Driving Fashion Light Switches Guns Freedom Of Speech Thugs Cookies Cops Distance Christmas

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

I’m pleasantly surprised with the people here in the UK and I’m not just saying that because I spent the beginning of this year in Central America amongst a Spanish community who despises English speaking human beings—the people here are just really cool. I’m from California, I’ve spent plenty of time between LA and DC in my 44 years. I’m a Union man, too, I’ve spent countless hours with tradesmen from across the US and Canada, I’ve met a lot of people in my #life.

Out of all of the places I’ve been and all of the people I’ve met across North America, both Central and South America and, now here, the kindest people are in the UK. They’re the friendliest, most courteous, outwardly helpful and just genuinely welcoming people I’ve met. ‘My sincerest apologies, Tennessee, I thought you’d reign forever!’

I hope you get the opportunity to experience England first hand. But that doesn’t mean our opinions aren’t ponds apart when it comes to a few basic, every day consistencies, that leads me to believe they’re just as logically challenged here as they are kind. Things I consider to be normal such as fashion, “rough,” or passing conversation are anything but normal in the UK and require some getting used to.



They drive on the wrong side of the road here and on the wrong side of the car. We’ve been here for three months and it still throws me for a loop each time I enter the ‘passenger side’ of an Uber vehicle, “no way—I’m not driving!” And then I remember the steering wheel is on the other side of the car here. That’s an obvious difference, everyone knows they drive on the wrong side of the road in the UK. But have you ever tried crossing a street on foot while looking behind you?

Backward vehicle traffic forces you to do that. It’s difficult, try it out next time you cross a street. Look over your shoulder, stare at the vehicle traffic behind you and imagine it’s approaching rather than distancing itself from you while proceeding in a forward walk. Continue walking forward while looking backward as you cross the paved street in front of you whose first and foremost purpose is intended to accommodate crossing vehicle traffic—heavy, moving, crossing, vehicle traffic. Try that out next time you’re in a crosswalk, let me know how much sense that makes.



They shop on the wrong side of the department store here too. Fellas wear skin tight pants here and a lot of the ladies wear bellbottom type raver pants that are so baggy you can’t see their shoes. Ladies wear gym pants, you’ll see dresses and skirts, too, often with leggings underneath them but the tightest pants are not worn by women here.

I know what it takes for girls to get into those pants, I’m married to a 10 who rocks tight pants. For those of you who are unaware, there’s a process these ladies have mastered in order to properly insert themselves into those pants, one false move could result in a flesh wound. A 6-pack of Bruce Lee kicks went into those pants, maybe even a round house depending on how #new they are. There’s squatting, kicking, a few duck walks in approximately five yard intervals, stand, squat, stand again, more karate kicks until eventually the buttons make contact and the flesh is sculpted.

Just not on dudes.

Fellas sculpt the veins in their calves and thighs with pants in the UK and the funniest part, if you have a wife who wears those pants, you know it takes two people to remove them—it’s a two person job. Those dudes have someone help them take their pants off at the end of the day—lying on the bed, on their back, feet in the air like dead livestock, “pull!” Sweat pants are tapered, too, even gym pants are tapered here. Socks, just kidding, but you know what I mean, everything that has anything to do with legs—tapered, tapered, tapered. Switches are backward here too.


Light Switches.

All three light switches above are in the Up position which means all three light switches above are in the Off position. Where I come from, On is Up and Down is Off which makes a lot of sense when you think about.

Everyone in the audience would point Up when referring to lights. I’ve yet to see a ceiling fan on the floor, that would be a floor-fan. Lights, more often than not, are above our head. The only lighting at foot level is perimeter lighting or landscaping—both are typically controlled from a location other than the light fixture. If you want to control lights in the UK, the lights that are above your head, if you want the room to light Up by using the light fixture that’s Up above you, flip the switch Down. Repeat steps backward to disconnect the light source—the light above you, Up above your head is still in the Down position which means On. Up means the light is Off, flip the switch Up—the Off position, lights out. Guns are backward here, too, only cops have them.

Thanks, Nast!

My buddy back home sent me that picture. You can’t have guns here, an asinine concept in my opinion and that’s not the worst part. The mentality and general public opinion here regarding guns is worse, it’s alarming. Brit’s aren’t just anti-guns, they’re in favor of some of the strictest control measures in the world and are pro-guns so long as only cops possess them?! A select few sporting rifles are permissible here, so are shotguns but that’s it, handguns are not to be owned by the general public and rifles are for hunting only.

It’s a lot different in the states. Your 18th birthday in the states means go down to one of the corner gun stores and purchase your very first legal shotgun. By the time most of my buddies turned 21, they had a decent assortment of weapons that are both protection and collections. Quite a few of them have full blown arsenal’s to the point I know where I’m going if tanks and helicopters begin assassinating their own people (that never happens).

