
in #life6 years ago



Life is transformation. A constant stream of tiny moments, each one building the uncertain future. Like how an endless flow of water eventually created the grand canyon. Small moments, each one with grand consequences.

My life is in flux right now. White water turbulence. I use steemit to express myself through art and music, and it has been amazing, so writing a more personal post feels strange... but getting my thoughts out there might be good for me in some sense.

It feels like I've built myself a prison. Let me try and explain. I have been selling books, records and posters online since 2012. It has afforded me a ton of freedom, the ability to travel and a decent life. I've shipped records and books all across the world. Even sold a book to Shaq once. Road trips to giant sales, crashing in state parks. No worries and very little stress. But all things must come to an end.


Since about this time last year my sales have been trending downward. It seems more people, anyone with a phone really, are in this game now. Fees for shipping have creeped up, my sources have dried out, costs have slowly gone up, the bigger distributors have made their moves.

Yeah, of course nothing ever stays stagnant and adaptation is the number one key in life. Competition has made me work much harder but it feels like I've finally hit the end. I used to find maybe 60 to 80 books a day, hitting up about 9 different places in two different cities. Today I found 1. The main issue that is stressing me out is debt. Because of stagnant sales, I did not have the money to pay my taxes for 2017, so I took out a business loan simply to play catch up.

About a month after I took out this loan I was involved in a car wreck.


A lady ran a red light and into the middle of my car. It fucked me up. I remember the books flying everywhere, my car spinning, not rolling luckily, hitting other cars and eventually crashing into a pole. Wondering what the fuck just happened. It was all a blur, I've been in a ton of accidents and this numbing daze flows over me.

I talked to the police, told them what happened. There was a ton of witnesses and a few hours later I had the remains of my car towed to a friend's body shop.

This was my only car and I drove everyday for my work. So I was fucked. The next few weeks was back and forth phone calls with my insurance, with her insurance, with the body shop. They decided that my car was a "total loss". They gave me about $5,000. It pretty much paid what I still owed on the car, but of course I needed a new one.


A month later I found an awesome deal on a toyota corolla, end of year sales and everything. More Debt. In the span of a month and a half I had business loans, car accidents, new car debt and tax bills and declining sales. The universe is a comedy haha. In an awesome way, having no car helped me get better at music making. I've created a ton of songs at the same time. The movements of the universe always have their counter movements.

In these last 6 months my sales have stabilized at about a fourth of where I need them to be. I drive way too much and easily get anxious about people crashing into me. I recently moved in with roommates for cheaper rent. Cryptos are essentially dead (just kidding) haha, I'm quickly running out of savings. But ultimately it's ok.

I learned a long time ago, the universe doesn't really give a fuck about you, but there are always golden paths out of anything.

Hope you enjoyed my art and words :)


Infinite Lovewaves


My honey. As always, I love your art, and love your words, and like Zippy and Pechi say, lots of us care for you, love you, give a mega big time fuck about you.
Especially me.
This change has to happen, like so many hard changes happening around you/me/us, and the spirals we find ourselves swirling along will join and a supernova will occur and then, what dreams we will be living, what goals we will achieve.
You are brave and smart and resourceful, I know this turbulence will ease into a smooth flow eventually because you achieve your goals, and you find a way.

Thank you honey. Spiraling lovewaves and supernovas, colorful dreams and all the goals. Thank you so much for everything Amy, let's shine together :)

We need art for the @canna-curate contests. I'll submit the page divider you made me.
Also I hope you find a way to make ends meet bud. I'm in a similar crossroads in life but thankfully my constant pursuit of education makes me feel comfortable in the fact that I am employable in many fields of work if I so choose to conform to a typical job.

Awesome! Thanks dude. I'm glad you got those opportunities from your hard work. I'll keep an eye out for future contests :)

I used to fix VCRs for a living at one time. That lasted until about 1991 or so before that market changed completely. VCRs became cheaper to replace than to repair.
About the only thing sure in life is change. We just have to adapt. I hope you can take care of this financial slump!

About the only thing sure in life is change.

