My Deep Dark Secret, Mixed up with the Ancient EgyptianssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life5 years ago

Wake up! I shouted in my head. In my semiconscious state I forced my weighted eyelids open again. You are supposed to be writing…something. I shifted around in my seat a bit, propping myself up like I was preparing for great things, but then I stared at the fake light of the empty screen. What is it I am writing about tonight?


I filtered back through my day. The children and I played a little game I like to call Incognito. Actually the children were oblivious, I played a little game of Incognito. Basically, this is a game where you walk around doing your normal everyday life things with people you just met that you happen to really like, but you are harboring a deep dark secret. It is a game of lies. Because lies are fun, you know?

That was a lie. Lies are not fun. Lies suck. They are a heavy burden to carry, even when you aren’t fully lying. I didn’t lie to the nice new acquaintances I had acquired, I was simply withholding a bit of important information—the deep dark secret.

I stopped filtering through my day to twist my hair around my finger, and then untwist. I watched the golden strands swivel wildly off my finger, like a snake charging through the grass. Get back to work! I shouted in my head again, and instantly set my fingers on the keyboard.


So there I was with my kids and a lovely new homeschool group. While the children frolicked, the ladies and I talked. The ladies were the sort of women that didn’t wear makeup, didn’t drive new vehicles, and looked you in the eye while talking. Education was the topic of discussion, and it wasn’t pettiness, like how to decorate the homeroom door. On top of it all, these ladies were nice. It was the whole package. It was a homeschooling mom’s fantasy. But damn it, I had the deep dark secret.

I nodded off again. I jerked upright and looked cautiously at my surroundings. There was no sunlight coming in. I looked at the time. Twenty minutes had passed. Back to work!

This evening I sat at the dinner table with my husband and children. And I spoke the secret words, because the husband knew the deep dark secret already.

“These are church ladies. You know it is impossible to find a secular homeschool group around here. I’ve been nodding and smiling when they talk about their church activities. I just haven’t found a way to mention to them that I don’t believe in church. I believe in God, but not church. If I try to explain that to them, they will give me a blank stare and I will become that lady.”


Here is Ra, if you are an ancient Egyptian.

“God’s name is Ra,” the boy spoke up suddenly. We have been studying ancient Egypt. Explaining the idea that different cultures believed in different gods is a bit of a slippery slope with a five-year-old. My husband looked at my face and started to laugh, reading my mind.

I knew better than to say what I was thinking, because when you tell a five-year-old boy not to do something, it has a way of happening anyway. Please, please don’t say that at our next group meeting, I chanted in my head as I began the lecture on how Ra belonged to a completely different place and time.

I started blinking my eyes to evaluate which contact lens was fuzzier. Definitely the left eye. That one is practically a stained glass window.

I’m undecided what I’m going to do about the deep dark secret. I think I’m going to keep it close to my chest. I’m the quiet type, but I smile a lot. People fill in the blank with whatever they like that matches my smile, and draw their own conclusions. Then by the time they find out, they will already be in love with me, and it will be too late.


That’s my plan.

Immediately preceded by sleep.


I'm the quiet type too ;) And a homeschooler, so double get it, I guess.
Hmm, if they're decent people, seems to me it shouldn't be a problem. Though I know life is far less ideal usually and people are judgmental and generally shitty to each other for the tiniest reason.

But you're right, best not to tell them, why rock the boat? ;) Good luck with your dark secret! :D

I am feeling optimistic about these ladies. I think they might just be open-minded, but time will tell. In both ways - as time goes by they are bound to figure it out.

Thanks for stopping by.

I think it's a sad testimony to Christianity that you would feel you need to be concerned about revealing the "dark secret". ....and I'm sorry about that.

I live in the bible belt too and was raised going to church on Sundays. I do consider myself a follower of Christ's teachings, but not in a fanatical way. Every belief has their lunatic fringe it seems and ours is VERY loud and sometimes very ugly.

I won't pretend to know the best answer on it, but I don't feel you are obligated to explain anything. It does seem you are concerned about it with the way you wrote it though. If you do decide to lay it all out there, I hope they are kind and loving and pull you closer...... and turn out to be shining examples of the love of God as they should be.

Overall I have had a positive experience with church-goers. They are usually very friendly and kind-hearted, but run in clicks. I met a lady in my neighborhood and we have a lot in common and both like each other, but she is always hesitant to connect (and knows nothing about our religious opinions other than I don't attend her church). I've come to realize that all of her friends go to her church, and she knows no one else. She is an extreme example, although the homeschoolers can be that way too. It makes sense, a lot of them keep their kids out of the school system because they want them raised in a very christian environment.