I’m not one of those collectors, guns aren’t my thing, they never have been. But I’m more comfortable knowing they’re accessible by all of us and not just law enforcement. I think I could get away with saying all of this publicly, without fear of being reprimanded by gun toting officials in England, I just can’t threaten anyone or use curse words—no freedom of speech here.


Freedom of Speech.

That Johnny Cash poster is famous in the states. It’s available for purchase at just about any department store that sells posters—you’ll find it in the slot between Mariah Carey and the X-Men. Children can purchase it, teenagers, doesn’t matter, hang it up anywhere you want. Whether or not you’ll find that poster in the UK, I’m not sure, I’m not certain there isn’t a law against hanging it on your wall, however, the expression itself, “fuck you” while flying a middle finger like that in someone’s face is illegal here—you’ll go to jail for that.

Startling, isn’t it? An F bomb on a blog that hasn’t dropped a curse word for over two years? That’s called freedom of speech—they don’t have that here. It’s called a negative right to freedom of expression under the common law in the UK which means telling someone “fuck you” and sticking your middle finger in their face is punishable by law.

Epitome of opportunistic—my first curse wOrd. I got to drop an F bomb, too, imagine that, out of all bombs I could’ve dropped—that’s my point. I choose not to drop curse words out of respect to the platform (the gate’s open now), not because it’s the law. It’s never been against the law for me to say what I think—that should be worldwide.

You shouldn’t be subject to penalty if you said Donald Trump and Boris Johnson have a tea bagging love affair and jerk each other off in the Oral Office to Kim Jung Hilary Clinton Wu memes, see what I mean? That’s normal to me, not what was said, having the right to say it. You can’t do that in the UK, you’ll go to jail for saying that, especially if you post it on the internet! They have a really strict policy that regulates online speech here.


Fact—“thugs” in the search bar at Unsplash dot com returns an orange and white feline with a nose like Rocky Balboa. That must be a UK thing, too, gangster kitty’s.



That’s what I expected to find when I typed thugs—figures it’s an A&E special. No thugs in the UK. No gangsters on the streets here, they don’t exist here. We’ve stayed north, east, south and now west since arriving in the UK in June and have been told “that’s a rough area” multiple times. Especially about Hull—we stayed there for a month. Everyone told us “Hull is rough” and our new location, L4 in Liverpool, “it’s rough over there,” they said. Anywhere you can jog at two o’clock in the morning and strangers on the sidewalk say “good morning” and “excuse me” doesn’t count as rough—disqualified!

Private residences are invaded at two o’clock in the afternoon in California, broad daylight, homeowners are gagged and zip-tied while their possessions are loaded, one by one, into the waiting moving van that’s double-parked outside. People are robbed at gunpoint, car-jacked, kidnapped, murdered and worse in California and that’s just LA—not “rough.” Rough to me is the more sinister stuff, I guess, all of those other things are unspeakable, don’t get me wrong, but smuggling crack in infant human carcasses is rough.

Could you imagine being robbed in England? I can’t. It would sound way too cool, they’re too polite here to rob anyone, and who’s going to submit to a robber you know doesn’t have a gun that says ‘excuse me’ in a British accent before demanding your money?

“G’day.. ‘escuse’meh sir, pardon me, I d’maund ye haund ova olive yaw pounds ott twunce, chap, now haund e’tova—c’mon! M’mate needin’er biscuits, yea!”



You can’t visit a website in the UK without accepting terms and conditions, not a single website—none, zero, zilch, every.single website requires you to grant access to your browsing history, “cookies,” before proceeding.


I put cookies in quotations because when I mentioned that to some friends we met here, they didn’t know what I was talking about. We were having conversation about differences between here and there, I told them how weird it is having to accept cookies before we can visit a webpage here.


They said “yeah, that’s perfectly normal, but what are cookies?


Cookies is a record of your browsing history—that accept button you always click. Each visit, browse, click, read you do online is analyzed, recorded and sold at your expense.


There’s a whole bunch of literature available about marketing and how tech gurus develop algorithms designed to track your cookies and then use that web history to generate advertizements specific to your wants and needs.


I’m not saying the US isn’t tracking every.single step we make online, not at all. But they must be tracking us without requiring cookies because back home, when a website denies access until I accept cookies, I just exit out of it and go to the next one—for every 20 sites that allows access, there might be one that requires cookies. You can’t do that here, you either click accept or don’t surf, there’s no way around it.



I’ve spoken with police officers here in England, an actual conversation, they’re really kind like everyone else here. I’ve asked them for help locating the proper train at the station, whose mansion that is with the live orchestra, they’re helpful every time and not intimidating at all. They’ll even continue the conversation until you interrupt them, “sorry, my train departs in three minutes,” just to learn your impression of England and tell you how much they wish they could visit California.