So true @amberyooper, I will adapt. Thanks for the lovewaves :)

I'm sorry for what you're going through and I'm not going to say anything pithy like, when one door closes another opens, blah, blah, blah. What I've learned in life, is that sht happens and the true test of anyone's character is how we deal with that sht. Inevitably, things seem to work out, sooner or later.

Cool, you sold to Shaq. And I love your artwork :) Hope you find the "golden path" soon. It's out there. That much I'm sure of :)

Thanks for the comment.

Shit happens indeed and our path is our mindset and how we react to the shit haha. I will find a golden path, thanks for the wise and kind words.

You are most welcome @soundwavesphoton! I guess like the quote, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions", we can also say "the road to the golden path is paved with shit" haha

Hey buddy, you and I we didn't interacted so much on Steem, but I've have seen you on PAL and Helpie a few times, we had some funny/stupid conversations lol, and by seeing the friendly/good people that surround you I can say that you are a good guy too, what can I say about your article... maybe I don't have any valuable support/feedback to offer, but if that helps, I have passed through hard situations too, that type of circumstances that make you think that life doesn't make any sense, at that time I had thought about getting some psychological help to "fix" my life, and I did it, after reading and researching a lot about psychology I realized that the life and the universe, in fact, may don't have any sense at all, and I understand too, that if we want to be happy we need to accept that, being free of expectations, and by the way you narrate your experience on this article, I can say that you are going to overpass any other hard situation that crosses in your life, because you have accepted it, next step it's to trascend it.

Blessings, buddy, I'm looking forward to being in touch with you more often.

Thank you so much for this comment @joedukeg.

I realized that the life and the universe, in fact, may don't have any sense at all, and I understand too, that if we want to be happy we need to accept that, being free of expectations,

I feel this is very true. I will move forward onto the next stage of life :)

This is you dropping knowledge:

I think you are a warrior and a fighter. That's what life is about, highs and lows. The important thing is to know how to rise when we fall. Life is like a carousel, because you never know what destiny has in store for you. Moving forward with a sense of humor makes life more interesting. Ahead!

Thank you. Yes the highs and the lows make life interesting. The future looks bright :)

Hang in there bud ;) ! I can tell you from experience.. you can get over anything if you hold on to your fight long enough ! How many time's I've seen myself starting over but I always say.. as long as my head is working fine I can create new opportunities.. your true wealth is there.. and of course.. family , friends and people that DO care about you ! Just saying... let me know if I can help you in any way. Keep it up! Keep being awesome.. and keep sending fractal coffee. Lovewaves bro ;)

Thank you man. I'm glad i've met so many cool people such as yourself. Opportunities are endless as long as you stay creative, thanks for that :)

The artwork is awesome. As for life...yeah. We find a way to be strong and forge new roads to do what we need to do, and ultimately what we want to do. The key word for me is forward. Always forward, never back, and you will eventually find yourself where you need to and want to be.

Thank you Dino, gotta keep moving forward, the future does look bright, just have to get over the near term hurdles, thanks for stopping by :)

The waves they do come my friend. There are a ton of us here who are in almost constant dire straits. I struggle every month to stay ahead and out of jail, literally at this point. STEEMIT is our answer . We need to make this a way for sustaining ourselves since we are spending so much time creating andputting our content up here. I understand the HODL idea , I think we can invest and still pull a livable income. LET'S WORK. RESPECT

Hey thanks man, yeah these struggles are meant to overcome right? Lets WIN brotha :)

Oh, but we absolutely give a fuck about you. <3

I appreciate hearing more about your life, aside from the gorgeous music you so prolifically create. I've been in such a state of whiplash myself – all this universal comedy has really had a heyday with me of late – I didn't realize you were struggling, too.

Sending the warmest, zippiest lovewaves. May the coming months see an upturn in sales, a rise in crypto values and an abundance of alll the good stuff. xo!


Thank you Zippy, glad you appreciated it, mucho. Your kind words and well wishes mean a lot. I wish you the best healing foot waves and good stuff waves as well :)

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