royally pissed off and out for blood!

Oh yes! Definitely mad first, then sad. I have never lost a goat to a predator, but that doesn't stop me from waking in a cold sweat in the middle of the night every once in a while!

Great question, my friend...

I'll tell you what gets my goat these days; it's rubbish like this "FinCEN GUIDANCE" publication that really gets my goat.

Not that I'd expect anything from the beast other than claiming it owns and has a right to control me. I deny all such claims, as the only sovereign I recognize is Jesus/God himself.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, here's my "modern theory" about the meaning of "get your goat" for your challenge, just for fun...

I will imagine that "goat" is an anagram for "toga." Looking at it that way, when somebody "get's my goat (toga)" it leaves me rather upset, wanting to go out on the town, but with nothing to wear... :D

Thanks for getting my juices flowing! ;)



If you are not wanting to go out on the town naked.....perhaps you need to get to the gym more often. lol

You get a big upvote (to help subsidize some gym fees for you).


Thank you, Once... You are probably right, I should work on the six-pack... ;)

When I am living off of my BEOS I will be able to afford a gym membership! :D

When we are in a hurry and we are about to leave the house we often say "c'mon lets go, get your coat".

When we have to leave our home for ever and never return back cause something suddenly happened and we need to just vanish, we say "get your goat" (giving emphasis to the situation; get EVEN the goat, get/pack everything). And it means "pissed off" cause who wouldn't be mad and angry in that case?

Me - I wouldn't be pissed off in that, or any other, case. I remain cool, calm and collected at all times. LoL
Besides, I'm getting old and "Get your coat" sounds so close to "Get your goat" that I probably wouldn't hear the difference anyway. Just as well.

"Get your coat" sounds so close to "Get your goat" that I probably wouldn't hear the difference anyway.

hahahah I think I would have the same problem.. I would probably grab the goat more frequently for no reason and that would definitely make the goat angry if not me..

I remain cool, calm and collected at all times.

You cannot imagine how much admire you for that... I wish one day to be able to say that for myself...

Thank you :))

G | O | A | T

Greatest | Of | All | Time


Most often, the acronym
(Greatest Of All Time)
praises exceptional athletes but also musicians and other public figures.

picture by https://www.google.com/search?q=goat&tbm=isch&source=hp&fir=Rdg10nEhwUbBbM%253A%252Csd26JhwoFH0CrM%252C_%253Bdpxoz0t5XjwKFM%253A%252CUcLrWsbsflEDJM%252C_%253BwCM1jyhr9VopnM%253A%252Csd26JhwoFH0CrM%252C_%253B36LWlEEgM3B6ZM%253A%252Csd26JhwoFH0CrM%252C_%253Bvoo4HUcBKfPpZM%253A%252C7KdfaE6ghS95QM%252C_%253BJkoa8ZiSSLftnM%253A%252CdwvVRXWvTrKYUM%252C_%253BpUjUejjYu3TznM%253A%252C7KdfaE6ghS95QM%252C_%253Bw2XKdKac5ApKhM%253A%252CJ92G_XYdVnOATM%252C_%253BRH-Xzeg2r-GVZM%253A%252CPilJMtrqzQZh9M%252C_%253B7vJdZIEtNY8GNM%253A%252C_fzfDDjdKJQzuM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kSGsgPvxyKdshO2q_HVStJOiRbxHg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiw4rXzl5jiAhWE-6QKHfcdADcQ7Al6BAgKEAI&biw=360&bih=616

Goats as usually depicted as mean, angry loud animals. this is a generalization of course, but the people's perception is enough for an expression to be born.

Really? I never met a "mean, angry, loud" goat. Maybe I have been just lucky with my goat acquaintances so far :-)

I believe that it all comes back to goat meaning penis. There, I said it and yes, I'm not proud ;0)

You would get mad if someone "got your goat penis"? Wouldn't it all depend on what they did with it?

It may depend on such a thing, goodness suddenly the works seems clear!!

Nothing gets your goat any more! You've been through it all.

I have broken through to the other side!

I hope you closed the door behind you! (Just sayin'):

I was fighting with temptation
But I didn't want to win
A man like me don't like to see
Temptation caving in

Why would they use get your goat, what about those that didnt have goat like me 😀😀😀

Maybe the expression was started by the Goat Manufacturers Association in an effort to get the gullible public to buy more goats? And you were just too wise to fall for their trickery!

DAmn funny!!!

I seemed to own 186 Goat coins worth $0.46, must be useful somewhere.

Goat coin? HODL!!!

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