In California, I’ve had my vehicle searched, completely disassembled and left in pieces only to be told “I’ll wait here with my lights on for you while you put it back together” on the side of Interstate 40 because I dialed 9-1-1 to report a small child walking on the side of the road—I ended up being the one on trial:

“What’s your business here?” “Where are you going?” “Reason for going there?” “Who’s your employer?” “Is there anything in your vehicle I should know about?” “Name, age, got any ID?” “Is there anything in your pockets?” “Turn around and face the car, place both hands on the hood.” etc etc etc etc...

In the US, they don’t even look like cops anymore. Those aren’t the same guys who came to my elementary school and taught all of us how to assist elderly people crossing the street.



That’s the view from our balcony. I rushed out there to snap that picture because that’s the first sunset we’ve seen since June—the sun doesn’t shine here, that’s another one. Here’s a current image of the same view:


That’s not what this section about, though, see the stadium in the distance? That’s Anfield, a 45,000 capacity football stadium where Liverpool Football Club plays football—the one with a round ball you kick with your feet. When I see the stadium, it looks about 20 minutes away, that’s how we factor distance in the US—time.

Here, distance is measured in length. A local resident doesn’t see the distance to the stadium as time, they see it as a mile and a quarter or 1,000 meters or however far away they think it is—its literal location. We’ve been programmed in the US to schedule our movements, everything from what we’re doing the next four weekends in a row to the vacation we’re planning two years ahead of time to the distance we understand that stadium to be. Everything is factored by time—payday, Friday, starting time, break time, commute time, laundry time. etc etc etc etc...

The distance between now and Christmas is a lot closer in the UK than it is in the US, check this out, Halloween costumes get shoved against the back wall to make room for Christmas and Halloween is still four weeks away. There’s already two aisles of Christmas in this store, they got an early start—September.



Merry Christmas❗️



Only one so far, you must be off your game on this one. 😂

Now I want to eat Christmas cookies while running in my tight pants at 2am and shouting expletives along the way....though that's just another Monday in Atlanta. 😜


That sounds pretty Rough, plants.

Maybe it’s because they don’t do Thanksgiving Here maybe?? I still don’t think that’s a good enough reason to string Christmas lights in September but I didn’t know what Yalanji was until I got here either so.....

You’re very kind plants, thanks for keeping up with me around here, I really appreciate it.

I forgot about the “1.” Yeah, what’s up with that?! They’re tearing at my emotions.. I’m like “why me?!” One day and “where’d they go?!” The next.

Seems you are finally getting the UK down...the driving for me would be the hardest adjustment. I really don't like those stretch pants on guys, weird.
As far as freedom of speech, I never realized you could be arrested there for speaking out, so to speak. If using the f-bomb gets you arrested, wow!
Can you imagine trying to enforce that in the USA...never gonna happen.
Enjoy life my friend. I enjoyed your informative and eye-opening post.

Isn’t it insane?? I’m such a Privileged and naive American, I always assumed it’s cool to say whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want—Nope!

That’s just the F bomb, if you threaten your neighbor at all or swear at them offensively, they can call the cops and they have the right to fine you a minimum £80 ($105) right on the spot just because you said “I hope you die” to your neighbor. Crazy, right?!

Thank you so much for continuing to support what I’m doing around here @farm-mom, you and Sweed have been so encouraging. I’m averaging over 20 downvoted per post—not sure what that’s about.

Hello Arts, I just saw a red arrow on my steemworld account a day or so ago. But whomever it was, they had like a 29 rep with no vote power at all, and they had no money or sp. It was weird, but I guess what I was seeing was my 1st downvote.??

Well good morning @farm-mom, God bless you guys and that farm today—happy Saturday! 👍🏿

A red arrow huh? Well, at least you don’t have as many as each of my blogs, I’m averaging over 20 now each article. Bout 22n1/2 actually.

Buncha’fa King toddlers.


Those tight pants on males, can easily cause embarrassment to other (straight) males caught checking out the asses before seeing the bearded face attached to it. It happened to me at an Airport one day, years ago...The guy had beautiful long, golden hair too, standing on line in front of me. The beard and mustache ruined the whole fantasy for me though :>)

“I can name that song in 3 notes!”

West Hollywood, got to a new project, the superintendent introduces himself, formality, yata yata.... well dude I’m from Long Beach—I’ve seen it all. Super said something to extent of everyone looks the same here, be careful or you may be soliciting a man. Again, I’ve seen it all...

One afternoon leaving that project @angryman, a dude with really long blonde hair, a great figure and the tightest little bootie shorts really had my attention for a really long time—Danget!! I almost wrecked my car over that man! 😉

Thanks for checking this one out, sir, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you.