I have a strong feeling you are a good representative of your religion :)

Whoever that hand-model is has lovely nails. So refreshing to see natural nails rather than nails manipulated into brightly festooned claws or talons.

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Thanks. It is nice to hear someone say that. These days people only seem to appreciate "brightly festooned claws or talons." In all truthfulness, they grow like weeds and are really strong, so I'm just lazy and don't want to constantly trim them. Besides, I'm totally prepared to cat claw someone to pieces should it become necessary ;)

Well, I would condone the use of your nails for the purpose of cat-clawing anyday, goes without saying really. 😊 cats will someday rule the world after all.

It's such a good look in my opinion, natural nails I mean. Sure, festoon them for a special occasion but natural is the way to go mostly.

Hopefully you guys all have a great weekend. Enjoy whatever is on the menu for Saturday morning breakfast then fly into the weekend!

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Thanks. I am just waking up, which is a pleasantly late time. Now to the kitchen. Saturday morning pancakes it is :)

Mmm pancakes!

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You are such a great writer! I am very happy to be in a group of homeschool families tgat are not church people - all mixed, some belonging to certain churches, most just to their own personal beliefs and everybody is open and accepting. but that is easy when it's mixed. if you are the only odd one out, I see it's a bigger problem. Even if you are accepted with the belief you have, you might always feel out in a way. Good luck though, and by the way - I'd just tell them before it starts being too complicated - secrets sucks! 😚

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Your group sounds great. Unfortunately in my area all the homeschool groups are religion based. There are a few scattered individuals that are not, but there has been no success in bringing them together. I actually really like the church ladies, because despite our basic religious differences, we do have in common the effort to follow a sort of life philosophy/moral code. It makes for really nice, quality people. I get the feeling these ladies may be a bit more accepting than some of the others I have seen. I suppose time will tell.

Don't get me started on the church! Held my country back decades but now we are giving it the two fingers. Secular is the way we are going. Thank Christ (not really thanking christ)

It is a delicate balance for us. We are basically a secular family. We live in the southern most tip of the Bible belt, and certainly the fervor is appealing. But at the end of the day organized religion doesn't make sense to us, although while in nature I certainly feel a sense of what probably started religion in the first place.

Yeah I was gonna mention the Bible Belt but I didnt know if you were in its location. Over here in Europe we think the Bible Belt is a bit like a mad cult quoting “the scripture” 😂😂😂. Which it is I suppose. You are right not to go near it.

Love those shots of the sun peeking through the trees. 😁

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I love sun photos! I'm one of those crazy people that ignores the beautiful scene laid out before me, so that I can try to get a starburst picture of the sun :)

I just came for the cookie!

Haha! If only. I still have so many.

A winning strategy for sure. And golden? Ha! I thought your hair was dark!

It is dark, but the sun bleaches chunks of it. Free highlights. Ra is quite thoughtful at times.

Ra bestows many gifts even if they must be secret at times!!

Explain that to my son, and everything will be just fine ;)

I'm in it for Ra! Such an intelligent civilization. The day will come when my children will be ready to listen and learn about ancient egypt and their gods. I think its pretty awesome your 5yr old is already talking about it!

I love that stuff too, which is part of why we are already thoroughly covering it. I can't get enough of history. We have just finished up with the nomads, and moving on to the more interesting stuff.

I love the nature elements of all the gods and goddesses.

Right! :D

I'm still learning a lot of stuff about ancient egypt and thats one of the things that I love about it. There is so much to it that it's almost never ending. So much to learn about the people, the structures, their language, their religion, the agriculture, all of it, how they knew about astrology, how they knew it would be pyramids that would withstand against the laws of nature. There is just so much. I love it.

There is so much there just isn't enough time to learn it all! But I suppose kids aren't supposed to at one time. We revisit and build on our knowledge. We are doing a bunch of crafty things right now to reenforce understanding for a 5 year old. He just built a model of the Nile complete with grassy banks, and flooded it. Such fun :)

WHAAAA? How awesome is that! I would love to know how to teach my kids. Given we don't homeschool (not right now anyways) so their minds are already full :/

Teaching is not as hard as it sounds. The hardest part is not setting stringent expectations and trying to force them on the kids.

I can understand that. I can see that being hard actually.

haha! you totally fake them out with a smile! lol. Very wise ginnyannette! maybe you need to wash that left contact!

I am happily wearing my glasses at the moment, and my eyeballs thank me :)

haha! good for you ginnyannette!

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