People from Tennessee , the nicest .... I don’t know about that .... lol

The tight short pants on men ... I’m not a fan . Lol

But I do love Christmas and everything Christmas ( despite the fact that I’m not Christian / Catholic .

Of course you love Christmas, everyone does. How’s it going @anonymity5? I haven’t heard from you for a minute, nice to see you again.

We’re going to see what Christmas looks like in Rome, stay tuned, 😉 I’ll keep you posted.

Have you been to Tennessee? You don’t think they’re the nicest? Where’s your nicest people, anonymity? Can’t wait.

It’s going . Lol .... thanks 😊 ... it’s been a busy few days .. I try to keep busy to busy when I’m awaiting news ..... Downtime is the worst for an over thinker ... lol .

Yea, I went to Nashville this past summer for a week..... although I guess I can’t judge all of Tennessee based on the people in Nashville .. lol. I must say they were very happy people .... and a lot of drunks.... but I don’t know about the nicest people.

Where are the nicest people ? I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have to think about that ..... bc people tend to be more selfish than genuinely nice.... most people are nice to you bc they expect to get something in return ... lol .

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"Anywhere you can jog at two o’clock in the morning and strangers on the sidewalk say “good morning” and “excuse me” doesn’t count as rough" lmao that is 2 funny lol.

And the "sorry Tennessee " lol. Wow i feel like im in class/school. Interesting read, i also liked the gun part.

Not the freaking cookies, no no freaking cookies please.

England sounds like a very interesting place, thank you for the walk through. I cant believe the pants and that you dropped a F b. Have an awesome day @dandays and watch out for those gangsters.

Yoooo! My first virtual human interaction all day, what’s up @idig? Thanks for checking this one out, I’m glad you liked it.

I’ve been taking notes for a little bit so I don’t forget the super subtle differences, figured I got to 10—time to post it! Thanks for commenting dude, I really appreciate knowing what ya’all think of this stuff.

England is dope. 👍🏿 Awesome day right back atcha, sir.

F Bomb, huh? Where? Oh that? Nah, that was just an example of freedom of speech.

Howdy sir dandays! lol...this is great, I love hearing about the everyday stuff and ways that the Brits are different. The people are the nicest but how do you know it's not just because you're American? Because you said they treat Americans wonderfully.

The police thing is VERY interesting, what a difference! Ours are scary. Well, except in small towns, like the local ones here are very nice.

I know about the gun issue by talking to Brits online and they have no clue as to why anyone would ever need guns. How quickly people forget history. Of course guns are totally for defensive purposes(except for hunters) but they only see them as offensive weapons.

The tight pants subject makes me gag. lol.

Tremendously entertaining and informational post sir dandays, great job.

@janton, good morning from the UK. If I was a gambler, I’d wage you really enjoyed this article according to the response—that’s awesome! Thanks, Janton, I’m glad you liked this one.

Certainly they’re kind because we’re American but, whatever the reason, I’ll take it!! It’s fascinating to think about intonation, too, sir. I’m just now realizing what the wOrd really means. The locals here can literally tell I’m from Ca, but can’t tell Pura so much. I’m learning when people think of the states, they think about California, certainly because of Hollywood but that’s what they think when they think of Ca. Well, the voices they hear on TV, Radio, etc are from LA, not San Diego, San Francisco, etc, they heat LA. Well, that’s my voice so when they hear it, it’s like “awe!” I hope that makes sense. It’s really interesting.

Yeah, I don’t call 911 for help in the states and I know better than to make eye contact with law enforcement. Here, however, just another human being who drinks tea.

How’s Jack? You two got anything planned today?

Howdy today sir dandays! Very interesting and that does make sense. I just don't know if I like them judging America by California's ways! lol. But it is what it is.

If you were to take one place that most typifies America and refer that place to people...I don't know where that would be. We're so varied that one place won't do.

All I know is if you ask anyone outside of CA if CA represents their thinking and values 9 out of 10 would say No Way! lol. But the important thing is that they like Americans so I'm grateful for that.

Jack is great, sleeping at my feet as I type this, the Missus is working today and after my morning steemit time I'll be in the garage working on our Jeep, replacing the oil pan.

Nah, they judge America based on Donald Trump. Not based against California, they just recognize the California voice, intonation, slangs as California, everything else is English or Canadian. Ha! 👍🏿

They judge America based on Donald Trump? Great. But they still like you guys thank goodness but maybe they think you're crazy and would be good entertainment to have around!

Ha! Yeah, this isn’t something I just made up, Janton, i have a sentence that goes like this when I’m approached about Trump, “I know you better than i know him and I don’t know you at all, we just met.”

Oh that's a good one sir dandays! Well I figure all of Europe thinks he's crazy. So they would wonder about us for electing him.

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